
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Important fights

"Wait, I can't find my book. What the fuck?" Jim began panicking at the thought of his books being stolen. But then, only a few seconds after panicking, he found his book. Such was the nature of these things.

Truth be it, ravaging other peoples rooms wasn't such a rare occurrence, but it wasn't a common one either. Nobody really had valuables when they came to school, and the valuables they bought would quickly be consumed.

That's why going through other people's dorms wasn't a normal thing to do, even though it was very possible since you couldn't lock your door. However, during this period of time things were different. Everyone had something valuable to protect, a point.

And because of that, people ravaging other peoples rooms like crazy. All trying to find the hidden point. Because there weren't any rules stating you had to keep the point on you, so instead of taking their points out with them, they would leave them in the room. And, truth be told. They had already been raided, multiple times. It's just that their rooms were already so messy it didn't make a difference.

Raiders had seen their very valuable ability books, and each one had decided not to take them.

Those books were the type you consume immediately after getting your hands onto them, the person who had them laying unguarded must have felt too safe. And since he raiders didn't know who lived inside of this dorm, they made the logical decision of thinking it was somebody with ties to a powerful person.

And that's why the books were still in the room, even though there had been plenty of chances to take them. Jim wasn't sure if he had moved the book or not, and Marvin simply stared at his own book. "My precioussss..."

For safety's sake, they hid the books in a different spot and then exited the room. They still felt ecstatic from knocking out that group and wanted to do it again. They simply had no targets, unless… No, they simply couldn't beat the second graders yet.

They went to the gym and decided to continue training. Zach had to make some sort of move, that was lethal. Currently, he felt like he was capable of immobilizing an enemy, but nothing more than that.

He needed something deadly. Preferably something he could use at a range. Something quick as well. The demon resting on his shoulder cried out, "Use your goddamn free points moron!"



Race: Human

Ability: Demons Torture level 2

Level: 1

Xp to next level 63/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 19

Agility : 13

Intelligence: 14

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 10


He invested every single last free point into intelligence, it seemed to be the superior stat currently. This brought up his total to 24, and when he closed the stats his entire body almost stopped functioning.

His heart began pumping lava through his veins, his entire body was burning from the inside. His brain also felt like it was melting, thoughts stopped forming, and they stopped moving. He was stuck, all he could do was feel. He passed out.

He woke up two hours later, he could no longer feel his point on him. This time it was Marvin slapping him. As he slapped him awake, sweat dripped down on him. He flew upwards, coming into a sitting position.

This caught Marvin off guard, he thought that Zach would be dizzy. At least slightly dizzy. But he was already on his legs, and he felt this amazing feeling. He felt as if his ability had become another limb.

In front of him stood the prideful demon, he looked like a little spoiled brat. Before he had looked like a tomato, he was now as large as a watermelon. A more precise word would be fat, he looked like he couldn't walk without wiggling his way forward. In no way was his shape intimidating.

"I am so great." His voice had another change, the evil voice in the speakers from the beginning had completely changed. It sounded like a reassuring voice compared to this. You heard this type of voice when you are in a room, it's pitch black and you are completely alone, the air feels cold and then it calls out to you.

That's the type of voice the demon had, and it was disturbing, The girl demons voice felt like amateurish compared to this. Zach couldn't help but think it was funny, the voice did not fit the shape at all.

"I will require you to feed me from now on. I eat human flesh strictly." Zach's jaw almost broke the ground, that's how hard it fell. The requests this demon made of him were just impossible.

"Quest gained!"


Feed me once every month or YOU die.

P.S. get played bitch"

Zach almost felt bad for his jaw at this point. It got more ridiculous each step of the way. Luckily, a comforting voice broke him out of his daze, "night time has begun." 'What a sweet voice that is' Zach thought.

Marvin and Jim were close to him, and he had full energy. They walked out of the gym area, and into the corridors and strangely there wasn't the usual chaos you'd see. Everyone was walking organized towards one direction, towards the arena.

"Who do you think is going to win, the strongest first year or the strongest second year?" A student walking by said.

"The second year of course."

The band of idiots decided to follow along towards the arena as they were also quite interested in the result of this. The strongest first year was who had wounded Ise so much.

What they didn't know was that the result of this fight would change their entire future in the military school.