
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 13

And now you are gone. You're gone. It's only been a week since we....


"Princess, calm down. They will absolutely love you! Espically Mai, ever since I told her about you she has been non stop asking to meet you," he says opening his car door. Dean talks about me to his little sister. Ahhh. Dean walks around the car and opens my door for me. "I know you can do this and if it ever gets too much I am always here," he says helping me out of the car.

"Ok," I say nervously.

"You ready?" he asks. I nod and he grabs the handle of the large front door, pressing the lever down, and pushing the door open. "Mom, Dad, we are here," he calls through the house. Dean and I take off our shoes and coats placing them next to the door before walking a little further into the house.

"Dean," I hear a lady cheer before I see two people resembling Dean walk into the front walkway.

"Hi Mom. Hi dad." Dean starts, hugging the both of them. "This is Abigail," he introduces.

"Please call me Abby," I smile sticking out my hand.

"If you don't mind, Can I hug you, Abby?" his mom asks a little shyly.

"Yeah," I smile, opening my arms and walking forward a little to meet her.

After we both backup from the hug, Dean's Dad sticks out his hand, I shake it and say, "It is really good to meet you Mr. and Mrs. West".

"Oh please, call us Lily and Nick," Nick smiles.

"Ok," I agree.

"You like Matalica?" Dean's dad asks as his mom yells up stairs calling for Mai.

"Uh, yeah. Actually they are like one of my favorite bands," I say honestly.

"Your kidding?" his mom asks happily.

"Uh no," I laugh.

"Dean, you found a keeper," his dad says seriously.

"I know," Dean agrees making me blush. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him.

I smile up at Dean before looking back at his parents, "Shall we go into the kitchen? I have a little bit more cooking to do, so we can talk in there," his mom suggests.

We all agree, Dean moves beside me and grabs my hand, following his parents and leading me into the kitchen. "So, how did you two meet?" his mom asks. His mom and dad insisted that we just relax, so Dean and I sat in chairs at the island watching the two of them walk around the kitchen.

Just as we are about to tell our story (I guess you could say) a little girl comes running down the stairs, "Dean," she giggles.

Dean jumps up from his chair and the little girl runs straight into his arms. As they break the hug Dean turns to me saying, "Mai do you remember me taking about my friend Abigail?"

She gasps, looking up at me with wide eyes and a huge smile, "your Abigail?" she asks shocked.

"Yes but you can just call me baby," I say bending down to her height.

She runs over to me and tightly hugs me while saying, "No, I think I'll stick with Abigail".

"Ok," I laugh. Wow, this little girl is very much like her brother. Dean and I sit back down, Mai climbing onto my lap as Dean bigens to explain the past month or so.

"Well Abby has known who I was since like 1st grade, but I only found out who she was at the beginning of the year," Dean laughs.

"Oh so you liked our boy," his dad assumes.

"Uh no actually the opposite," I say with guilt present in my voice.

"Really?" Lily says in shock.

"I don't blame you he is really annoying," Mai states. I laugh at Mai's comment before answering Lily's question.

"Yeah. Before I knew him he seemed like this really bad guy but after talking to him once, he changed my mind".

"That is fair.  Dean, how on earth did you not know she existed?" his Dad asked accusingly.

"I honestly have no idea because she is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on," Dean compliments. Mai lets a small giggle out before resting her head on my shoulder.

"Dean," I say looking down, hiding my blush.

"He is right, you are a very beautiful young lady," his mom agrees. "How did you guys get from not knowing who she was and hating him to this?"

"Well it started with him walking me home and being very persistent," I start.

"Then finally she allowed me to be her friend," Dean teases.

"Shut up," I laugh. "Anyway, after we became friends he picked me up for school and dropped me off everyday. Everyday since then he has used a pickup up line on me," I say thinking back to the start.

"Everyday?" his mom asks amazed.

"Yep, even this morning," Dean said proudly.

"Wow, that's impressive," Nick chuckles.


"When did you start dating?" Lily asks.

"Uh," I begin.

"Yesterday," Dean answers awkwardly.

"Yesterday?" both his parents ask at the same time.

"Yep," I say looking over at Dean nervously.

"And you are already basically living together?" his dad points out.

"Uh yeah," I laugh gingerly.

"Isn't that a little fast?" Lili asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I guess. But it feels good and I think it is a good thing," Dean admits.

"Just please don't like get married or pregnant or anything like that," Nick pleads.

"Yeah we definitely do not plan on it," I chuckle.

"Be careful please," Lily begs.

"We will," Dean promises.

Nick is about to say something more but before he can a ding is heard throughout the kitchen, "Dinner is ready," Lily states.

"Can I help you in any way?" I ask as she takes the enchiladas out of the oven.

"Yes, you can, by putting that little on in her bed," she says gestering to my lap. I look down at Mai and see her fast asleep in my arms. I scoop her body more into my arms and Dean guides me up stairs and into the little girls room.

I lay her in bad and tuck the covers around her, "She likes you more then me," Dean huffs as we look at the sleeping six year old.

"Yep," I lowly giggle and we leave the room. "Lilly please let me help you," I say as we enter the kitchen. 

The married could are putting the finishing touches on the food."No, you two go sit in the dining room," she orders, placing the pan down on the stove.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes now go," she says, basically pushing us out of the room.

Dean and I sit in the beautiful dining room, the table is already mostly set just missing the food and drinks. "They absolutely love you, just like I said," Dean gloats.

"Yeah," I saigh happily.

After the table is fully set, Nick and Lily are sitting with us and the food is dished out, we start eating. "So, Abby, tell us more about you? We have only heard about you and Dean together," Lily smiles.

"Well I have always lived here in Lawrence. I am an only child. I want to be a film director," I pause thinking about what else I could say. "I don't know, I think that's it".

"Director? Why?" Nick asks kindly.

"I guess it's because there are so many people who use television and movies as a way to escape reality and cope. Helping people get away or forget about the hard stuff even just for an hour, would be a really amazing feeling," I explain.

"Wow," Lily sighs. I look over at Dean to see him smiling down at me, looking proud.

"You are very passionate about this," Nick states.

"Yeah, yeah I am," I lightly chuckle.

"Dean do not lose her," Lily says sternly.

"Trust me, I won't," he swears.

The rest of the dinner went by just as smoothly, we talked, laughed, ate, and just overall had a very good time. So when the night was over we were all rather sad, "When do you guys want to have dinner next week?" Lily asks as we grab our things from the front door.

Dean and I look at each other questioningly before he says, "Wednesday? We could make that the weekly time?"

"Sounds good to me," I agree.

"Yeah," both his parents say agreeing as well.

We go for hugs, Lily and I, Nick and Dean. As Lily and I hug she whispers in my ear, "You are too good for him but please don't leave him or let him leave you".

We pull apart still hugging a little, "I honestly don't think I could ever leave him," I say honestly. I have fallen for this boy in such a short amount of time but I really can't see myself without him.