
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

those damn 2nd graders

The next day in the morning they were all seated in their home classroom, this time they got seats far back. All of them had large black circles under their eyes from practicing their ability too much over the night.

But they weren't the only ones with black eyes, more than half the classroom had black eyes because of the shouting that happened last night. All the students were trying to figure out who it was.

The murmurings in the class instantly died down the second Tom entered the room. "Let's get this over with, who lost their points." More than half the class took up their hands, "And who here took another person's points?" and one third of the classroom's hands went up.

"This went as expected. I want to remind everyone that after this day there will be a mere 5 days before we kill the weakest student here, make sure to work out."

"That's all for today, you're dismissed." And then he barged out of the room first, it really showed that he couldn't be bothered staying in the classroom.

Once again the same people that had left first last time did so again, and nobody really had anything to speak about so they all left. The band of idiots all went to the gym to get more familiarized with their abilities.

Whilst Jim and Marvin had very coordinated techniques for training, Zach was stuck playing yo-yo's with his ability. He decided to ask the prideful demon for some sort of assistance.

"Try to harden it."

That was all he said, it was quite obvious now that he was trying to conserve energy. Zach started doing exactly that though. When his ability flew out of his hand, he tried to harden it before it would eventually go back into the center.

He saw the colour in it change slightly, it became slightly lighter which Zach thought was the liquid being hardened. It changed very little, he would almost have missed it. Meanwhile Marvin was learning how to send out an a shock.

He had quickly learnt how to make a small buzz from on his fingers, he couldn't send it away yet.

"Quest completed - rewards given!"

He opened his stats page, he had earnt two free points from practicing with his ability.



Race: Human

Ability: Demons Torture level 1

Level: 1

Xp to next level 0/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 18

Agility : 13

Intelligence: 7

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 2


He put them both into intelligence turning the total up to 9. And when he did that he felt two cold hands cup his eyes, "guess who it is," an stereotypical feminine voice uttered. And then he heard, "it's me." In a broken deep demon voice.

"Did you know that killing another demon made you stronger? Especially so with a named demon. Sadly, I can't imagine a named demon being as weak as you." Once again Zach felt fury boil up inside of him.

Zach lost control of his body, his body turned around to face the girl and in the most demon-like and evil and dark voice there was exclaimed. "I am the prideful demon you bitch, don't you dare look down on me. You filthy unnamed demon."

Her face broke into a smile. "Oh really, that makes you a lot more interesting. We'll be meeting later I guess." She had changed back into her human voice and then smiled with a wink before walking away.

"That absolute fucking tras…"

Once again the demon's energy ran out. Zach felt sweat trickle down from his forehead. He did not feel safe anymore, her face had been smiling and kind but her eyes were screaming at him. "I will slaughter you, the first real chance I get.

Jim walked over to Zach, "Hooly that girl was hot, how do you know her?" Zach stared at Jim, thinking about whether to tell the truth, "she's a goddamn freak man."

"If I had freaks following me, I'd want them to look like that. A rat wouldn't shit on her." "Fuck off." Zach said in a smile, "Fuck you." Jim joked before walking back and continuing his training.

They had worked out for 10 more hours getting Zach 5 more points. He spent them all on intelligence bringing his total to 14. He felt like he had a much better grasp over the substance, he didn't have to swing his arm anymore for it to leave his body. And he could harden it more than before making it like a tightly tied rope.

"Night time has begun"

When it had begun they were all exhausted. Which was terrible timing because the group of second years just entered the gym after they had realized that they would be there.

They quickly restrained them. They snapped their fingers, making the bone exit through the flesh, making blood trickle down and then they continued to snap each finger like that over and over. Then Greg burnt their hands to crisp. For two hours straight did they get beaten up.

"Quest gained!"

"Slay the sons of bitches

Beat the second graders so bloody that they won't mess with you again.

Reward: 20 freepoints."

Once again The band of idiots passed out from the pain and found themselves in the medical area. They had bandages all over their body, but due to the nurses and doctors healing abilities they were practically as good as new in very little time.

It was a new morning, they went to their home classroom and then they continued working out. At this time every single person in the school was working out their ability, physical, or experience. Because nobody wanted to be killed for being the weakest. Not a single soul.