
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 3

I love you. I love you so much. I will always love you no matter what. I promise.


Abby's POV

It's the third day of my junior year and I don't think things can get any weirder. Yesterday Dean - you know the person I hate - kept trying to talk to me. He would ask me all these questions but I never answered, I just ignored him.

I am sure he is just trying to get me into bed or somthing.

"Hi," Dean says walking up to me at my locker. Of course Jo had to go take a talk to her teacher before school so I was alone, so he had the perfect opportunity to flirt.

"Hey?" I say, confused and annoyed.

"So, why won't you talk to me?" he asks bluntly.

"Why do you all of the sudden want to talk to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dean we have been going to school together since like the first grade," I blurt out.

"What?" he asks shocked. He honestly looked shocked, I mean I knew he didn't really notice me or care about anyone but himself but seriously he hasn't noticed me once in over ten years.

"Yeah, and we have had at least two classes together since then," I tell him before walking down the hallway.

Dean follows after me asking, "Why have I never seen you then?"

"I don't know. I mean you are always in your own little world with all of your friends," I huff.

"You don't seem to like me very much," he points out.

I abruptly turn around and step in front of him, "well like I said you are always in your own little world. You don't care about anyone but yourself. All you care about is who you get to sleep with next".

He just looked at me shocked for a second before saying, "how would you know? We have never talked before yesterday".

"You may have not known who I was until yesterday, but I have known who you were since first grade. I see every girl you burn through. I don't have to talk to you to know what kind of guy you are," I say before turning and walking into our classroom.

A few second after I sat down, Dean comes in, his mouth still partly parted in shock from what I had said. He stumble to the back of the class, taking a seat next to his best friend.

I could hear them from my seat, "you good dude".

"She hates me, I mean she really hates me," Dean chokes.

"Who?" Daniel asks confused.


Daniel said something else but I couldn't hear him all I heard was Dean agreeing then silence. What the hell is going on? Why is he paying me any attention?

The rest of the class I couldn't take my mind off of the guy in the back. I was just so confused on what was happening and why it was happening.


"So remember how I told about Dean yesterday?" I question Jo when I get to my next class.

"Yeah," she says.

"So it got weirder today..." I start.

"Seriously? How?"

"Well he came up to my locker and asked me why I hated him... I told him it was cause he was a whore -- well not exactly in those words but basically -- anyways after I gave my whole little speech I just walked away. Then when he came into class he seemed like he was in shock. I don't know it was just weird," I say sitting in the seat next to my best friend.

"Huh, yeah. I would think he just wouldn't care," she says frowning.

"Maybe I was to harsh," I sigh, kinda regretting what I had said.

"No! He is an asswhole," she defends.

"Yeah," I say sighing again. I stare down at the floor a few feet away, thinking about Dean, what is up with him?


School is over, the halls are full of students dying to get home and yet instead of going home he comes over to me. "I am going to prove you wrong," he states as I grab my things.

"What?" I ask closing my locker and turning to him.

"I am not the person you think I am," he states. I just laugh a little and start walking to the exit of the school. "I'm not and I am going to prove it to you".

"Are you?" I say sarcatically.

"Yes," he says proudly following me out of the school.

"Ok," I huff causing him to stop.


"Well I don't exactly like the idea of you basically following me around all the time trying got convince me you aren't an asswhole but... it's a lot of work hating you so I might as well. And you aren't really giving me a choice," I say facing him.

"Yes," he cheers. I turn around and start to walk in the direction of my house. "Wait, you don't have a car?"

"I do but its in the shop right now," I inform him.

"Let me drive you home," he suggests.

"No. Dean it's like a ten minute walk, I will be fine," I say before turning around and continuing my walk. A few seconds later Dean runs up besides me and walks with me, "What are you doing?"

"I am walking you home," he states.

"Dean, I am fine." I try and fight.

"No. I can't have a beautiful girl walking home all by herself," he says causing me to laugh and blush a little.

"Dean. I. Will. Be. Fine." I try again.

"I. Am. Walking. You. Home".

"Fine," I sigh.

"So Abigail, tell me about yourself?"

"Well for starters don't call me Abigail," I laugh.

"Ok princess tell me about yourself," he smirks.


"What? You told me not to call you Abigail. You never specified what to call you and don't try and change it now," he tells me cockily.

"Fine. Um... I don't have many friends, I am very much an introvert. I like to read. I don't play any sports. I don't know, that's kinda it," I say just as we are walking off campus.

"That can't be it," he demands.

"Well then what do you want to know?"

"Are you an only child?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"No I have a little sister. Her name is Mai," Dean says with a bright smile.

"How old is she?"

"She is 6. What is your dream job?"

"I want to be a Director," I say shyly.


"Yeah, I know it's weird bu-" he inturupts me.

"No. No it's not weird. It's actually really cool," he gushes.

I blush before saying, "What about you?"

"I want to be a basketball coach," he states.

"That doesn't really surprise me, although I would have thought player not coach," I say as we enter my neighborhood.

"Don't get me wrong I love playing but I want to help kids find the joy in playing just like I did,"he says passionately.

"Wow that is very insperational," I say genuinely.

"Thanks," he says looking down at his feet.

"Uh, this is me," I say as we walk right by my house. "Uh, thank you fro walking me home".

"Yeah," he says awkwardly.

"I feel bad know you have to walk back to school by your self. I would walk you back but then you wouldn't want me to walk home alone, so it would be a never ending cycle," I say laughing a little.

"No, it's fine. I will see you tomorrow princess," he says causing me to roll my eyes but I still smile. He smiles too before turning around and walking back to school.

"I'm home," I say my voice ringing through the quite house.

I walk to the back of the house where my mom's office is -- she works from home so she is usually here when I get home. "Hi sweetheart," she smiles looking up from her laptop. "How was your day?"

"Weird but good," I say not being able to hold back my smile.

"Well... tell me about it," she insist.

"It's nothing really, just some good but unexpected things happened," I say walking backwards towards the stairs.

"Well, at least let me know when he asks you out," she states.

"How do you know its about a guy?"

"Your smile, it gave it all away," she laughs looking back at her computer.