
Clone System

After some time of eating and chatting, Tan You lay on the bed as he looked at the broken roof.

He has already told the old man that he has lost his memories and doesn't know much about the world, and although the old man was a bit shocked at first, he quickly told him everything he knew.

From what he has figured out, this world was not normal, and the people here cultivated Qi to become strong. Science and technology have not developed in this world, but cultivation was not a small matter.

According to the old man, a high-level cultivator is equal to a god; the life and death of normal people like them were in his hands.

A cultivator could even form rivers and flatten mountains with just a single attack; that's how powerful cultivators were.

So although there was not a lot of science and technology in this world, something even more bizarre and powerful existed, and it is not to be trifled with.

If even a single cultivator gets back to Tan You's old world, then he could raze the whole planet to the ground, no matter how many weapons are shot at him.

Tan You was a bit shocked by this finding. A sense of dread filled his body. Because, according to the old man, it would be extremely hard for Tan You to cultivate.

The old man was also a cultivator; although not a high-level one, he was still revered in this small village. And the old man has checked Tan You's potential.

According to him, Tan You's spirit root was extremely low, and it would be very hard for him to condense Qi in his body.

A spirit root is something that exists above a person's Dantian and is responsible for sensing the Qi in heaven and earth.

Without a spirit root, a person has to be a normal mortal all his life, as without sensing the Qi, it would be impossible for him to collect it in the Dantian.

And even if that person takes a pill that contains Qi, it still won't get to Dantian, as all the Qi first has to go through a person's spirit root, or the Dantian would reject it immediately.

So without a spirit root, a person can only stay as a mortal.

Tan You were not that unlucky; he did have a spirit root. His spirit root is almost as useful as a drop of water in a desert.

His spirit root is only at the Sand level. 

Spirit roots are divided into many levels. First was Sand Level; second was Bronze; third was Black Bronze; after that came silver; and then gold.

The better the grade of a spirit root, the easier it was for someone to acclimate Qi from their surroundings; as a result, their cultivation speed is also amazing.

However, Tan You's spirit root was only at Sand Level, and although he could sense the Qi in heaven and earth, if he tried to absorb it, he would feel extreme pain throughout his body.

That's the nature of sand roots. It was useless. Most of the people who have sand roots decided not to cultivate at all, as the process was too painful.

It felt like hundreds of needles were pierced into the body whenever they tried to cultivate.

And Tan You has tried it. Previously, after finishing his food, the old man helped him cultivate, and he found out that he couldn't cultivate for more than five minutes, as after that, the pain would be so unbearable that he would vomit blood.

So a person with a Sand Spirit root could only cultivate for five minutes a day, or he could bear the unbearable pain of cultivating.

'I do not have enough willpower to face that pain again.' An unsightly expression appeared on Tan You's face as he remembered the pain he was in previously.

He felt like he was dying all over again, and he never wanted to experience that feeling again.

Although he wanted to cultivate and raise his power level, as that was the only way he would be able to live a comfortable life. And there was another special reason that Tan You wanted to cultivate.

According to the old man, if someone cultivated enough and reached a certain realm, then they could become immortal.

Tan You have already faced death once, so his lust for life was extreme. He wanted to become immortal and never die again. He never wanted to feel that harrowing nothingness again.

However, cultivating was almost impossible for him. He felt that his luck was too bad for him to have such a trash spirit root.

'Looks like I used all my luck in coming to life again.' Tan You thought and sighed.

He knew that he had already experienced something Heaven Defying once, coming back to life after dying, and he doubted that he would experience something like that again and get a good spirit root.

After all, two miracles appearing one after another were one in a billion changes.

He suddenly sat up on the wooden bed and clenched his fist. "So what if I can't cultivate? I have to make the most of this life!" A determined expression appeared on his face.

He was already grateful for the fact that he had a chance to live again. And he knew that brooding on his bad spirit root would only bring him unhappiness.

He didn't want to waste this heaven-sent chance to brood. He wants to live a good and happy life so he doesn't have any regrets when he dies in this life.

In his previous life, he was too passive and took his time for granted. He rarely did things that he loved and only ran after money.

However, in this life, he decided to change all that. "I will do the things that I love!" His eyes flashed with unending resolve.

So what if he didn't get a good spirit root?

So what if he was reborn in a poor village?

He could at least live his life his way!

That was his thinking.

'In this life, only I would decide how I live and die!' He stood up with enthusiasm and took a deep breath. A positive smile then flashed on his face.

'Let's go out and see this village.' He thought and was about to step towards the door when suddenly a buzz reverberated in his head, and then a blue panel appeared in front of his eyes.

'Tan You stopped in his tracks and looked at the floating panel in front of him. A frown then appeared on his face.

'This looks like some sort of screen.' Tan You thought, he could tell that the panel in front of him looked like a screen from his previous world.

A confused expression then appeared on his face. He knew that this world would not have much science, and even in his previous world, creating such a floating screen was impossible.

So how is he suddenly seeing this screen?

He could tell that he was not dreaming or hallucinating, as it all seemed too real to him.

And today he has faced many bizarre experiences, so he was not surprised by the screen.

After all, coming back from death was an even more shocking experience than this.

After taking a deep breath, he decided to read the panel.

[Clone System, Leven One]

[Current Clone Capacity: 1]

[Skills: None]

When Tan You read the panel, a smile appeared on his face. 'So my luck isn't that bad after all.' He laughed a bit.

He has seen these kinds of cheats before in the comics he used to read. Although he has never read a comic containing a clone cheat, as he considered them to be too overpowered, he has certainly heard about them.

'At least I won't have to do hard labor to feed myself now. My clones could do it for me.' He was relieved.

Previously, he was worried about how he would earn money to sustain his life, although the old man has said that he didn't need to worry about money.

However, he can't always rely on the old man. He wanted to stand up on his own two feet, and the purpose for which he was going out right now was to find a job to earn some money.

He didn't want to be a dead weight on the old man.

The old man has already done so much for him; he has saved his life from the waterfall, and he was Tan You's first interaction in this new world.

Tan You were extremely grateful to the old man. After all, if he woke up in front of someone else, he wondered if he would still be alive or not.

Or he might have faced many hardships if not for the old man.

But now that he has this new cheat, not only can he earn money easily, but he can even repay the old man for the kindness he has shown.

Tan You has decided that he will treat the old man as his grandfather and make his remaining life easy.

He looked at the screen again and took a deep breath.

"Summon Clone." He whispered.