
Mixed Feelings

"No. I refuse."

I texted Lucius to meet us at Saint Jasins Hospital where Raven was warded at. He suffered a fracture in his ribs and he broke his leg. He said he would be fine, as loneliness was more painful. I understood his pain. I was the weird kid in Harvard who studied Journalism Everyday and never enjoyed life with the other kids.

Lucius arrived on the scene, really pissed off. He refused to let us go and leave the dangerous Archivals wandering around. "This is not our problem, it's yours Lucius. You're a vampire and you have skills more than us! Just let us go!" Lucius glared at Raven on the hospital bed. "If you don't do my request, Raven wont heal, and I can make sure of it." His eyed started glowing. Raven wasn't my Boyfriend, and I wasn't his Girlfriend,but that "kiss" was fake right? It's just resuscitation. In my deepest darkest place in my heart, I felt that it was... a real kiss. I'm no longer lonely, and I can't lose him as a friend. I don't want to be lonely again.....

"So what do you say Hara?" Lucius's eyes glowed more redder by the second.

"Don't do anything to him!" I shouted desperately. I calmed down and said, " Don't do anything to him. We'll... target the next Archivals."

Lucius smiler in a way that made me feel... somewhat comfortable.

"In the mean time, let's slowly take a walk while Raven can heal."

———————————————————————We strolled slowly through the high and Low blocks around town, searching for Archivals.

"You're worried about Raven, aren't you?" Lucius asked me curiously. I nodded as I put on a fake smile.

"He'll be fine, he promised..." Lucius smiled at me and said, "I'm sure he'll be fine. Don't think about it too much." I put on a angry face.

"If you did care about him you wouldn't have threatened him before." I replied, pissed off.

"I just got scared...." Lucius's face got darker. "If I didn't kill the Archivals... I'll die." I got shocked.

"I'll help you. You're not dying today, tomorrow this week, or even this year. We'll help you." I supported him.

I didn't know why, but I pulled him into my arms and gave him a comforting hug.

"Don't worry about it, Lucius." I whispered into his ear. The people who saw us started to gossip about us. They didn't even know us. People nowadays are just suckers for gossip and drama.

Lucius smiled... just like the smile I would see every time People felt comforted or happy.

Archivals, you better watch out.