
Lucius’ Backstory

It has been a week after Ravens' hospitalisation. Lucius and I were waiting outside his hospital room, and Lucius grew more and more impatient over time.

"What's takin' him so Long?" Lucius said impatiently.

"It's not like he wants to stay behind, he hasn't even healed much yet from last week. Give him a break Lucius." I replied.

"I just... I'm scared I'll be removed from the team. The teammates are my only family."

I gave him a puzzled look.

"If they were your only family, why would they put you on probation?"

He sighed heavily.

"It's not their choice to do what they want. The only purpose they serve is to kill the Archivals. It's the councils choice— the Morale Council."

I could tell that he was really scared. He was just acting scary and tough so people wouldn't think lowly of him, but right now I'm trying to focus on getting Raven back.

"Looking for me guys?"

We turned around and looked. It was....yeah you Guessed it— it was Raven!!

Without a second to spare, I went towards Raven and hugged him oh so dearly. At the corner of my eye, Lucius was standing there with a weak smile.

I knew he was hurt. When I released my grip on Raven, he smiled at me warmly.

"Thanks for caring about me, you too Lucius." Raven said as he gave me a calmingly warm smile.

"Actually I have to go back into the room. I have an appointment as some surgery needed to be done. I'll text you later Hara, goodbye for now!" Raven exclaimed as he slowly walked back into his room.


Lucius drove me to his house as he wanted to talk to me for a bit.

"Wow, you live in a mansion? That's cool." I said as nonchalantly as I could.

"Look Hara, I want you to close your eyes for a while." Lucius said.

I did as he said and closed my eyes. Slowly, he hugged me. With my eyes closed, I could sense the change in my surroundings.

"Now open your eyes." Luscious said calmly.

"Now watch."

I saw a little boy sitting at an alley. He had a sign written as neatly as possible, which wrote "I ᗪOᑎ ᕼᗩᐯ ᗩ ᕼOᗰ, ᑭᒪᗴᗩᔕ ᕼᗴᒪᑭᑭ ᗰᗴᗴ!" Then, a nicely dressed lady approached him. "Little boy, you don't have a home?"

The little boy nodded.

"Why don't you follow me?" The elegant lady requested.

The little boy followed along with her as I also tagged along secretly.

She led him to a little abandoned warehouse and opened it. The warehouse was all empty. Until, the lady released a blue flame and it became a portal. The lady then walked into the portal with the little boy. Before the portal completely closed, I quickly jumped into it. I arrived at a dark room lit with small candles at each side of the room. The little boy asked, "Can you help me find my mom and dad? I lonely. I scared..." the lady started chatting with the council. That was when the lady introduced a member of the council to the little boy. Her name was "Sherry". "Little boy, this is your Mother. She....she has been finding you for ages. Aren't I right, Lucius?" The lady said. "So my name is Lucius?" The little boy asked. "Yes, indeed." Sherry nodded.

The little boy started to smile.

After all this time, Lucius was adopted by the council. Until he was 18, he then got the news from the council. Sherry became his Best Friend, but she died trying to kill the head of the Archivals. Lucius was against Sherry from going to the leader of he Archivals, but there was nothing he could do to stop the council. After that incident, Lucius formed the Alistar Team. It was his duty to maintain the team, and if he were on probation, the whole team would suffer because of him. The council only approved making the team to destroy the Archivals but over the years, lesser and lesser Archivals were killed. He grew up with Sherry, got educated and became rich. At one point in time, he was eating a granola bar while dealing with a Low class Archival. After he killed it, he dropped his granola bar onto the Archival's jacket. He knew that there was nothing wrong with the jacket, but he was wrong. Archival DNA got fused with his, and thus he became a vampire.


Ive seen enough. I said. Lucius looked exhausted. He used upmost of his energy to project the image into my head, and he passed out. I stroked his hair. "Lucius, I finally understand you." I said.