
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


"Fiyaaahhhhh!" The ogers screamed.

They all charged Greg, and swung their giant clubs at him. The fire which had been covering Greg's face disappeared and his pupils dilated.

He used one of the most advanced moves in his arsenal, by creating a humanoid figure of fire a few meters away he could warp there. He narrowly avoided the clubs, which shook the entire room as they landed. They made a dent in the hard metal floor.

Marvin made his move and ran for the electricity book in the middle of the shop. The ogers were still focused on Greg, and killing the fire.

Normally Ogers weren't as paranoid as fire, but these happened to come from a village that had been burnt down when they were barely infants. This had left a horrific mental scar making them relieve the same emotions as before when they saw fire.

Jim also took this opportunity and ran into the shop, the speed books were quite common, he grabbed lvl 2 and lvl 3 as they were closeby. Zach didn't know what to do, he didn't need a book but he couldn't run away.

Quite literally, the ogers were so fat that they were clogging the entrance, one of them was on all fours trying to fit their fat dumb head through the entrance, in order to find Greg. And Greg had already run far away.

Marvin grabbed a lvl 1 and lvl 2 electricity book which were quite heavy. And then he looked towards the exit, the ogers were still preoccupied with the entrance but they would soon turn around and spot them.

If they couldn't escape they needed to hide, but they didn't know where. They looked around, they could hide behind the pillars on which the books rested, there was also a second place. Behind the clerks counter, there was a small empty space.

The band of idiots all ran towards it and dove into the clerks workplace. The desk was like a box that was open on one side and closed on the other, they crawled into the box which was illuminate by red light.

They were stiller than a rat in front of a blind cat. They were so silent that they put a stalking lion to shame. They didn't dare move an inch.

Zach saw how Jim and Marvin huddled into a ball, both their eyes stretched out and their skin tense. There was a tension in the air, something that commanded silence.

Then they heard the evil voice, that sounded really just. "Night time is over, return to your rooms:"And then they heard another voice, quite a high pitched voice. "Alright, time to get back into the cage. "Uu aa" the Ogers mumbled in agreement, today had been to much for them.

Soon Zach couldn't hear their deep breaths, he wearily stuck his head out, to find no ogres and a teacher putting a glass cube on every pedestal. The second he stuck his head out the teacher noticed them.

It was a girl, rather short, her nose was short, ears slightly longer than normal, and hair which reached down to the middle of her back. She stopped what she was doing and stared at them.

"What are you doing there?" She asked slightly agitated.

"I was hiding from the ogers." He said, very straightforward.

"You are supposed to be in your dorms." She shrieked, and the reason she was so agitated wasn't because of them breaking rules but rather because of them knowing she was the one to tame those vile ogers.

When she said that Zach stood up and almost lightly jogged towards the exit, and then, Jim followed after, and then Marvin stood up aswell. With each person that stood up her cheeks became redder.

Her secret, wasn't very secret anymore.

The band of idiots practically sprinted towards their dorms, Jim reached it first. Marvin was so eager to dig into his book, and so was Jim. But before they did that, they looked at Zach. Why didn't you grab a book?


"Tell them that your ability is special or some nonsense like that, these hairless apes will eat anything up." The prideful demon muttered. And Zach bit his tongue, who was he calling apes?

Nonetheless, he didn't have a better story and told them that. His stomach hurt after doing so, and he felt his throat go dry. It was even worse when they bought that story, but what had been said had been said.

Zach laid on his bed and started practicing yo-yo with his ability which was now travelling further away from his hand than before. Jim was skimming through his book, and so was Zach.

Learning an ability wasn't about understanding the texts, the ability books themselves were made out of a dead person with that ability. All they had to do was cut their thumb and place it on the book.

The book would disintegrate and they would gain the ability. However the book did contain useful information such as how to best practice the ability, and special moves and more. Afterall, you had to gain a certain magnitude of skill before you could level up your ability.

The books themselves were crimson red, and they were heavy as an full grown human's blood had been distilled into it. Jim and Marvin could only carry two, otherwise they would have grabbed the entire bunch.

Three hours had passed of them simply memorizing everything in the book, then at the same time they cut their thumb and placed it on their books. The books disintegrated and Marvin and Jim both fell back on their backs spasming of paint, grunting small shrieks.

They tried to stay silent, but in the middle of the process when the pain is at its highest, when limbs are being twisted all over, and the heart is being replaced, then they both shouted loud enough to wake up everyone in one hundred meters distance. Which was a lot of students.

But they didn't care, they rejoiced when it was over. Marvin was now a level one electricity elementalist and Jim was a level two speedster. They felt the power run through their veins.