
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Ticking time bomb

"Slay the bitch

An unnamed demon has insulted the demon of pride. This is unacceptable.

Punishment: 5 days in hell (real hell)

Reward: 10 free points

Time limit: 5 days"

One minute was already tough, and the worst part was that time almost got slower. When there was no room for thoughts, and only pain, unbearable suffering. Time dissapeared, and all that remained was counting. Counting was never accurate, and when you wanted it to end it would go on.

Zach couldn't imagine what 5 days in hell would feel like, one minute was too much. He needed to kill her. But, it seemed like an impossible task. Not morally, morally Zach was completly fine with murder.

He had lived as filth and had learnt to treat others as filth as well. What he had a problem with, was the punishment, and then also being able to kill her.

Last time they had met, he felt and sensed that he was weaker. Now however they would have to fight. The fight was inevitable, Zach knew it. His barrier was also hers. But it wouldn't last, and they would have to fight soon.

This game him an advantage, the element of suprise. But more than that he wouldn't have, and that only lasted for a fraction of a second. After contemplating the problem, he decided to ask the demon.

'How do I get stronger?' He asked, which felt wrong since he did it mentally. And he had never had to ask himself a question.

Space warped around him, and he found himself on that same flaming path. With demons above him whipping him, and pain ravaging his soul. When he got out he was sweatier than before.

'WHAT THE HELL!' He shouted at the demon.

' I said no dumb questions, you hairless ape!' The demon responded infruitated.

Zach decided that he wouldn't press his luck further on that aspect. He needed to learn how to fight humans, real humans. He looked towards his right, to find the chubby little demon sitting there.

'What are you looking at?'

He'd wait for night time, and when night time struc…

"Hey dumbass, long time no see." The mocking voice came from the entrance, and there beside him stood two other boys. Zach recognized them, and sadly they seemed to have recognized him.

"So you've gotten stronger,' the boy was clearly looking at his watch, 'well let's check how much stronger you've gotten precisely." And the boys started sprinting at him. All three of them had a three on their watches. Even the water elementalist.

But before they could reach him, they heard a large bang on the wall. The wall that seperated the corridor from the room. The bang was so loud and hard that it shook and reverberated the air around them. Another punch, and punch, the punches inches closer to the door.

The four of them all stared at the door, and when the punches reached the door, it instead opened. And in walked Tom. "Are you blind? or maybe deaf? Or perhaps both. Do you think it's night time now?" The three students had feared this.

He walked closer to them, and stopped when he was rats width away from their faces. "And of all places, you choose to start a fight, in my area?" He whispered the last part, but it might as well of been a roar because the students were shaking.

They didn't know Tom, they had only passed by him in the corridors and that had been uneventful. They weren't shaking because of a traumatic history, or because he looked especially dangerous.

They were shaking, and Zach knew this because he felt it, because Toms aura was so vile, and disgusting, and repulsing, and murderous, and incredibly focused on them. That not shaking was impossible, right now they tried their hardest not to soil themselves.

'Are you sure that man is an angel?' Zach asked the prideful demon who sat on his shoulder laughing.

'I never said he was an angel, I said he's a fallen angel. And let me tell you, angels can do some pretty wicked stuff without losing their status.

Whimpering, one of the students, the aggressor, said, "It was he who attacked us, we were just defending ourselves!" He ended the statement with some sort of created self righteousness.

"Oh, so that's why you three was running at him?" The student was silent, he didn't dare say anything. Clearly his lie wouldn't go further. "First you fight inside of my area, and now you lie to my face."

The aura which Zach thought was on full blast increased its intensity, even though Zach wasn't the target he even began shaking subconsciously. Tom grabbed the three students by the shirt, picked them up and walked out.

He was to go and get them expelled. Because if, he was successful in that matter he could send them out into space without any gear. And that was certain death for them.

Zach felt a bit down, he actually wanted that fight. He felt like he almost needed it, because he needed some sort of experience. He would soon verse an opponent much, much stronger than that.

Zach walked over to the 3d printer still shaking, and he looked at his watch. He didn't want to try to face a new creature, but he could apparently verse two monkeys. He tried clicking on the small buttons on his watch, but he couldn't stop himself from shaking.

"Are you sure you want me to kill him?"

He was sent back to hell. Where he suffered and burned for a whole minute before coming back.