
Alistars VS Archivals

"What I want you to do is hunt."

Lucius said in a bored tone.

"Hunt for what? I'm not hunting you a GIRLFRIEND!" I exclaimed out of pure anger.

Raven shot me a look. I could tell he said 'Stop. You're gonna get us into more trouble.'

Lucius laughed. "Why would I need a Girlfriend? I can have all the bitches I want." He continued laughing. " You see, I'm on probation. If I don't eliminate more Archivals, I'll be kicked out of the Alistar Team. There has a been a higher rate of power to the Archivals— or known as our enemies. Give me your phones, I'm gonna install a chip into them so you can locate them. Archivals are like Ghouls, who feed on the life energy of a human. Usually it would take them 10-20 times of feeding on a human for him or her to die but now it has been lowered to 1-3. That's why I need your help. You can be the bait. Archivals are afraid of light, just like a vampire. Hunt them down, and don't come back until you do. Kill them all."


Raven and I set off after the chip and been installed. Raven clearly knew I was really confused and scared. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from that idiot and make you my Wife any day if he threatens you again." I giggled. He lightened the mood, and I didn't think he had a dark atmosphere. Somehow, I felt that he... was my love at first sight. No-no I'm just delusional.

BEEP BEEP!!! An Archival! I took my phone and lit up the flashlight. "We know you're there, show yourself!" I exclaimed with all my courage.

Before I knew it, a berserk man pounced on me.

"ᘜIᐯᗴ ᗰᗴ YOᑌᖇ ᗴᑎᗴᖇᘜY, ᕼᑌᗰᗩᑎ"


I opened my eyes. Raven was in front of me. He started panting and said, "Eliminate her, I believe in you. I...." his voice trailed off as he fell onto the ground. He was bleeding, severely.

"YOᑌ ᗯᗩᑎT TO ᔕᗩᐯᗴ YOᑌᖇ ᗷOYᖴᖇIᗴᑎᗪ ᕼᑌᗰᗩᑎ?"

"you...you Son of a.... BITCH!" Before I knew it, I slammed the Archival with a rubbish can lid. I started to panic. I immediately kneeled down to Raven. I checked for a pulse. It slowly started to slow down.... I got close to him. "It's not a kiss, it's a resuscitation." I did mouth-to-mouth with him. His lips were soft and tender. I filled him with air as I prayed for Satan to have mercy. Slowly he awoke... and I could feel him "kissing" me back. I could feel his tongue exploring my mouth. I let go as I blushed and so did he. I quickly carried him up with all my strength. I carried him bridal-style to a nearby clinic and the Doctors called the ambulance. "Hara... thank you... for saving me." He lied on the stretcher bed as he pulled me into his embrace. We had gone though too much and we have to tell Lucius we're not doing his plan. It's his problem.

"Hara... Lucius he..." Raven said as he started tearing up.

"It's painful... I know, but I'll protect you, and make you my Husband any day..."

Raven started crying—out of happiness.