
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Three male students stood at covering the entrance to the shower. The band of idiots who had been enjoying the shower as if it was heaven, stepped out. And stood straight staring at the people in front of them.

"Give us your points now, or I can knock you out, and then take them."

Fighting naked felt like a strange thing to do, but it hadn't been the first time they'd done so. Jim and Zach threw their points behind them and stepped into a fighting position.

Unfortunately, this gave away the number on their watch, every one of them had a 1.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The three boys said as they flashed their watches, they all had threes on them. "fuck you!" Marvin said.

"Quest gained!"

"Knock the shit out of them"

Knock the three boys unconscious and take their points.

Time limit: 10 minutes

Reward: 5 free points"

Then two of the three students then took something out of their pockets. One of them had a metal stick in his hand, another one had equipped iron rings around his fingers. And the third one backed away, and water started appearing behind him.

They smiled the way an ape smiles after it kills another apes children, completely appalling. Soon shots of water travelled towards them. The water was really dense and it felt like rocks instead of water.

A ball of water struck Marvin in the face making him pass out, Jim was avoiding them smoothly and Zach was straining his ability trying to get something to come out. But all he could do was make it budge.

The two students in the front had charged them, and since they were so focused on dodging the water balls they were both struck in the face by a weapon, completely knocking them out.

They woke up on a soft but hard surface, surrounded by cyan sheets and a man with white clothes with a red plus sign on them. He was breathing heavily and looked at Zach with pitying eyes.

"Quest gained!"

"Nobody dares pity me

Kill the nurse pitying you.

Reward: Level up"

The demon inside of Zach was pissed off at this. Then the nurse started talking, "we found you with two others, knocked out in the showers. You are completely patched up now, please move because we are quite packed at the moment.

That's when Zach realized that there was a lot of murmuring around the room. He stood up, realizing he had green clothes on, he looked around. The huge room, filled with countless beds, were all filled with students who had bandages all over them.

This was to be expected. Zach felt pretty fine though, so he stood up and walked out of the room. As he did so, the memories from before came back to him and he felt pissed.

"Quest gained!"


Steal back your points and there from the three students who assaulted you

They are all in class A.

Ben Jink

Quinn Boring

Moby Dick

Time limit: 7 days

Reward: 10 free points."

Then the demon's voice started talking, this time its voice was a lot deeper than before. "You really are pathetic. The quests are more of a courtesy than they are actually quests."

Zach thought back to the demon, "where did you go?"

"I am on limited energy, I can't talk much. You need to go to the gym and work out. Dumbass, remember to spend your free points." The demon said condescendingly

Zach facepalmed, he had been so caught up in the school that he had completely forgotten to spend his free points.



Race: Human

Ability: Demons Torture level 1

Level: 1

Xp to next level 0/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 18

Agility : 13

Intelligence: 3

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 4


"What does intelligence do?" He asked the demon. "It gives you more raw ability, and it makes it easier to control it."

That was all Zach had to hear before he invested all four points into intelligence. Instead of a satisfying feeling, he felt pain as if though there were needles piercing the hearts outer skin and forcing it to pump lava. The burning sensation spread throughout his entire body. It made him fall on his knees convulsing.

Then it disappeared, and the ability within him felt much more graspable now. He tried to move it, and this time a red matter shot out of his hand before travelling back in. He felt ecstatic at the sight of this.

"Oh, a fellow demon I see." He heard the deep broken voice come from behind him.

He looked behind him to see a girl with crimson red eyes that shined and a goats tongue.

"RUN" the demon inside of him shouted at Zach, and he abided. He ran with all the speed he had but he didn't travel far before the demon tackled him. The other demon had now mounted him.

"How come I wasn't able to sense you?" The very unsexy and coarse demon voice said to him. She, the demon, was so close to him that he could feel the water droplets from her breath hit his face.

Her long tongue slithered out, onto his chin and up his cheek. He felt the disgusting saliva tickle him as the tongue slithered by. Then her tongue quickly went back in, and her voice completely changed.

"hahaha, you are so funny."

Zach understood why in a few seconds, a familiar, and comforting voice, shouted "What are you two doing?" It was Tom.

"We were just having a quick wrestling match. Haha. I won." She then stood up, and walked away. Then Tom, who couldn't care less about what happened, also walked away.

Zach was left there breathing heavily.

"Quest gained!"