
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 4

"Abby," I hear my mom call from down the hall, as I walk out of my bathroom.

"Yes mother I am awake," I yell back.

"Just making sure," she says through my door. "I will see you in a few minutes".

"Yeah," I say before I hear her footsteps stepping on the floorboards, walking away from my room.

I finish getting ready and am down stairs in five minutes, "Good morning parental units," I say entering the kitchen.

"Good morning daughter unit," my Dad says back in a somewhat dry tone.

"So, fourth day of school, are you excited?" my mom asks.

"I am excited for the weekend," I say honestly.

"Me too," my Dad cheers.

"Well I better ge-" I start but I am interrupted by a knocking at the door. "I guess, I'll get that on my way out. I love you two".

"We love you too," they say simultaneously.

I grabbed my backpack off the couch and walked up to the door, swinging it open, "Dean?"

"Good morning Princess," Dean says with a bright smile.

"Who is this?" I hear my mom say walking up behind me.

"Mom this is Dean. He is a friend from school," I inform emphasizing the word friend. "Dean? What are you doing here?"

"Yesterday you said your car was in the shop and I still don't like the idea of you walking to school all by yourself so I am going to be picking you up and dropping you off everyday until your car gets fixed," he says sternly.

"Dean you really don't -" I started but once again I was interrupted by my mom this time.

"That is so sweet of you Dean. Thank you".

"Oh it's nothing. Abigail, we should probably get going so that we aren't late," he says taking a half step back.

"Um ok," I say, shocked a little from both him and my Mom.

"I love you sweetie. Have a nice day… both of you," my mom calls as we walk to his car. As we get closer I finally look over the beautiful car; it was an old dark blue mustang convertible.

"Holy shit, this is beautiful. She's yours?"

"Yep," he says proudly. "I fixed her up myself".

"What year is she?"

Dean lets out a little laugh, "She is 66 make. I didn't know you were into cars".

"There is a lot you don't know about me Mr. West. And I'm not really, I mean I don't really know anything about them but I can definitely appreciate an old car," I say looking over the car once more.

"Come on, we are going to be late for english," Dean says, opening my side door.

"Why thank you kind sir," I say in a terrible english accent.

"You are welcome my lady," he says in an accent worse than mine, causing me to erupt in laughter.

When he climbs in on his side I am still laughing, "Oh, come on it was not that bad," he pouts.

I pull a straight face and say, "No it wasn't," I say trying to say serious and failing completely.

As we pull up to school and both climb out of the incredible car, I finally pull myself together. "I like your laugh," Dean says seriously as we walk to the school causing me to blush deeply. What is happening to me? Yesterday at this time I hated him with everything I had but now… Now I can't help but smile when I am around him.

"I have to go to my locker, so I'll see you in english?"

"Why can't I just come with you?" he asks, his smile falling a little from earlier.

"I mean you can, I just figured you would want to go hang out with your friends before class," I say almost apologetically.

"No, I want to hang out with you," he states.

"Ok," I say a little hesitantly.

While we were at my locker Dean pulls out his phone and messes around with it before looking back up and saying, "There is something wrong with my phone… It doesn't have your number in it".

It took me a moment to process what he had just said, "Really? A pick up line?" I ask, closing my locker.

"Yep," he smirks.

"So your thought process is 'i want to make Abby think I am a good human being… what should I do? Oh I know I'll flirt with her'?"

"Did you ever think there is a reason I want to make you think I am a good human being?" he says slyly before turning and walking to our class, me following close behind with a small smile on my face. NO. What am I doing? I can't be falling for this boy. I just can't.

"That wasn't even that good of a pick up line," I say catching up to him.

"What are you talking about? That was incredible," he says proudly.

"No, it wasn't. It was about as good as your british accent," I say laughing.

"What are you talking about? I am incredible at both british accents and pick up lines," he says in his terrible accent.

"Whatever you say prince," I say walking in front of him into the class. He pauses at the door thinking about what I had just said giving me time to sit at my desk.

"Prince… I like that. You are my princess and I am your prince," he whispers in my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine.

He starts to walk to his seat in the back of the class room so I turn around and say, "In your dreams West".

Throughout the rest of the class Dean talked to me whenever he could. Though most of the talking was flirting but I actually didn't mind it too much. NOOOOOOO. I AM NOT FALLING FOR THIS STUPID BOY.


"Did I see you get out of Dean West's car this morning?" Jo says when I get to my next class.


"Did I see him causing you to blush?" she questioned.

"Maybe," I say shyly.

"Please explain…".

"Yesterday after school Dean walked me home even though I fought him on it. I told him that my car was in the shop and then he showed up at my house this morning. He is trying to make me think he is a good guy," I explain quickly.

"And what do you think?"

"I don't think he is a bad guy," I state.

"What? Two days ago you hated him," she tries.

"Yeah well I didn't know him then," I say looking down.

"Just please don't fall for him. I don't want to watch you get hurt," she pleads.

"I promise I won't," I say genuinely.

"I don't know if I believe you but ok," she sighs.