
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

I can't believe you left.... I want, so badly, to be mad at you but I can't...


Dean's POV

I hate high school, it sucks. I mean sure I have some friends, but none of them are really my friends, besides Dani. They all just want the popularity, I guess. Daniel is a different story, he and I have been friends our whole lives, our mom met in high school have been friends since. In other words we were born to be best friends.

Today is the second day of my junior year which mean only two more years in this hell.

"Hey De," Daniel say jumping in my car.

"Hi Dani," I respond before moving the car from park to drive and pulling away from his house.

"Are you ready?" Daniel asks as we pull up to the school.

"No. One day was enough for me, I think I am done of the year," I say and park the car.

"I wish," Dani laughs.

We both climb out of my car and start to walk towards the school, "lets drop out," I say as the idea reserfaces in my head for the millionth time since I started high school.

"No," Daniel says firmly.

"Fine," I growl.

"We only have two years left, you will be fine," he laughs.

"Or maybe I won't be," I say causing him to laugh. We walk down the hallway towards our other friends at the end of the crowded, locker filled corredor. "You do know that none of them actually want to be our friends, right?"

"No, they want to be your friend, they don't care about me. But some of them actually want to be friends with us," he tries to convince me.

"Whatever you say bu-" I started but I was interrupted by this girl running into me. "Oh I'm sorry," I say grabbing on to the short girls shoulders and backing up just enough so I can get a good look at her face. She was gorgeous. Her light brown hair reached down to her to her waist, and she had the most beautiful green eyes. She wore an oversized guns and roses t-shirt with so loose fitting jeans and a pair of dirty white vans.

"Yeah, whatever," she says rolling her eyes before her and her friend walked around Daniel and I, continuing down the hall way.

I turn around and watch as she walks down the hallway, "do you know who that was?" I ask.

"No. I mean they both look a little fermiliar but..." Dani says trailing off. "Why?"

"Um n- no reason," I stutter. "Let's go".

"Ah does DeDe have a crush?"

"What? No. I don't get crushes," I say before joining the rest of our "friends" and trying to forget about her.

A few minutes pass before the minute bell rings and all the other guys and I head to our classes. When Dani and I walk into eniglish I see her again. How did I not notice her before? She is beautiful. I guess I was just standing at the door staring at her because the teacher said, "Mr. West, Why don't you take a seat," causing the beautiful girl to look up from her notebook laying on her desk. When our eyes met all she did was roll her eyes - again - and look back down at notes. What's with that? All the eye rolling, she did it when I bumped into her in the hallway and then now.

"Oh yeah, sorry," I said coming back to reality. I went to the back of the class and sat down next to Daniel.

"What was that?" he asked laughing a little.

"I didn't know she was in the class," I say quietly.

"You are crushing so hard," he says laughing harder.

"No, I'm not," I say, shrinking into my chair.

"Yeah ok... Loverboy".

As class went on, I couldn't focus; when I wasn't looking at the back of her head, I was thinking about the brief interaction in the hallway and when I saw her, when I walked into class. I don't know anything about her, I don't even know her name and yet she is all I could think about.

"Abigail, why don't you tell us the answer to question number 3," the teacher calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. What are we doing?

"I said, "One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other". It was her. Her name is Abigail. It fits her amazingly.

A few minutes later the bell rang and everyone packed up and started leaving. I saw Abigail walking towards the door so I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran after her, leaving Dainel confused. "Abigail, wait," I call.

She stops and turns around, giving me a confused look. "Are you talking to me?" she questions shocked.

"Your name is Abigail isn't it?" I question in a some what flirty tone.

She rolls her eyes again before asking, "what do you want?"

"Jeez, I just want to talk to you," I say defensively.


"How long have you gone to school here?"

"Seriously?" she asks, sounding a little mad.

"Wh-" I start but before I can finish she turns around and continues walking down the busy hall.

"Hey! NO! Wait," I call but she just keeps walking, getting lost in the sea of my classmates.

"Hey dude. Wait... Where did your girlfriend go?"

I just sigh before turning to him and saying, "one she not my girlfriend, yet". I say the last part quitly trying not to let him hear me. "and two I was trying to talk to her but she just got mad and walked away".

"Ahh you are going to trying and make her your girlfriend," he says obviously hearing the 'yet'. "And what did you say to her?" he asks leading me down to the hallway to his next class.

"I just asked how long she has been going here," I say confused.

"Huh? Maybe she has gone here since we were freshmen," he suggests.

"Yeah," I say sighing again. After dropping Dani off at his class I head to my own Abigail still on my mind. I don't think she will be leaving anytime soon.

Throughout the rest of the day I was seeing her everywhere; she is in two other of my classes, I just don't understand how I never saw her. Everytime I saw her in the hallway or in a class I would try and talk to her but she just ignored me and/or walked away.

I don't understand why she hates me so much... I didn't know who she was until today...