
My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA)

(Chapters 1-11 Rewritten) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a powerful and fantastic nuclear explosion! How cool, right? But that was only the prologue of my adventure... I was reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia as the little brother of the protagonist with a wonderful and terrifying quirk of intelligence. With great power comes great responsibility… Hah! Boring! I will use the power of my twisted imagination to have a lot of fun in this world by unleashing chaos around me while I enjoy the show eating popcorn. Sometimes a child just wants to see the world burn... A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles! Anything my twisted mind can imagine! I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process! So I became the youngest S-Rank Villain in the world, created an evil organization for my amusement, and as if that wasn't enough… I completely altered the plot for my personal benefit. And the best of all! No one suspects that Izuku Midoriya's innocent and charismatic little brother is really the mastermind behind all this chaos! “I am Child Emperor! And this world will become my playground!” I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air in front of a terrified crowd of heroes and villains. "HAIL HYDRA!" I exclaimed defiantly from atop a gigantic combat robot as a crooked smile spread across my face. Something tells me there will be no school tomorrow... Hehe. (Currently publishing on Webnovel and Wattpad with over 155K words) Images and gifs are included in the story. Videos are available on the YouTube channel: EmperorTube.

Empe_ror99 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

A Catchy Song

Chapter 21 A Catchy Song

****Click to see image****

While the headquarters of the Public Safety Commission of Heroes is under the control of a sadistic artificial intelligence, a group of heroes led by Sir Nighteye makes their way through the Tower of Chaos without knowing the magnitude of the current situation.

"What do you think is happening on the upper floors?" Present Mic asks as loud explosions are heard from the upper floors along with some occasional tremors.

"He's the problem kid doing what he does best...causing problems." Eraser Head snorts with some bandages on his arms.

After the apparent defeat of the Red King, Sir Nighteye's group was greatly reduced after evacuating from the tower all the heroes who could not continue due to their injuries. The wounded heroes were escorted out and received first aid from No. 13.

"First the strange battle droids, and then a self-aware artificial intelligence!" Power Loader exclaims excitedly. "Nezu certainly wasn't wrong to take an interest in that boy genius." He says with a smile on his face.

"The boy is an S-rank villain, remember that." Sir Nighteye says narrowing his eyes at Power Loader.

"Child Emperor has done great things... Terrible, yes, but great." Power Loader says looking directly at Sir Nighteye in some kind of staring contest.

At this point, Sir Nighteye only trusts a few people.

"We don't have time for these discussions, we have to get to the top of the tower quickly before it's too late." Sir Nighteye says seriously as the group of heroes finds themselves in the middle of a large room.

"Everyone keep your guard up." Snipe says, holding his gun and ready for anything, however his foot accidentally activates a hidden switch on the floor causing the floor to light up in many colors as confetti begins to fall from the ceiling. "Oh shit." He whispers while the heroes tense.

Just then, huge stereos emerge from the floor and ceiling, blocking the heroes' path to the stairs.

"Here we go again." Eraser Head sighs adjusting his goggles and readying his capture weapon as the heroes around him prepare for anything.

However, they were not prepared for what would happen next. Then all the stereos began to play a song.

****Catchy Song - Dillon Francis***

This song's gonna get stuck inside you ~

This song's gonna get stuck inside you ~

This song's gonna get stuck inside you head ~

"This can't be happening..." Sir Nighteye whispers as his face reflects confusion just like the rest of the heroes as the volume of the music starts to get louder and louder.

"Child Emperor is very unpredictable and that worries me!" Midnight exclaims due to the loud sound of the music swinging her whip against a huge stereo with the Hydra symbol shattering it into many pieces. However, two other stereos take their place, massively increasing the volume of the music.

Just then, Sir Nighteye's glasses begin to crack a little like any glass in the room before a massive sonic shockwave produced by the stereos sends the heroes flying into a wall. Next, the lights in the room sync to the music as confetti is fired at the heroes.

Cause it's so catchy, catchy!!!~

It's such a catchy song!!!~

Gonna make you happy, happy!!!~

Don't try to fight it, sing along!!!~

Quickly the heroes are back on their feet ready to destroy the stereos. At that, Present Mic stands protectively in front of the group of heroes as a defiant smile spreads across his face as he prepares to unleash his full power.

"I'll take care of this, guys." Present Mic says, sucking in a large amount of air, however, an explosion of confetti occurs in the center of the large room revealing the small figure of Child Emperor.

At this, Eraser Head instantly uses his Quirk on Present Mic thus preventing him from unleashing his full power against Child Emperor as he did in the Furby-Apocalypse accident. Eraser Head still remembers the trauma Child Emperor inflicted on his friend.

"Child Emperor!" Sir Nighteye exclaims as the sound of the music in the room gradually fades.

"That's me!" Child Emperor exclaims with his hands behind his back swaying from side to side and looking at all the heroes present as his eyes sparkle with amusement. "I would like to stay but I am needed on the upper floors." He says as the Tower of Chaos shakes from the fierce clashes taking place on the upper floors.

"I just came to say hi." Child Emperor says cheekily moving his body to the beat of the music. "But don't worry." He says showing both hands which causes the heroes' eyes to widen.

"I brought you a present!" Child Emperor exclaims happily as he removes the shackle from a strange grenade adorned with lights flashing to the beat of the music. "Fire in the hole!" He exclaims with a crooked smile from behind his gas mask as he throws the grenade in the direction of the heroes.

"Wait!" Sir Nighteye exclaims trying to reach Child Emperor, however, it was already too late.

At this, the grenade with lights quickly rolls toward the feet of the heroes causing a white light to cover the entire room. "Boogie Bomb!" Child Emperor exclaims laughing out loud as the volume of the music starts to get louder and louder.

When the heroes regained vision, Child Emperor had disappeared. However, that was the least of their problems.

I got it movin' from left to right! ~

And if you wonder who's to blame! ~

Yeah, it's me stuck in they brain! ~

"My body moves on its own!" Midnight exclaims with her eyes wide open as her body begins to move sensually to the beat of the music. "Child Emperor, what have you done!" She exclaims in panic.

"I can not stop! I feel so young!" Gran Torino exclaims with a smile on his face throwing his cane to the ground as he begins to dance.

"What is happening? Why can't I control my hands and legs!" Present Mic exclaims looking at the heroes around him in a similar state before looking intently at Eraser Head. "Hahaha!"

"Don't see me." Eraser Head groans, closing his eyes tightly as his body involuntarily dances to the beat of the music.

"This is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in my life." Sir Nighteye whispers as his hands begin to unbutton his shirt.

"Child Emperor!!!"


****Click to see image****


Boogie Bomb

It is a non-lethal grenade that emits a powerful blinding light which affects the cognitive process of the target at the same time that it affects certain areas of the brain and causes the victim's body to move involuntarily to the rhythm of the music.

The effect will wear off once the music stops or the target stops hearing the music or loses consciousness.


"This is very embarrassing." Snipe whispers as he waves his hand in the air as if he's swinging an invisible rope as he holds his hat with his other hand and performs country-style dance steps.

"This just doesn't make sense! The ability to create something of such magnitude… just think of the possibilities!" Power Loader exclaims excitedly after seeing the incredible technology demonstration created by Child Emperor as his body moves to the beat of the music imitating robotic movements.

"Nothing makes sense when it comes to the problem child." Eraser Head snorts waving both hands in the air involuntarily. "Not a word of this… to anyone." He growls, as Sir Nighteye takes off his shirt and starts swinging it in the air.

Given this, the rest of the heroes make a tactical agreement to keep this whole embarrassing situation a secret.

However, connected through one of the cameras in the room, an evil artificial intelligence was watching them with a spiteful smile on its face. "This will be trending." The Red King says cruelly, storing the information in his database as he continues to siege the Hero Commission.

Meanwhile, in the Heroes Public Safety Commission building.

"We lost contact with the lower floors!" A member of the board of directors exclaims with a pale face. When The Red King started the attack, the members of the board of directors were gathered in the conference room on the top floor, which is why they are now trapped.

"We are being attacked by a powerful informational virus!" Another member of the board of directors exclaims using his quirk to quickly type on his laptop trying to take back the security system of the building while the Red King tries to infect the computer.

"The virus is lodged in the network of the entire building." He whispers with wide eyes taking a couple of steps back before the figure of the Red King appears on the computer screen with a cocky smile.

"I win." The Red King says pointing his rifle in the direction of the board member behind the computer screen. "Bang!" He exclaims before the computer overloads with information and explodes.

Then loud music starts playing from all the speakers in the building.

This song's gonna get stuck inside you! ~

Run but you can't hide, I'll find you! ~

Shine so bright, my bling bling blind you! ~

"Don't just stand around doing nothing!" The president of the Heroes Public Safety Commission exclaims pointing to several heroes who work for her as bodyguards as fire sprinklers spray water all over the place.

"Protect the president!" A hero exclaims as several heroes in business suits position themselves protectively at the President's side. In that, the hero quickly takes out his phone to request reinforcements from outside, however, it was too late since his phone was already infected.

"Shit." He growls watching as the Hydra logo appears on his phone's screen before a video plays on a loop. The video shows The Red King dancing cheekily alongside various versions of himself. "The virus is also in the phones!" The hero exclaims as loud music continues to play throughout the building.


****Click to see Gif****


"We are trapped like rats in our own building while Child Emperor taunts us." The president of the Hero Commission says with a dark look.

At that moment, a screen in the center of the room lights up, drawing the attention of everyone present. "It's a live stream from EmperorTube!" A member of the board of directors exclaims pointing to the screen which shows the Hydra symbol next to a countdown as the number of viewers begins to grow massively around the world.

"I have a bad feeling." A member of the board of directors whispers.



In a secret location. "Shoto, get the popcorn!" Dabi exclaims, taking a seat on a comfortable sofa in front of a giant screen.



In a school cafeteria, dozens of children, teenagers, and even teachers are holding their phones in expectation of EmperorTube's first live broadcast. Many children look up to Child Emperor while others are afraid of him which causes many arguments in the cafeteria.

"Shut up or I'll blow you up!" Bakugo exclaims causing everyone in the cafeteria to fall silent before turning back to his phone with a serious look on his face.




Meanwhile in Nezu's office. "Always expect the unexpected." Nezu whispers seriously looking at his computer screen.

Minutes ago he lost all contact with the assault group which was not unexpected for him. There was a high probability that everything turned out to be a Child Emperor trap which confirms some of Nezu's theories. "Surprise me." He says taking a sip of his tea.



Millions of people around the world hold their breath in front of their phones and computers.


"It's playtime!!!"




In the next chapter...

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Shinzo wo Sasageyo!

Hail Hydra! Hail Hydra! Hail Hydra!

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