
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The demon of deception

Trees in the way, dirt becoming slippery slime, sticks becoming roots, frequent looks backwards. The little light becomes much, the large creature behind him hungry, the boy unwilling to die.

Moby painted, and he wished he could get out of this. Behind him, was a large turtle with spikes on its back. It chased him through the jungle knocking over trees in its way. Moby jerked his head towards every direction, his thoughts spinning.

He had no way out, and it had been getting increasingly clear that his attempt to live was hopeless. But in the midst of darkness, a voice spoke out to him. A voice that made it darker than it was.

"Accept, deal with me!" it whispered, forcefully pushing the words out of its mouth.

Then a branch from a tree extended right out to him, the branch had been morphed to look like a hand, there were small rings with text etched onto them. He didn't have time to consider or think, he shook the hand.

"FINALLY!" The voice roared, new energy showed itself. The evil and disgust in the voice could only be compared to one voice, the prideful demons. After all, this was his brother, the demon of decievement.

The turtle stopped, head jerking left than right. Where had his prey gone?


They sat in the cave, with their backs resting against the wall. Zach got increasingly nervous as time passed. The wildman had not been back in a long time, and Zach continuously wondered what would happen.

Whilst waiting, he decided to spend his free points. He was hesitant about it but thought that he couldn't put it off any longer. He was hesitant because once the points had been used, he couldn't undo them. Each point was an investment he couldn't risk having wrong.

Zach didn't understand this, but when he was about to spend a point he felt a bad feeling in his stomach.



Race: Human

Ability: Demons Torture level 2

Level: 1

Xp to next level 63/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 19

Agility : 13

Intelligence: 24

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 3


His ability still felt weak, so he decided to spend all of his points on intelligence. The pain coursed through his veins like before, he writhed and held back shouter, he was in agony. The pain had gotten worse and worse, almost as if he was close to reaching a point.

A shadow suddenly appeared on the floor. This made them look towards the entrance, there they found a man hunched over and towering over them. His eyes were solemn, on his back there was a large bearlike creature.

He had put it over one of his wide shoulders and stretched out his entire arm around it to gain more control over it. He had travelled from tree to tree like this, and his arms hadn't begun to shake.

"Food, me, me hungry." He said as he walked past the boys, who had stood up and were on high guard now. He walked past them with such casualness, and poise that their heads didn't recognize the movement.

He had burning wood in the corner of the room, he put it onto the campfire. Slowly, he lowered his hand onto the wood, and placed his fingernail onto the wood. Then his hand spun, left, right, left, right at such a speed that it had become a blur.

Smoke was created from the friction and soon a fire grew into life. He placed the beast onto the two logs that trembled at its weight, Then he turned around, walked past the boys that were amazed, and laid down and fell asleep.

Just like that.

It was as if there weren't three complete strangers inside his room, it was as if they hadn't stolen his food. It was as if he had known them for years as if they were his, pets.

By no means was it a fake sleep, he was so asleep, so gone into dreamland that a bird's acidic and skin corrupting shit wouldn't wake him up. And the way he was posed, he slept with all his limbs extended, completely wide open. As if he had no fear whatsoever.

This act of pride disturbed the prideful demon. How dare he be so... welcoming? How dare he put his... trust into me so much? It made the demon furious because he thought the man was flexing, showing off his humility and welcomeness.

"Slay the huge ape

Kill him as he sleeps

Reward: 10 free points"

Zach's eyes went completely wide at the thought of this. He stood up almost immediately, his eyes trailing their way to the man, his mind in a battle. Greed versus virtue. To betray the man which had acted so nice?

Zach took a few steps to get to the man, Marvin and Jim's eyes were also on the man. Zach stopped just in front of the man. His hands were twitching, his eyes dilating and then sharpening, and then diluting.

Soon a whip manifested in his hand, and he stood above the man. But he felt like he couldn't do it, he couldn't. The prideful demon floated above the man's head, and upon sensing what happened, he shrieked. "Kill him, you coward, you spineless bastard, you absolute chicken." He shouted, "Kill him."

"Slay the huge ape

Kill him

Reward: 10 free points

.Punishment: 10 minutes in hell

Time limit: 1 minute."

His eyes shook. To kill him for no reason, actually, to go against reason. To kill somebody who deserved to be complimented, and helped. Thanked for his graciousness. Nevertheless, it was logical.

He would get 10 points and furthermore, he would avoid ten minutes in hell. His mind told him to do it, it was clearly the best choice. But his heart, his heart couldn't come to it. His heart refuted it completely.

"Do it!" The demon roared, in a voice that made Zach jump. But Zach slowly turned around, and almost crawled back to the opposite wall. All whilst the demon roared at him, he would have to endure 1 minute of mind-breaking anxiety for the hell that waited for him.

But, as Zach was walking away, one of the wildman's eyes flashed open, he looked at him walking away. And when Zach was about to turn and sit down, he closed his eye.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Moby is going to get a bigger role in the story for sure. After all, we do have "Drip" the OG reading the novel.

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