
Tan You

Tan You opened his eyes and gasped deeply. His whole body was in extreme pain.

He felt like he was getting stabbed by millions of large needles all over his body, from his bones. The pain was unbearable.

Sweat was covering his whole body; this soul-shaking pain even made him tremble a little. 

Veins bulged on his forehead as he tried to breathe; however, even breathing was unbearable for him, as the pain was so great that it even affected his internal organs.

Even his lungs and heart were malfunctioning.

He felt like he was dying all over again; however, this time the pain was a million times worse than his previous pain.

"Ugh!" Suddenly he coughed out a lot of blood from his mouth, and in that blood was some black liquid.

The blood fell to the ground with the black liquid, and a sizzling voice resounded in the small hut he was in.

Only after he spurted out the blood did his body begin to calm down, and only after ten minutes did he take a deep breath and wipe his tears.

Previously, his pain was so strong that even tears began falling from his eyes. He has never felt this much pain before in his life.

Not even when the huge truck hit him and almost killed him.

'Wait! How am I still alive?' Suddenly, a frown appeared on his face as he looked around in confusion.

He found out that he was currently in a small, damaged hut. He has never seen this place before in his life. He then slightly moved up and looked at his body.

There were many bruise marks and even some wounds; however, none of them looked severe. According to his knowledge, he should have been gravely injured after that truck hit him.

Even if he somehow survived, at least he should have revived many fractures from the extreme speed of the truck. However, here he was completely fine, with some minor injuries.

Other than the pain that had previously assaulted his body, he didn't think that his life was in any sort of critical danger.

He was extremely confused. A few moments ago, he was walking peacefully from his workplace to his apartment while looking at his mobile.

He was reading the latest release of his favourite comic, and just as he was about to finish the chapter, he suddenly heard a loud horn and then, out of nowhere, a giant truck, at a speed god knows how much, suddenly hit him.

At his final moment, he was sure that he would die under the force of the truck. However, when he opened his eyes again, he only felt some pain in his body and was completely fine.

There wasn't even a single fracture in his body that he could feel; it was all too magical for him.

'Was I dreaming before? Or am I dreaming now?' He stood up from the small wooden bed and took a deep breath.

He could tell that he was not currently dreaming; however, he was also sure that the previous truck incident was also not a dream.

How could it be a dream when it all felt too real?!

As he was thinking about this, suddenly another realisation stuck with him, and his eyes turned wide in extreme shock.

Unknown to him, he subconsciously stumbled in front of a small mirror in the hut, and in front of him was his reflection.

However, he was not used to this reflection.

'This... How could this be?! This is not me!' Now a strange kind of terror started filling Tan You because the image in the mirror was not his but someone he didn't know.

He was a salaried man of age twenty-nine, just about to turn thirty; however, the person in the mirror was no more than a teen.

Tan You were sure that his current body was not even eighteen years old.

But he doesn't know how it could happen; even if he was experimented on with a new young drug, he was sure that he didn't look like the person in the mirror when he was young.

Although his current body was extremely handsome, with deep black eyes and jet-black hair, he still couldn't fathom how this sudden change could occur.

He was just an ordinary man, finishing his job and ready to go back to his apartment to eat, drink, and sleep; however, a truck suddenly hit him, and after that, he woke up in this strange place with this strange new body.

Suddenly he remembered something: the comic he was reading before had something like this.

And when he thought about that, his heart suddenly skipped a beat!

"Has my soul transmigrated to a different world?!" He somehow couldn't even believe his own words. It was as if the land was moving from below his feet, and all his previous knowledge about science and technology has been craving and breaking.

This was something completely strange to him. Previous Tan You would have never believed in God or anything supernatural.

Although he liked reading comics that had supernatural elements, that was only to entertain himself. He never believed in them.

After all, his father was a doctor and his mother was a chemist; both of them were highly educated, and they raised him as an atheist.

No one in his family believed in God or any other sort of supernatural being. They knew that science was superior, as science was based on facts and proofs.

And Tan You's had an atheistic family that firmly believed that there were no gods.

However, Tan You was standing in someone else's body! This was a complete blow to his knowledge.

'Did a god transmigrate me here?!' He questioned, but after some thought, he gave up.

As he has no memories of the previous owner of the body and in the small room he couldn't find anything of information, he decided to think about these matters later, when he has some more information.

Currently, he wanted to know about his situation. He wanted to know what kind of world he was in and what sort of rules were there.

This was his top priority. Although he wanted to go back to his previous world, He also didn't want to test it by dying again.

And after tasting death once, he has come to appreciate life more. He wanted to live longer. He didn't want to die again. He knew that, after death, there was nothing.

After all, only he could know the true fear of death. He didn't think other people would know the terror in his heart; after all, he was a human who had been given a second chance after death.

Although Tan You was not arrogant, he considered that not many people could have experienced what he had. He wondered if he was the only one in existence who had come back after death.

After all, this was not a small matter; it was a heaven-defying thing. He was sure that if he told anyone about it, no one would believe him and would even sneer at his boastful words.

Sighing, he looked around and found a set of yellow-coloured clothes lying on the corner of his wooden bed. These clothes were pale in colour, and compared to the pants he was wearing, even the material quality was extremely poor.

Taking a deep breath, he picked up the clothes and, removing his pants, wore these new clothes.

Tan You wondered who would have left clothes for him. 'Does this body have a family? Or the previous owner of this body placed these clothes here before he died?' Tan You wondered.

However, he soon came to the conclusion that the latter was very unlikely, as if the previous owner knew that he would die, then why would he go to such lengths to place clothes here?

And even if the previous owner believed that he would survive, these clothes would still be unlikely to be placed here by him.

Why would he waste time on preparing clothes rather than treating his own injuries? It would be completely stupid for the previous owner to do that.

So the only conclusion Tan You could come to was the fact that there was someone else living with him and they had currently gone out.

Tan You didn't have memories of the previous owner; he didn't know who was staying with him or what their name was.

Just thinking about how he would face them gave him a headache, and he decided to go with the flow.

'I would just tell them that I lost my memories.' Tan You thought and nodded. This was the most logical way to solve his current predicament. 

From the injuries on his body, he could tell that the previous owner was beaten brutally before he died, so it wouldn't cause any suspicion when he told them he had lost his memories.

Although it was rare for someone to lose memories after getting beaten up, it was still possible. After all, a good knock to the head by a blunt object could really cause anyone to lose memories.

No one would be too suspicious of his excuse. 'I hope no one figures out that I am not the original owner of this body, or that might cause a huge uproar and people might consider me a devil and even kill me.' He thought and sighed.

Tan You really didn't want to end up like this. After all, he has just escaped death, and if he died again in such a way, then that would be too mournful.