
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 12

I can't believe you left us. I hate that you left us. I want, so badly, to be mad at you but I can't. I can't because of how much I love you.


"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!" Dean says when I wake up the next morning.

"Oh come on. That one is so overused," I say yawning a little. "Plus if I am ever a ten it is definitely not now".

I sit up and make a move to crawl out of bed but before I can Dean grabs my wrist, "One you are always a ten, and two aren't you going to give me a kiss before you get out of bed".

"I have morning breathe," I say trying to move but he still doesn't let me.

"I don't care," he states pulling me into him. I give him a quick peck before jumping out of bed and running towards the bathroom.

"Oh come on that's it," he calls still in bed.

"Let me brush my teeth and then you can get all the kisses you want," I call before sticking my toothbrush into my mouth. A few seconds later Dean walks in wrapping his arms around my waist, he only holds them there for a few seconds. Keeping one hand around me he grabs his toothbrush with the other, I grab the toothpaste and apply some to his toothbrush. He turns on the Faucet, wets his toothbrush, and starts to brush his teeth keeping his arm securely around me.

Two minutes later both of our mouths were clean and fresh, Dean moved his hand and used it to spin me around, so I was facing him. He took a few steps forward pushing me against the sink forcing our bodies to be inhumanly close. "When I asked for a kiss, this is what I meant," he says in a dominant tone.

Well, that's new.

He bent down a little and forcefully pressed his amazing lips against mine, pulling my body closer with his hands: gripping my waist roughly. I swung both arms around his neck and clung to him like my life depended on it.

Our lips only parted when we couldn't possibly hold our breath for any longer, "so what movie do you want to watch?" I ask still inches away from his face.

Dean lets out a small groan before reaching down and placing one hand on the backside of my kneecaps. I squeal a little as I feel my feat lift off the ground. Dean carries me back into our/my room and throws me onto the bed. "I don't know, you choose...".

"Um Ratatouille," I cheer.


"Yes it happens to be my favorite movies," I smile grabbing the remote.

"Ok," he says pulling me into him. Once the movie was qued up I laid my head into Dean's chest we enjoyed the movie.

Dean and I watched movies until about four in the afternoon, we only stopped because we had to get ready for dinner with his parents. I just got out of the shower and I can't for the life of me figure out what to wear. I just stood in my towel looking into my closet door and staring at my clothes. I don't think I have ever been more nervous for a dinner in my entire life. I guess Dean noticed my nerves because he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "you are going to be fine".

"How do you know?" I whine.

"Because I know you, I know my parents, and I know they will absolutely love you," he tries lightly squeezing me.

"How?" I say turning around to face him.

"Cause you are perfect for me and you make me really happy, so they have no reason to not love you," he assures.

"But-," I try to fight but he interrupts me by lightly pressing his lips lightly against mine.

"No, you are going to do amazing. Although you probably shouldn't wear this," he laughs looking down at my body.

"Hush," I say lightly slapping his chest before turning around and looking back at my clothes. "I have nothing to wear".

"What? You have a ton of clothes," he chuckles.

"Yeah, sure. I have clothes but none to wear to meet my boyfriend's parents," I huff.

"Go sit on the bed," he orders, lightly pushing me away.

"Ok?" I question sitting on my bed.

Dean shuffles through my clothes, looking for I don't know what. After a minute or two he turns around with two idems of clothing in his hand: the shirt was my dark grey Matalica t-shirt and for pants he got a pair of dark wash skinny jeans.

"Are you sure?" I ask a little hesitintly.

"Yes both my parents are huge Matalica fans, actually they are total nerds about it. So if you show up in this they will immediately love you," he says tossing the clothes next to me on the bed.

"Ok," I say grabbing them and walking into the bathroom to change.

Once I was fully changed I opened the bathroom door, so Dean could come in if he wanted to, then started to do a simple makeup look. I just did a light pink color for my eye shadow, mascara, and a nude lipstick. "You really really don't need makeup," Dean says sitting on my tub.

"Why thank you but I do want to look good for your parents. I want to impress them". I brush through my hair one more time before saying, "you ready?"

"Yep I was waiting on you," he tease getting up from the tub and grabbing my waist.

"Hush, now let's go," I say wiggling out of his grip.

"Fine," he says following me out of the bathroom, through our room and down stairs. We walk out to his car and start the drive to his parents house, the closer we got the more nervous I became. Once again Dean saw this and said, "you are going to do amazing. They will love you".

I open my mouth to fight but before I can Dean is pulling into a drive way and putting the car into park. Fuck. I can't do this. They will hate me. They will think I am the wrong person for their son. Shit.