
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Sweet revenge!

"You have to be careful son," the strongest demon spoke to his son that would be leaving home, "humans are stupid and no threat to you, but they aren't the only ones out there."

"Who should I be afraid of dad?"

"There's this demon that calls himself the prideful demon, if you ever encounter him. Do not aggrieavate him, or try to befriend him, or do anything related to him. You're one goal is to escape from him."

"Why dad? Am I not the strongest, and why haven't I heard of him if he's so strong?"

"Because we banished him a long, long time ago. But rumour has it, he's reawaken."

"You banish a demon, what could he of done to deserve that? I've never heard of a demon being banished before.


"There are two days left, if we include today. And from the looks of it, only three of you have points." Tom sighed, "Anything can happen, right?"

Then he walked out of the classroom, and then the usual happened. Except this time, donkey face wasn't around to try to start a conversation. So people just trickled out of the classroom at their own rate.

Soon the band of idiots left the room as well, without donkey face or whatever his name was, there was no point.

Jim and Marvin had grown in strength a lot, and quickly too. The fighting training Jim had been doing was paying off real big and Marvin had a much better control over his electricity now.

In a few weeks, they could even aim to level up their ability. But, for now Zach had something in mind. "Hey guys, remember those guys that beat us up in the shower, why don't we pay them a visit, I heard they have to clean the toilet for a month."

"Toilets?" Jim responded, "what are those?"

"Yeah I didn't know about them either at first," Zach responded, "Apparently they're some rich creation you can shit in."

"What's the point in that when you can shit on the floor like I've been doing?"

"I dunno, but that's not the worst part. Here they have something called toilet paper. Guess what it's for."

"Paper the toilet makes?"

"No, it's for wiping your own arse."

Jim and Marvin both broke into a laughter, but then they saw that Zach wasn't laughing alongside them. "Wait, you're actually serious?" Jim went, "there's no way," Marvin said.

They walked towards the toilet area, there was quite a few toilet's around the school. Each one of them smelled nice and looked clean and fancy. The problem was that they didn't find the group they had been searching for.

Then, as they were walking in to the last room, and the room that smelled the worst by far, Zach heard a familiar voice. "I can't believe we're doing this. When I get my hands on that little…" By that point they had turned the corner and they saw the students

They were all doing different things, such as cleaning the toilet and wiping the window, and one person was mopping the floor. But what they all had in common was a shiny pink cleaning clothes. The type you have to scoff at when you see.

When they walked into the toilet, one of them was about to say "you're not allowed to be here." But stopped half way when he noticed who it was. Zach without waiting for a response created his whip, and sent a whip towards one of the students.

The student being whipped created a really small shield of iron, but it blocked the whip perfectly. Jim had already ran forward, he used his flash and kick move. The leg twisted through the air and struck the metal ability user hard enough to send him flying straight into the wall.

The other two students had completely dropped whatever they were doing and focused their attention on fighting. Who were they to lose to such weak ability users. The water ability user conjured up a bunch of water balls around him.

The other student seemingly punched the air, but after two seconds Zach felt a hard punch strike him right in the chin. Then Marvin cast a tiny thunderbolt right at the boy with shadow punching abilities.

He got electrocuted and fell down on the floor still convulsing. Jim ran over to him and stomped on his head. Two waterballs flew towards his direction and Jim dodged both of them. The last one was about to hit him when Zach whipped it, effectively breaking the waterball.

The last remaining student, instead of trying to fight them, pleaded with them. He held two points in his hand which he signalled for them to take. Tears and snot ran down his face, his eyes were shiny and his face pointed towards the ground.

Jim walked up to him and struck him in the face. Then he grabbed his hair, twisted his hands to gain a better grip and smashed him towards the dirty toilet wall until he passed out. Then they walked to each student taking the points which they had stolen of them.

"Quest completed! - Reward given"

"kill them," The demon almost ordered Zach. He heard the voice from the outside instead of his head, he heard it close to his left ear. He looked towards his shoulder and found the fat apple looking demon sitting there.

He had been so focused on fighting that he had completely forgotten about him. However, he didn't talk back, that would have looked really weird. Instead he thought, 'why'.

"Dumbass!" The demon shouted, "killing humans is the best way to gain experience."

Even though Zach didn't say anything he dismissed the idea. He didn't want to risk anything. Suddenly, they heard a toilet flush. One of the bathroom stalls opened and out of it stepped Tom.

He stood still, his eyes going to the person knocked out by the window, to the person on the floor with a hand that wouldn't stop shaking, to the person who's head had been smashed into the toilet wall, to Jim standing above the body, to Zach who had guilt all over his face, and to Marvin who looked proud.

He walked away, he couldn't give less shits. It wasn't in his area afterall, he wasn't responsible.