
Old Man

As Tan You was deep in thought, the door of the small hut creaked and slightly opened.

Just as Tan You heard the door, his heart skipped a beat, and he gulped his saliva. He dreaded this moment the most.

He knew that he would have to face the people who were living here with him; however, he didn't think it would be so soon.

He has just arrived at this place and has no information about it; he wondered if he would even be able to comprehend the language of this world.

Although it was possible for a person to lose their memories of language, it was far too rare, even rarer than his memory loss.

For something like that to happen, the injuries he needs to receive should be extremely severe. Only in that case would people believe that he has also lost language memory.

After all, one's language was embedded in their subconscious mind, and it was not easy to lose those memories. Although it was possible, it came to this point when the person received near-death injuries to their head.

And in that case, it was more of a possibility for them to lose their bodily functions than their memories. That was how rare it was.

That was the reason why Tan You was dreading this moment. He hoped that he would be able to face the person coming from the door.

No matter how much he wished the moment never came, in the end, the door finally opened and an old man walked in.

The old man was also wearing the same type of yellow dress that Tan You found on his bed after waking up, and when the old man saw him, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

The old man paused at the door, looking at Tan You from up to down as if he were seeing some sort of miracle, and there was even a strange terror in his eyes.

It was as if the old man was cautious of Tan You and didn't dare to enter the house directly.

On the other hand, Tan You was so worried that he didn't notice the strange fear in the old man's eyes and only nervously smiled at him.

This was the best thing he could do now, as he knew that a smile was the best weapon against the unknown. After all, in his previous world, if someone smiled, then they would be considered friendly.

Tan You didn't want the old man to consider him an enemy; that was the reason why he tried to form a warm smile as a friendly gesture.

However, his method failed as he was too nervous, and instead of a warm smile, a fearful one appeared on his face instead.

And he took a few steps back subconsciously as a caution against the old man.

Although Tan You knew that if push came to shove, he would be able to easily defeat the old man with his young body, he still felt uneasy in his mind.

After all, he didn't know much about this world, and he didn't know just what kind of weapon the old man might be carrying.

However, there was also a bit of ease in the back of his mind. As if the old man wanted to harm him, he would have already done so when Tan You was unconscious.

And Tan You was sure that this old man was the one who placed the clothes on his bed before leaving.

So there were still chances that the old man was not a foe.

However, the fear of the unknown was greatest; that was the reason why Tan You was so nervous.

Seeing the nervous expression on Tan You's face and him retreating back a few steps, the old man sighed, and then a smile formed on his face.

The old man's smile was truly warm, not like Tan You's, who was smiling out of fright, and the old man's smile gave a sense of relief.

Finally, the old man stepped inside the hut and closed the door behind him. "No need to be worried; I was the one that saved your life from that waterfall. So you should thank me instead of giving me that frightened expression." The old man said that and hung the small bag on a nail on the wall.

There was some displeasure in his tone, as if he were dissatisfied by Tan You's frightful expression.

After all, the old man was the one who saved Tan You, and at that time, Tan You was conscious. 

So Tan You must have memories of how the old man saved him, so why was he so frightened? And on top of all this, he was not even thanking him for saving his life.

Any other person in his place would have already kowtowed in front of the old man and kissed his leg for saving their lives from that treacherous waterfall.

However, Tan You was still standing there like a frightened chicken. He was too shocked to even speak.

That caused some displeasure for the old man. 

Although the tone of the old man was filled with displeasure, his warm expression didn't disappear as he looked at Tan You again.

Just as Tan You heard the old man's voice tears almost burst out of his eyes. Inside, flowers started blooming in his stomach. And after that, a relieved expression appeared on his face.

'I can understand his language!' Tan You were extremely happy with the finding. After all, this was his top worry; he was worried that the old man would be suspicious of him if he didn't even understand his language.

And then making him understand would be extremely difficult. It would have caused a lot of trouble for Tan You if he didn't understand the old man's language.

He was now extremely happy that he could understand the language. And only when his happiness dulled down a bit did he realize that he didn't know the language.

Although Tan You could clearly understand the old man's language, he didn't know what language he was speaking.

However, mysteriously, he could understand it very well. This shocked Tan You to the core. He knew that he had no memories of the previous owner.

'Could it be that I understand this language because of the previous owner's subconscious memories?' This was the only conclusion Tan could reach.

After all, he knew the power of subconscious memories, it was extremely difficult to erase them.

These kinds of memories were deeply embedded in a person's brain and their muscles. And are formed by repeated practice.

These sorts of memories include language, eating, walking, and many other unconscious things a person does.

"Hmph! What are you staring at?! You haven't even thanked me. Come sit down; let me bring some food." The old man got even more dissatisfied when he saw Tan You staring at nothing and smiling like an idiot.

It was as if he had gone crazy from fright.

It was only after his words that Tan You came back to his senses and quickly bowed towards the old man.

"Thanks, sir, for saving my life. I owe you a huge debt." He said it with a solemn expression on his face.

Tan You really did owe the old man a huge debt; after all, it was all because of the old man that he was still alive.

If the old man hadn't saved the previous owner of this body from the supposed waterfall, then even if the current Tan You had transmigrated to this world, wouldn't he have died soon after?

That was the reason he bowed in front of the old man. And Tan, you could tell that the old man was a good person and meant no harm.

He has gone out of his way to save Tan You and even brought him to his house, and from the looks of it, Tan You could tell that the old man has even treated his injuries.

And now he was even offering him food. Tan You was really grateful to the old man; it was only because of him that Tan You felt a bit safe in this strange new world.

If it was anyone else, then he might not be so sure that he would feel so safe.

The old man looked at his earnest expression and let out a hearty laugh. "Just now you were scared like a chicken. You change so quickly." The old man said.

An embarrassed expression appeared on Tan You's face as he remembered his previous expressions. He quickly smiled awkwardly.

"It's just that I was shocked to see such a handsome man." Tan You said and laughed.

"Hmph! Don't try to butter me; I won't give you my inheritance no matter what." The old man looked at Tan You with a pleased expression. He was happy that Tan You could take a joke and even joke back.

"Sit down; let's eat some food." The old man quickly went towards the kitchen, which was a small room connected to the hut, and after about fifteen minutes, he brought out two bowls of steaming hot soup and some bread.

Tan You sniffed the fragrance of the hot broth, and his stomach suddenly rumbled loudly. After that, an embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

For some reason, he was extremely hungry, and as soon as he smelled the food, his mouth got filled with saliva.

The old man laughed and placed a bowl and a plate in front of him.

"You young guys need to eat." The old man said as he began to eat.

Tan You saw the old man eating; he didn't stand on ceremony and quickly began to eat too.