
My Cards Originate From The Primordial Era

This is an era belonging to card makers. In this world, wild monsters roam, ancient realms revive everywhere, and ordinary people live in fear. Only card makers can protect themselves and others. Xu Wang transmigrated and became a high school student. During his awakening in the Card Source World, he successfully awakened the Primordial Mythology World. By simultaneously using the artifact cards [Tai Chi Diagram] + [Pangu Banner] + [Chaos Bell], with matching card attributes, he obtained the ultimate divine weapon, the Heaven-Opening Axe. By simultaneously using the character cards [Yunxiao] + [Qiongxiao] + [Bixiao], he activated the card bond [Three Fairy Maidens], and the Nine-Bend Yellow River witnessed the extinction of immortals and mortals. By simultaneously using the character cards [Bull Demon King] + [Dragon Demon King] + ... + [Yu Rong King] + [Monkey King], he activated the card bond [Seven Great Kings], granting the characters in this series the [Great King] status enhancement, causing chaos... From then on, slaying ancient gods and annihilating demons became a piece of cake.

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Chapter 15: Soldier Shrimps_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

When everyone heard this, they all focused on the door. Looking inside the door, it was as if pairs of eyes were shining in the pitch-black water.

This word was like a life-saving straw, bringing hope to everyone in the darkness.

In the Card Designing Lab, the three groups formed an isosceles triangle.

Li Chongsi's group was located in front of the Card Designing Lab. They were closest to the podium, so they were closest to the door.

Xu Wang's group and Ding Hongtao's group were at the right and left rear of the Card Designing Lab respectively, watching each other.

Although they knew that the door could be opened, no one acted rashly because there was no stable light source. It was easy to make mistakes in the dark.

In the current environment, the surrounding water carried electricity. If they accidentally touched it in the dark, the consequences could be imagined.

Subconsciously, many people started discussing how to leave the Card Designing Lab in the dark while protecting everyone.

Some people said that everyone would be able to see it clearly if they designed a Fire Energy Card.

Some people said that everyone should hold each other's hands, maintain a certain distance, and slowly move toward the door. Once they left the Card Designing Lab, there would be no problem.

Xu Wang and the others.

"Wangzai, you are f**king genius!"

Ye Yanci was praising Xu Wang in a vulgar manner. He was the closest to Xu Wang just now, so he heard it very clearly. That sentence came from Xu Wang.

"Xu Wang, what do you think we should do next?" Chu Jingyi asked in an ethereal voice.

Xu Wang replied calmly,

"Just wait. As long as the door completely loses its magnetic force, there will be a crack open. At that time, the light source will appear! Then, through the scattering of water, we could see the surrounding environment."

"It seems like designing Light Energy Cards now is a waste of time and Energy Cards."

"Yes. When that time comes, the guys closest to the door will take action first and open the door completely. At that time, we just have to follow Wangaai closely!" Ye Yanci agreed.

"Don't be too excited. When we go out, we might face those soldiers who are training in the Dragon Palace Drill Ground."

"Alas. It seems to be the case. But we don't need to be too afraid of them. The fairy will protect us, hehe!"

Ye Yanci said cheerfully. Although he had also used his Green Pattern Energy Card, what he designed was not a Combat Character Card…

Just as Xu Wang had said, after only about three minutes, a crack was heard in the water. The door opened a crack.

A beam of light that wasn't too dim fell in.

At this moment, many people became excited.

"Hahaha, Young Master Li, our chance has come. As long as we get out first, with Young Master Li's Old Turtle Card, hehe…"

In front of the Card Designing Lab, Sun Zhuge saw the beam of light and turned to look at the other groups with ill intentions.

Li Chongsi stood up and smiled coldly, "My Flood Dragon Skill Precious Clothes can make water within a 2.5-mile radius retreat. You guys stay close to me. On the count of one, we'll take a step together. Keep up!"

Hearing this, Sun Zhuge immediately approached Li Chongsi and ordered the members of the group around him,

"Everyone, did you hear him? Hurry up and get closer. When we're far away from the Card Designing Lab, the electric current in the water will probably become smaller and lose its threat."

When lightning struck the sea, it would only affect a small area of the sea. The electricity leaking from the Card Designing Lab naturally couldn't compare to lightning, so the area affected would be smaller.

As Li Chongsi counted, the group slowly walked out of the Card Designing Lab and went outside.

"The one at the back, close the door. Don't let them come out so quickly!" Sun Zhuge shouted.

Because the door was wide open, the Card Designing Lab was slightly brighter, but it was dark again.


"Motherf**ker! Sun Zhuge is so annoying. If I have the chance in the future, I will beat him up!"

"Sun Zhuge is too ruthless. We've been classmates for at least three years, but he doesn't care about friendship at all."


Everyone cursed.

Fortunately, because of the water, the door could not be closed tightly. Although the light was weak, everyone in the room could still see.

However, they had to slow down.

Outside the Card Designing Lab, Li Chongsi and the others quickly arrived at the school field. The school was very quiet as if everyone had escaped.

"Look… There were many human-shaped creatures with shrimp heads!" Someone pointed to the side.

"Those are the Soldier Shrimps!"

"Don't be afraid. We'll just wait for them to come. Young Master Li has his way of dealing with them," Xiong Buhui said happily.

Everyone looked at Li Chongsi at the same time.

"Young Master Li, when Old Tortoise comes out, let him order the Soldier Shrimps to block Ye Yanci and the others!"

Sun Zhuge said.

"Hmph, I know that even without you telling me. Then, I'll get Old Tortoise to observe in secret. When Chu Jingyi is no match for them, I'll act in time to save her."

Li Chongsi held the Old Turtle Card in his hand and said coldly and arrogantly.

In the next moment, with a flash of light, an old man with a turtle shell on his back appeared beside everyone.

"Go and get these Soldier Shrimps to surround them…" Li Chongsi explained his plan.

The turtle-shell old man nodded and swam to the approaching Soldier Shrimps.

After a short while, the group of Shrimp Soldiers who had come aggressively just now immediately swam towards the Practice Building.

"Hahaha! It works!" Li Chongsi said happily.

"Just in case, Young Master Li, why don't you let Gui Laodeng lobby all the Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs around to block them!"

"What Zhuge said is exactly what I want."

Li Chongsi smiled proudly and summoned the turtle-shell old man. He once again instructed him to lobby the underwater soldiers scattered around the school.

"Are we too excessive!" Someone whispered.

"Excessive? If you get kicked by Ye Yanci or get beaten up by him, you won't think it's too excessive!"

Li Chongsi glanced at this person and said coldly.


At the same time,

Xu Wang's group was the furthest from the door, so they were the last to leave.

The Waterproof Bead had a radius of three meters, which was a total of 28 square meters. It was more than enough to accommodate 20 people.

Thus, they were not as crowded as Li Chongsi and the others.

Deep in the water, after they went down from the third floor of the Practice Building to the first floor, they could no longer see the shadows of other groups. There was only the sound of deep water everywhere.

"Where are we going next?" Wang Lingchan asked.

"Why don't we go to the neighborhood around the school and see if there are any kind-hearted people who will take us in?"

"Based on the current situation, the people in the neighborhood should have retreated to a few fallout shelters."

"I think it's better to go to the Storeroom. We can use the communicator to check the situation outside and see if there are any Card Designer teams that will help us."

"The communicator has been soaked for such a long time. No matter how waterproof it is, it should be useless. Why don't we go to the nearest fallout shelter?"

"It's fine. My counterfeit phone is waterproof…"


Everyone had different opinions.

"Wangzai, go to the Storeroom."

In the end, Ye Yanci decided to let Xu Wang go to the school's Storeroom to get the communicator because it was also waterproof.

Xu Wang nodded and walked toward the Storeroom.

However, after a few steps, he stopped.

"F**k, why are there so many water monsters? There are at least five to six hundred of them!"

"Damn it, why are we so unlucky?"

"Chu Jingyi, can you handle it with your Combat strength card?" As Wang Lingchan spoke, she moved closer to Chu Jingyi.

"Let me try."

Chu Jingyi raised her hand and threw out the card she had designed.

In the next moment, a toot little girl appeared in front of everyone. She held a sword that was even taller than her and carried an extra-large gourd on her back.

"Lord Sword Spirit has descended into the world. Why don't you quickly kneel and welcome me!"

The little girl raised her head and glanced at everyone.


She was too young, and it was inevitable that people could not help but laugh when they saw her.

"Haha... It's so cute."

When Chu Jingyi heard this, her ears immediately turned red again. She looked at the little girl and said, "Ling Wanzi, don't mess around. The enemy is over there."

She raised her hand and pointed at the Soldier Shrimps and General fishes swarming in the water.