

"Summon Clone." Tan You whispered. And just as he did so, a cloud of smoke burst in front of him, and then a figure appeared out of nowhere.

The cloud of smoke was heavy, so it took some time for it to dissipate, and because of it, Tan You couldn't see the figure for a minute or two.

However, after the cloud dissipated, Tan You could finally see the figure, and then a grand smile swept across his face.

Because the figure looked exactly like Tan You, with the same facial features, the same body, and even the same hair.

It looked like someone had xeroxed Tan You and created another body of his. It was bewildering.

If someone else saw them, then they would think that these two were twins. There were practically no differences between them.

Tan You thought, What would the old man think when he see his identical clone? He thought and sighed. It would be troublesome for him to explain.

However, he put it in the back of his mind. Since he couldn't figure it out right now, he decided that he would go with the flow and see what would happen.

"Master." The clone spoke out suddenly and nodded at Tan You.

Tan You listened to him, and a surprised expression appeared on his face. He never thought that the clone would be able to speak as soon as he created it.

He thought that his clones would need some training before they could be accommodated in this new world.

He was pleased by the discovery. 'Looks like they are better than I thought.' Tan You chuckled internally and looked at the clone with a proud expression.

This was his special power, and Tan You was proud of it; after all, it was extremely rare for someone to create these sorts of clones that have intelligence of their own.

At first, when Tan You got his system, he thought that his clones would be mindless bots that wouldn't do anything before he ordered them.

However, here, his first clone was so proactive. It even spoke first without him giving an order.

It was as if they were more like human accomplices who treated him as a master  than some mindless bots.

'This way, it would be easy for me to give them complex commands.' Clones with intelligence were a blessing for him.

If he got a mindless bot, then he would have to give them an extremely specific command, or they could mess up. 

However, now the situation is different. From the clone's eyes and the manner in which he was standing, Tan could feel that he could give orders in a more carefree manner and not worry about his clone messing up.

Tan You wanted to laugh out loud at this discovery.

He quickly moved around the small hut, and soon enough, he came back in front of the clone again. "Here, put these on." Tan You said that and handed the clone some clothes that he found in the old man's closet. These were the same yellow clothes that the old man brought him.

Although Tan You was a bit bewildered as to why the old man would have so many of the same kind of clothes, he was still grateful, as these clothes were better than nothing.

The clone nodded and quickly placed the clothes on his body. And when Tan You saw him do so, his smile got even more pleasing.

My assumption was right; this clone really is smart. 

He could see that he didn't need to teach the clone how to wear the clothes, and it already knew it.

'Looks like this clone has the same intelligence as me.' Tan You thought and nodded. This was the only logical conclusion he could come to.

After all, this was his clone, so it was most likely that it would have the same intelligence as Tan You.

Tan You would be surprised if that were not the fact, and he would be even more surprised if the clone's intelligence was even greater than his.

That would be too much of a shock to him, and he might even lose his confidence if that happens.

Thinking about this matter, Tan You sighed, and then his smile appeared again. 'So what if their intelligence could be more than mine? In the end, I would be their master, and their power would be my power.' He thought and chuckled.

After all, having powerful subordinates would help him immensely.

Tan You took a deep breath and looked around the room. He wanted to test his clone a bit. His previous plan of going out was postponed as he was more fascinated by the clone in front of him.

"Can you sew a mask for yourself?" Tan You asked and came in front of the clone with a piece of orange clothing and some needles. He found these in the old man's cabinet.

He has memories of a mask from his previous world. And although he has never sewn himself a mask together, he was confident that he could if he wanted to, as it was not too difficult to do so.

He wanted to know if his clone could do that.

The clown looked at the cloth and the needle and, after some time, nodded. "Yes, master, I can do it." He said.

Tan You smiled at the human-like tone his clone was speaking to him. This clone of him was surprising him again and again.

To actually be able to speak like a normal human and not like a robotic doll was a big thing. After all, it needed much intelligence and even emotional intelligence.

Tan You were happy by the fact that not only was his clone intelligent but also had emotional capacity.

Although Tan You knew that emotions could weaken a human, emotions could also give power, and if he stayed with his clones that have emotions, he wouldn't feel so lonely in this strange world.

He was pleasantly surprised.

Tan You nodded and handed him the cloth and the needle. "Do it then." He said.

The clone nodded, and without wasting any time, he took the stuff from Tan You's hands and sat down on the bed.

The clone placed the cloth on the bed and started tearing it with his bare hands.

When Tan You saw the clone tearing the cloth apart with his bare hands, a shameful expression appeared on his face.

'I actually forgot that he would also need a scissor to create a mask.' He thought and looked down in shame. He never thought that he would forget something so basic.

He was just about to go and search for some scissors or dagger to give to his clone; however, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and his eyes focused on the cloth his clone was handling.

An extremely shocked expression then appeared on his face. 'He tore it in a straight line! It's even better than me using a scissor!' Tan, you exclaimed inside.

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. His clone has just used his bare hands to tear apart the piece of cloth in perfect proportions.

He knew that it was extremely hard for someone to tear apart a piece of cloth in such proportions. Let alone a cloth; even tearing a paper in such perfect proportions is extremely unlikely.

However, his clone has done so in front of him, as though he were some sort of perfect machine!

This was unfathomable for Tan You. He guessed that his clone's intelligence and abilities were on par with his; however, now he feels that he might be wrong.

He decided not to search for scissors and just kept watching. He wanted to know how far his clone's ability reaches.

The whole room turned silent as Tan You focused on his clone's work as if he were seeing a piece of art being made. There was excitement in his eyes, and with each moment of his clone, his smile grew wider.

Next, his clone took the needle and a thread, and in just one attempt, he was successful in threading the needle.

Tan You saw this, and his eyes flashed with brilliance. 'He did it in one try! Even some expert tailors fail to do so!'

He knew that the hole in the needle was miniscule and exceptionally challenging to thread in one try; even the top tailors in his previous life would find it hard to do so.

However, his clone was calm and composed as he threaded the needle. It was as if it was second nature for him.

Tan You waited as more and more brilliance flashed in his eyes, and in just about fifteen minutes, his clone managed to create a perfect mask.

"Master, I have finished it." The clone said and brought the mask in front of Tan You.

Tan You looked at the yellow-colored mask with a proud expression on his face. He felt like his child had accomplished something worthwhile, and he was looking at the clone as a proud father.

To say that he was content with the final product would be an understatement. Tan You was astonished by the mask. The stitching was perfect; there were no redundant threads, and even the proportions were perfect.

However, what amazed Tan You was not the perfection of the mask but its size. This mask perfectly fits Tan You's face, as if it were tailor-made for him.

To do this was impossible for even the top tailors in his previous world. His clone has never taken the measurements of his face.

Making a perfect fit just by looking at someone was almost impossible. However, his clone has done it!

And on top of that, Tan You has never said to make the mask his size. The Clone made it it's size because of his emotional intelligence.

The clone could tell that Tan You wanted this mask for himself.

"Wear this mask." Tan You handed back the mask to his clone.