
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Don't go to the shop

"Slay the bitch

An unnamed demon has insulted the demon of pride. This is unacceptable.

Punishment: 3 days in hell (real hell)

Reward: 10 free points

Time limit: 3 months."

For the first time ever did a quest have a punishment attached to it. This quest was doable, not right now but if Zach had three months maybe he could train to the point of killing her.

"FUCK THAT!" The demon shouted inside of his mind, Zach felt wrath not from himself but from the demon. "Go back to the fucking gym, and continue training your ability. That bitch is dying this w…"

Zach recognized that the demon's energy had run out. Then he heard the system noise

"Quest changed!"

"Slay the bitch

An unnamed demon has insulted the demon of pride. This is unacceptable.

Punishment: 3 days in hell (real hell)

Reward: 10 free points

Time limit: 7 days"

Zach's jaw dropped, no way in hell was he going to be able to slay her within 7 days. He needed.

For now, though, Zach went back to his room. To check up on Jim and Marvin. He found them both in the room, arm wrestling each other. Jim won easily now that he had an ability.

After the fifth time Marvin lost, he bashed his head into the bed. He really didn't want to die, and from the looks of it, he would die if he couldn't gain an ability soon.

Zach saw this spectacle and started thinking. They all thought, and Zach came up with a rough idea. Under night time only killing was prohibited, they said nothing of stealing.

"I have an idea," Zach told Marvin.

And then he explained his idea. When night time happened, they would rush towards the shop, and they would steal him an ability book. Zach couldn't believe he hadn't thought of that earlier.

It was decided, that was what they were going to do. They all lied in there bed, resting with anticipation for night time. Zach played yo-yo with his ability, It seemed like the only thing he could do as of now was make about three diameters of a red substance exit his and then go back.

It was the hardness of wool, so he couldn't slash things with it, and it felt heavy. Really heavy. So he really had to swing his hand for it to come out. At one point he had swung his arms too much, he heard a crack and dislocated his arm.

Jim and Marvin naturally didn't sit quite as they saw what their friend was doing. When did he get an ability? Zach didn't quite know how to explain it, he ended up saying that he found a book a long time ago, but couldn't quite use it until now.

They bought it. They thought he didn't have a reason to lie after all. Anyhow, when he dislocated his arm, Jim put it back in place.

And five hours passed like this, Marvin did pushups and situps. training his physical strength, whilst Jim shadowboxed and Zach kept playing yo-yo with his ability.

Then they heard the voice. "Nighttime has begun." They were the first people out of the dorms, the lights were red and tinted everything red as usual. They began running towards the store.

People opened the doors and saw them running by, they got curious but they were too paranoid to follow them. They had to keep their points safe. Zach strained his eye, he looked at every single person and made sure to try to avoid the demon girl.

The ran through the hallways surprisingly smoothly, and the door to the shop was open, as expected. The glass boxes covering the books had even been removed, but what they didn't expect was three ogres to be sitting on top of the books.

The ogres stared at The band of idiots. In the shop, there was a large red square painted around the books and ogres. Zach had a feeling that if they stepped past those squares, the ogres wouldn't just be staring at them.

The ogres themselves sported common cloth over their junk and had a large wooden club. Their skin was grey, they were large about three meters, They had no facial hair, and their face just eliminated stupidity.

Then they heard a familiar, and a disturbing voice come from behind them. "I was wondering where three-level ones would run, but I guess you didn't know about the ogres." It was the person from the second year that Tom had kicked. Around him there were 4 people, they all approached The band of idiots.

"Well, how about we give you some encouragement. Run in there, and fetch us a book. Any book, and then we'll forget your grievances." This was technically the truth, but the catch was that there was no way they could get the books. Many people had tried, and all of them had failed.

They didn't have much choice in this matter though. Zach strained his mind, trying to find a way out of this situation.

"Quest gained!"

"Arrogant pricks

Nobody tells the demon of pride what to do, resist their offer.

Reward: 3 free points."

Zach swallowed at dry saliva. He was much preferring that The Teenagers stood where the group of second years did. He was about to say something, but Marvin said it first.

"Fuck your fucking proposal, you want a book go get it yourself you fucking rats!"

Not once, not a single time had the boy which Tom had kicked, named Greg, been talked to like this. His head, literally, erupted into flames. He slowly stepped his way towards Marvin.

"Boss, chill down. Remember, we can't kill." One of the boys pleaded with Greg, but he didn't care. He would burn Marvin into ash, and then burn him some more.

"What do I do, What do I do, What do I do," Zach shouted at the demon inside of him.