
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 15

I can't, I can't do this, not without you


Hanging out with Corbyn and Jo yesterday was a lot of fun, for both me and Dean. We ended up watching a movie before going out for ice cream. It ended up being a pretty amazing night.

Unlike the morning before when I woke up Dean was awake next to me, "Mhm, good morning," I hum when I open my eyes.

"Morning," he smiles softly.

"What are you doing up?" I ask yawning.

"You have a stupid alarm," he huffs cutely.

"I'm sorry," I say holding my laughter in.

I start to crawl out of the warm, comfortable bed but Dean stops me by grabbing my arm and letting out a low whine. "Dean, I have to get out of bed so I can get ready for school," I explain.

"But I want to stay here all day," he complains just like he did the day before.

"School. Parents," I say wigling out of his grasp and walking over to my closet. After picking out my outfit, unlike the past few days, I started to change in the middle of my room. I could feel Dean's eyes on me. As I was about to pull my pants on I feel warm hands wrap around my waist.

"Well that's one way to get me out of bed," Dean whispers in my ear causing a smirk to raise to my lips.

"Dean, I need to get dressed," I giggle.

"I don't know, I like this," he says smirking against my neck.

"Oh yeah in front of everybody at school. Walk in mostly naked where everybody can see," I say mostly to see if Dean was a protective person or not. My question was answered right away when his hands tightened around me, "oh are we jealous?"

"You are mine. All mine," he growls making eye contact with me through the mirror in my closet.

"Are you mine?" I ask in response.

This bring a smile to his face, "all yours".

"All yours," I repeat.

"Ok, as much as I love having your hands wrapped around me... I need to get ready," I pout.

"Fine," he huffs.

I grab my pants from off the floor and start getting ready, Dean standing beside me getting dressed as well.

After we were both ready, we headed downstairs ate breakfast and left for school.

Once we got to school, we immeditally saw Dean's friends standing near the entrace of the school and as soon as they saw him they called him over to them. "I'll see you in English," I say assuming we would split.

"What? Come over with me. Meet them," he says pulling me towards the group of boys.

"Dean, are you sure?" I ask unsure about talking to a group of people I have hated for so long.

"Yeah," he says pulling a little harder. I follow him to the large group of obnoxious teenage boys.

"Who is this pretty little lady?" one of them asks.

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Abby," he introdues proudly.

"Hi guys," I say shyly.

"Hello beautiful," one of them says cockily.

"Fuck off," I say snapping a little.

"Oh oh oh. Dean, are you really going to let your bitch talk to us like that?" the same one says.

"I am nobody's bitch," I say before Dean can even open his mouth.

"Oh the little baby wants to be a big independent women," he smirks causing the rest of the group to irupt into laughs.

One of them saying, "nice one Tommy". Tommy that's his name.

"Well Tommy, why don't you take that unimportant opinion of yours and shove it right up you ass," I say with a completely straight face.

The group goes silent with shock, I guess nobody has ever stood up to them like this before. "Dean, seriously. You are letting her talk to us like this," Tommy asks astonished.

Dean, also a little shocked by everything just happened, just stays silent staring in between Tommy and I. Before Dean could shake out of his trance and respond to what Tommy said, I turned around and walked away from the group.

Dean is pissing me off.

I mean I know the whole "Bro's Before Hoe's" thing and they were friends long before Dean and I started dating but that doesn't change the fact that no one should ever treat another person like that. "Abby wait," I hear Dean yell from behind me. Did he just call me Abby? He only calls me Abby when he introduces me to people. Why did he call me Abby? I hear him yell again but I just ignore him and keep walking, I only stop when I get to my locker. A few seconds after I open my locker Dean catches up to me, breathing hard, "Abby, what the hell was that?"

"Seriously, you are asking me that? You should be asking Tommy that, not me," I say harshly.

"Why would you say all that to them, they are my friends," he fights.

"Friends? What happened to 'they just want to be friends because of your populartiy'?" I argue.

"They are still my friends," he tries.

"You know you are right but if you want to be friends with people like that, I don't think we can't be together," I sigh.

"What? You want me to choose between you and them?" he asks suprised.

I think for a second before saying, "No. I don't but I can't be around guys like them".

"How am I supposed to be with someone who hates all my friends?"

"I don't hate ALL your friends. I love Dani. And I have a valid reason for not likeing them... they are all asswholes," I fight.

"You only like one of my friends, how are supposed to have a relationship?" he sighs.

"I don't know," exhale leaning against my closed locker.

"I guess I will pick up my stuff from your house after school," he huffs.

"Yeah," I say saddly looking at my shoes.

"Ok," he says laughing bitterly before walking towards English.


"You and Dean what?" Jo practically yells in second period. I just finished telling telling her what happened this morning and her reaction was... well you saw it.

"Jo shush and I don't know for sure but I think we broke up," I croaked.

"Ahh Ab's I'm sorry. I know you really liked him," she comforts.

"Jo I think it was more than like," I say shortly.


"I don't know," I huff sitting down. Jo could tell that I was done talking to she didn't ask anymore questions, just left me with my thoughts.


Dean drove me home just like the past few months but this time it was silent and not a comfortable silence. It was uncomfortable and weird.

"I'll grab my stuff then I will be out of your hair," Dean says softly running upstrairs.

I sit down on the couch and place my face in my hands, trying to keep all my emotion in. A few minutes later I hear steps running down the stairs, "So I'll be going," he says before walking towards the door.

"Dean?" I say quickly.


"Is this... Are we done?" I ask nervously.