
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 14

And I know what you would say to that, "but you aren't alone," and you are right I'm not,


"Baby wake up," I say lightly pushing Dean's shoulder. Not wanting to get out of bed, he just groaned and tried to go back to sleep. I thought for a second before climbing back onto the bed and stratalling him, he was asleep enough he didn't really notice until my lips met his. His hands immediately shot to the back of my neck pulling me closer, we continued this for a minute before I pulled away, "Dean we have to get up, we have school".

"No, I want to stay in bed with you all day," he whines.

"Nope we have school and if the first thing we do living with each other is skip school your parents will kill us," I laugh climbing off of him.

"Noooooo," he cries.

"I'm sorry, but if you get up I will give you another kiss," I say slowly back into the bathroom.

With my words Dean quickly jumps out of bed and starts to run to the bathroom but before he could make it in a close the door and lock it. "Hey," he pouts through the door.

"Get dressed and I will come out," I direct.

"Princess," he whines.

"Get dressed," I say sternly even though I have a large smile on my face.

"Fine," he huffs before I hear foot steps walk away from the door and towards the closet.

Since I got dressed before  I woke Dean up all I had to do was my hair and make up. I brushed through my hair and lightly applied mascara to my eyelashes. "Ok, I am ready. Please come out now," Dean pleads through the door.

I open the door and immediately get attacked my a 6 foot guy who I am 100 percent in love with. In love with?

I'm in love with Dean?

I am in love with Dean.


He picks me up, walks over to the bed, and throws me onto it. Dean climbs on top of me placing his arms on either side of my head. He leans down and places his lips roughly against mine,  "never do that again," he says seriously after pulling away.

"We'll see," I laugh.

"Princess," he grows.

I just laugh, and peck his lips lightly. He smirks and climbs off of me and the bed, "lets go to school," he says in a deep tone.

"Mhm ok," I say getting up and grabbing my bag.

We take Dean's car and go pick up Dani at his house. When he sees me in the car, Daniel looks confused, "you didn't tell him?" I ask Dean.

"No," he laughs.

"Dean," I scold.

"Hey guys," Daniel says climbing into the back.

"Hey Daniel. Sorry Dean didn't tell you, I told him too," I respond.

"It's all good but is there something I am missing?" he asks looking down at Dean and I's hands on the center consoul.

"When we skipped on Friday we went out on a date," Dean starts.

"Then Dean asked me to be his girlfriend," I continue.

"Then Abby asked me to move in with her," he retortes.

"Wha-?" Dani start shocked.

"Only for a month," I defend.

"Jeez, you guys are moving fast," Dani says repeating the thing that we seem to have been hearing non stop since Friday.

"I guess," I shrug.

"What did your parents say?" he asks.

"My parents were cool with it," Dean answers.

"And my parents don't know," I say shyly.

"Are you going to tell them?" Dani asks.

"Eventually," I laugh looking over at Dean.

We talk for a few minutes before we are pulling into the parking lot at school. "Wait!!" Dean yells as I go to open my door.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Stay there," he orders.

"Okay?"I asked, still very confused.

Dean climbs out of the car and a few seconds later he reappears at my door, opening it wide. "What are you doing?" I ask, amused.

"Opening the door for my beautiful girlfriend," he says, sticking his hand out for me to grab.

"Ahh how sweet," I say, grabbing it and climbing out of the car. I swing the backpack over my shoulder and we start walking into the school: me in the middle of Dean and Dani.

As we walked into the school, eyes turned towards us, the boys didn't seem to notice or care but I am definitely not used to this. I suppose Dean noticed my discomfort cause he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "they are just curious. I am sure nobody will care by lunch".

"I guess," I say quietly.

Daniel leaves us when we are passing his locker, but we don't stop until we get to my locker. If you haven't noticed, Dean doesn't use his locker which is why we never go there. When we get closer to my locker I see Jo leaning against the locker next to mine, "JoJo," I call letting go of Dean's hand and running up to my best friend.

"Hi Ab's," she laughs hugging me.

"Hey Jo," Dean smiles.

"Hello brother and law," she greets.

"Brother and law?" he asks, sounding confused.

"Well you are basically married to my best friend; so, yes, you are my brother and law," she explains as I open my locker door.

"Ok," he says, giving in.

"So I was thinking... You, Corbyn, Dean and I should hang out tonight," Jo suggests after I grabbed all my stuff from my locker and closed it.

"Yes, I miss Corbs. I haven't seen him in forever," I agree.

"Wait like Corbyn Brice?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, why?"  Jo asks sounding a little worried.

"He's a nice guy. I have talked to him a few times and he always seems really cool," Dean smiles.

"So you are good with hanging out with him and Jo after school?" I question.

"Yeah, I am looking forward to it," he says hugging me from behind.

"Good, so our house?" I ask without thinking.

"Our house?" Jo asks with a mocking smile plastered onto her face.

I blush a little realizing what I had said, "yeah our house," Dean says. I look up at him and see a content smile.

"Ok, well I better get to class," Jo says with a small chuckle before leaving us.

"You want to head to class?" Dean asks.

"Don't you want to see your friends?" I ask not answering his question.

"No I will see them later," he says pulling me in the direction of our class.

Later that day when Jo and I were in our second period, you will never belive who cam up to us, "I thought you two were just friends?" the bitch says walking up to our table.

"We were and now I am his girlfriend," I laugh.

"Dean doesn't girlfriends," she states like she knows better.

"And you would know that how?" I ask.

"Cause he didn't date me," she says as if she is the most important.

"Well I am sure he just didn't want to date a whore," I say bluntly. I hear a little gasp, followed by a chuckle, from beside me.

She goes to say something but apparently she can't come up with anything cause she shuts her mouth and walks away. "You just called her a whore," Jo laughs.

"Yep," I smile.

"Come on guys lets get started," the teacher calls through the room.

After school Dean and I go straight home, Jo and Corbyn arriving short after. "Corbs," I call opening the door.

"Abby," he calls as well pulling me into a tight hug.

"Just ignore me then," Jo huffs walking past us into he house.

We pull out of the hug, disregarding Jo's comment, "where is your mans?" Corbyn asks.

"Upstairs, he should be down any second," I say right before we hear steps walking down the stairs.

"Hey Corbyn, how are ya?" Dean asks appearing behind me.

"I'm good, you?" Corbyn answers.

I look back at Dean, who was standing right behind me, he is looking back at me when he says, "I am amazing".

"Well I will leave you to your boy things," I say going into the kitchen where I saw Jo disappeared into a few minute before.

"Hi," I say.

"Oh so now you are talking to me," she huffs.

"Shut up! I haven't seen corbs in months," I defend.

"I know. I am just giving you crap," she laughs.