
My Dear Angel [Love You My Guardian]

She was a kind-hearted girl with a cheerful appearance that can even melt a stone. Her life never went easy on her, she was always ignored by people, yet she was nice to them. One day, she was stabbed by a mischievous old lady who was there to enquire about her ill son. As soon as she found that her son was dead, she just pointed her knife towards this innocent girl and killed her cold-bloodedly. This time, she is given a new life where she’s the one responsible for changing everyone’s fate.

zealouszac04 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

First Day Of School (3)

Sophia had a crush on Daniel long ago, she admires him very much that she's ready to do anything to get close to him.

On the other hand. Daniel was kind of reserved, he didn't like people clinging around so he uses to avoid them.

She lay her hands on the table Anna's and said, "Hey, Daniel and I want to have some talks. Could you move to some other place? Make as fast as possible"

She was a bit rude to her classmate and had a bad temper. If things won't go according to her preference, she has ways to deal with them.

Without raising her gaze, looking at the cover of the book Anna replied with a polite voice,

"Firstly, I didn't hear this person saying, he would like to have a chat with you. Secondly, if you are so eager then move to some other place."

"I AM NOT GOING LEAVE THIS PLACE", with a cold gaze in her eyes like thunder, Sophia's courage turns into scattered pieces.

She went back with a boiled face but decided that she'll take her revenge.

"You were quite a bold girl!", Daniel commented to her but Anna went back to her book again. Feels like once again he was ignored but it was something that made AO giggle.

The teacher arrived and the school started. With all those easy-peasy things Anna was bored as she has studied them already. She completed her whole maths book in just 30 minutes. She could even answer within seconds as a child's play.

Daniel was amused to see that, he never thought that he could ever see someone like him. He kept looking at Anna the entire time. She was little but had a perfect figure with curves. Her soft hair and white skin he wants to touch. he was about to poke her fluffy cheeks but… 'Ah…there's a way too long, he thought with a sad smile.


During the lunch break, Anna was watching her steps towards the library. Meanwhile, she heard a girl's cry from the boys toiled. She thought that it's her imagination or some horny kids but once again the sound gives her some bad vibes.

'It's was a deep cry, not something usual', she finds the door locked from inside which give an exact idea that 'SOMETHING ISN'T ALL RIGHT'

AO was not with her, she convinced him that she's only heading towards the library and there's nothing to worry about.

She looked at the door which was made of wood and rusty hinges. She kicked it harshly that the fragile lock was turned into pieces.

She found Sophia being bullied by three boys, she was crying non-stop and her face got red because of beating. Thankfully grade six's kids don't know much about **** and she was safe.

With smashing sound from the door, those were thrilled to see Anna glaring at them with those vicious eyes.

"Here comes your savior, but lady you are walking into a lion's den", said one of the guy

"Since when hyenas considered themselves as Lion" she laughs.

With the finish of her sentence, she kicked one of them at its lower part and twisted his hand. It was done all of a sudden that the other two weren't able to figure what happened. That boy was wearing a chain with a heavy metallic pendant which she took off and use as a weapon. She threw it to another guy whose eye got swell up after this and coming back with a kick on his face The third remaining was a bit more muscular, it would be quite difficult to turn him down.

He pulled Sophia to him, placing his hand on her collar he said, "If you put another step forward, I will tear her shirt and everyone will have a great look".

He begins to stretch her shirt but he receives a nice kick on his nose soon. "Let's see who dares to threaten me", with keen black eyes she gave him another nice punch.

Grabbing the hand of Sophia she ran out to the storeroom, to treat her wounds. She was still shedding tears and shivering. Anna made her sit on the desk and give her a gentle hug, "It's all over now, you are safe and sound".

Giving her a spare uniform, she pats her head, "There you go, change this. Don't worry I will take care if they do something like this again"

"Hey, why are you helping me?"

"You are my classmate? I will help who so ever needs it"

"Even if the one who tries to set you up", she said in a feeble voice. "I am the one who bribes them to bully you but I got trapped instead. But still don't you regret helping me now"

Anna smiled with a tender-heart, "But you do regret what you did, That's enough for me"

There was a calm spark in Anna's eyes, and her gentle moves made Sophia cry out of thankfulness. No one has ever helped even if she had friends. It was her first time that some stranger has helped even if she was the person who set this up.

Her heart bursts up when Anna gives her hand and willingly asks, "Let's go". She gave her hand and blushed out a cheerful smile.

They move to their class and everything was quiet as if nothing has happened, Sophia was happy to see Anna.

The school was over and Anna packs her bag and was ready to move.

"Nice to see you AO!", it was Daniel standing with a delighted smile on his face looking towards AO.