
My Dear Angel [Love You My Guardian]

She was a kind-hearted girl with a cheerful appearance that can even melt a stone. Her life never went easy on her, she was always ignored by people, yet she was nice to them. One day, she was stabbed by a mischievous old lady who was there to enquire about her ill son. As soon as she found that her son was dead, she just pointed her knife towards this innocent girl and killed her cold-bloodedly. This time, she is given a new life where she’s the one responsible for changing everyone’s fate.

zealouszac04 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Just Like A First Date

[+14 Mature content : )) ]

Holding her hand Daniel slightly raised his gaze towards her, with his soft lips he told her not to worry about that. This king expression of his made Anna blanks out. She went expressionless less and her heart started pounding very fast.

It was noon, the sun was on the top showing its utmost brightness that could drain out anyone's energy. The fluffy clouds were disappeared somewhere, leaving behind some of their traces which seems to be vaporizing. The school was over around two o'clock. Sitting beside the at this hour is very harsh, the merciless sunlight just blows everyone out.

Daniel was completely soaked in sweats, even his hairs got wet but the droplets scatter the rays in such a way it appears like pearls. He moves his hand through his hairs, swiping them in a relaxing way.

He saw Anna who stands up from her chair and begins to pack her things up. Mostly the students have left the class and only a few were left including them. He was in no hurry to go home. He could see her breathing heavily due to hot weather, but still, she succeeds in maintaining herself well.

Her skin flourished differently and her hairs turn into golden threads made of silk even in this excessive weather. He could feel its softness by just looking at them, the smell of her perfume was still there. The sweat was all over her face, even then she looks adorable. Her eyes were tired and her glossy lips turn red, the expression on her face was still the same.

Her white shirt was immersed in sweat and became a little translucent. He could easily see through it. Fortunately, she was wearing a white bra that doesn't expose anything from the back but when she turns around, the case was the same with her bra too. It was also got wet. He could see two pink dots on her chest. He hides his face with his hands. He has no courage to look at, 'what did I just see, that's too embracing!! How can I be a jerk like that!!'

'Daniel you just think about something else to cool down, just think about the cake you ate this morning. That was very creamy and white as snow having a pink cherry on top just like her pink…' he closed his eyes and sunk his face on his bag.

His desires started burning up the movement he saw that…it's becoming hard for him to calm down. Anna turns to him and asks if he would like to go home with her. How he says no to her! But his eyes find a chance to look at her chest again.

'Hey, are you a jerk or what why kept looking at her', he thought to himself. He offers if they could have ice cream in the parlor as it was becoming too hot outside. Anna agreed and they started moving.

It's was a joyful movement; the sun doesn't seem to disturb him anymore he was relaxed that movement. He walks beside her observing how little she is, she just reaches up to his chest. He just wants to keep his hand on her waist but he just let it go.

Turning his face back, he said, "Nice to see you AO"

Anna was a bit confused at that movement. How could he be able to see him??

She kept one hand on her face, looking at the ground begin to think, 'I didn't saw any Guardian around him!! Is he a Devil, but AO has a magic stone by which Devil won't be able to recognize him or there is an error that he's able to see him? How did he know his name then??' She was in an ocean of thoughts.

Daniel laughed out watching her in such chaos.

"I have a Guardian too, her name is Eterna. One of the Class Z members, told me about AO so I know him well" he giggled.

"'She' I thought Guardians were the only male. How stubborn I am" feeling embarrassed her steps slow down a bit.

Watching her like this, Daniel pulled one of her soft-cheek and said, "You don't need to trouble your little brain"

The place was a little far so they have to keep walking there. Anna was stressed by such a warm day and begin to tremble; she was about to fell after stepping up on a speed breaker but Daniel manages to catch her.

He didn't believe that his hands were on her waist. She was so thin that he could even hold her with his single hand. He didn't feel any weight on his hand while holding her and now, don't want to let her go. 'It would be nice if I keep her close to me like this he thought.

The very next movement he saw the first button of her shirt was open and he was able to see a lot of things. Her chest was so white, it looks so soft that he would like to touch it once. When he was looking at this, eyes rolled a little downwards and again spot those little pink things. This was the movement that he couldn't stop himself.

For Anna, it was the movement that her heart was going to burst herself. When she felt a warm gentle hand around her waist, she raised her eyes a little up. Daniel looking at her with those affectional eyes made her heart skip some beats. He looked utterly handsome when he cares about something. She saw his shirt all wet, she was too close to him that she could feel his nice body. It takes a lot to have a body like that.

Daniel just releases her gradually and there was a silence for a movement. Neither of them has spoken a word, their faces turned cherry-red and their hearts were almost feezed to some extent.

Now then, they reach the parlor, and everyone was seated comfortably. The harsh sun rays couldn't dare to enter the parlor therefore the place was cool inside. The sweat was gone from Anna's body and her shirt went back to white. Daniel was satisfied to see that but now, he does want to see her wet shirt again.

Daniel brought ice cream for everyone, suddenly Anna said that she wants to know about Eterna that what were her abilities.

Daniel describes, "She can control time and space. With that, if someone wants to travel back in time, he/she can. There she can also create a 10th-dimensional space according to her preference and can enter that imaginary world."

"would you like to know about my abilities too?" leaning closer to her he asks.

"Sure, I would like too" she spoke out loud with sudden excitement.

"Photographic memory… what about you Anna?"

"Hmm… so that's the reason you scored well!! You see…AO didn't tell me about my abilities. Maybe he still doesn't know what are they!"

"Hey AO what's with that?" he glared at him as if he was more eager to know about her abilities than her.

"I haven't figured it out yet," he said that with a cold expression as if he was knowing but not bothering to tell.

"Fine Anna, come to my house today, we will figure it out our selves"

"Sure," she said joyfully but AO seems to be a bit disappointed with that.

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