
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


"Prideful demon is it true that killing another demon makes you grow stronger."

"Yes, but the demon must be stronger than yourself. So you could increase your strength by doing so, because you're quite weak but me the prideful demon who is so majestic beautiful nice kind evil gorgeous strong, wouldn't get any value from killing a demon."

"However keep in mind that there is a giant target on your back because you have a really stron-"

The demon had depleted its energy. Zach was at the gym working out again, there was a giant issue, he needed to get stronger in order to completely beat the people who had beat him, and he also didn't want to be killed for being the weakest."

"Quest completed! - Reward given"

He quickly assigned the point he had gotten into intelligence, and when it reached 15. There was a lot of pain, and then there was a big change. It felt like he had invested twenty and not one point in intelligence.

He felt the object inside of him much more clearly, and now he could harden it to wood level as well as manipulate it much easier. He wasn't going to complain, but he was really confused.

He took out a blob of the matter and almost held it in his hand. He could not make it stay out in the open without it going back into him. He tried manipulating it. He made the edges at sharp as possible.

He tried making a sword out of it, and it was a success. He then tried to make a shield that worked as well. He made a scythe, ball, a dagger. Then he heard a very faint and weak voice in his mind say, "whip."

Then he created a whip and he saw something he had never seen before.

"Skill learnt Whip"

"Whip level 1

Make a whip, and the end of it becomes 10% sharper than usual."

He tried swinging the whip and it barely made any movement, he felt that if he would have attacked somebody with that it wouldn't maḱe any impact. He swung it harder, and harder until he was at risk for dislocating his arm.

The actual force in the whip didn't change though. He tried taking it slower and calmer, and realized that now the whip was barely moving. He kept on trying new things until he realized that it was in his wrists.

He had to move progressively faster, and then at the end he had to flick his wrist and that made the whip snap. Zach felt that would hurt, and strangely, he was eager to test it.

"Whip level up"

"Ability level up"

Zach's eyes widened. He looked down at his watch, it was now a two. He then opened up his stats. Strangely, instead of hurting his entire body felt really relaxed and satisfied. On top of that he could feel the ability much more clearly, he force more out of him, and he knew he could make it harder.

"Jim!" He shouted at his friend after walking over there. Jim was in a boxing match with a robot, and got surprised when he heard his name being screamed at, then he got knocked out.

"What?" He said slightly agitated.

"How about we spar?"

"That sounds fun."

Jim also wanted to test out a new skill and his lvl 2 ability. He walked over to the robot and carried him out of the ring, get in let's fight. Zach knew that he was at a disadvantage in such a small area but decided to do it either way.

He manufactured his whip, which was longer and sharper than before. When the match started, Zach didn't get a single chance to whip before he had been knocked out cold by Jim.

Jim had used his new flash ability and then kicked him in the chin, making his brain bounce against his skull at least a thousand times, resulting in a knockout.

Then Jim began slapping Zach to wake up.

"Quest gained!"

"Kill your friend

Nobody beats the prideful demon

Reward: 2 free points."

Zach cursed in his mind, "Are you fucking crazy, no way in hell is that happening."

"Quest updated!"

"Beat your friend in a fair match

The prideful demon does not lose to anyone.

Reward: 1 free point"

Zach thought in his mind, "Now we are talking."

They sparred again and again, for over 8 hours did they spar. The total score was 48 - 0 to Zach, but Zach did learn a lot of new things over those losses.

However, whilst Zach was having a fun time sparring with his friend, the prideful demon felt humiliated. Not once in his entire existence had he been beat to such a level.

"Quest updated"

"Beat your friend in a fair match

The prideful demon will not be humiliated.

Punishment: 10 minutes in actual hell

Reward: 1 free point.

"Let's go again." Zach said to his friend who agreed. They were both sweaty, and the boxing mat which covered the ground was filled with blood, mainly Zach's blood.

The fight started and Jim did his classic flash into a kick move. Zach dodged it by ducking and created a shield just in case.

Then he transformed the lasso into a dagger and thrusted upwards, but Jim pulled down his leg on Zach's head, not only making Zach sight hazy but also propelling himself away from him.

Zach quickly changed into a lasso and was about to whip at Jim, who put out his right shoulder to prepare for the whip. He let out a small grunt, it hurt like hell.

He quickly approached Zach though for a counter attack, he threw out a left hook and Zach conjured up a shield. Even though there was a shield protecting him the punch was so hard that the shield smashed Zach in the fast making him lose balance.

Jim mounted him, and the fight was lost.

Then whilst Zach's body seemed to be passed out, his mental body was transported to hell.