
My Cards Originate From The Primordial Era

This is an era belonging to card makers. In this world, wild monsters roam, ancient realms revive everywhere, and ordinary people live in fear. Only card makers can protect themselves and others. Xu Wang transmigrated and became a high school student. During his awakening in the Card Source World, he successfully awakened the Primordial Mythology World. By simultaneously using the artifact cards [Tai Chi Diagram] + [Pangu Banner] + [Chaos Bell], with matching card attributes, he obtained the ultimate divine weapon, the Heaven-Opening Axe. By simultaneously using the character cards [Yunxiao] + [Qiongxiao] + [Bixiao], he activated the card bond [Three Fairy Maidens], and the Nine-Bend Yellow River witnessed the extinction of immortals and mortals. By simultaneously using the character cards [Bull Demon King] + [Dragon Demon King] + ... + [Yu Rong King] + [Monkey King], he activated the card bond [Seven Great Kings], granting the characters in this series the [Great King] status enhancement, causing chaos... From then on, slaying ancient gods and annihilating demons became a piece of cake.

Not Going To Bite · Eastern
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Chapter 16: Am I Getting Old and Blind?_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Xu Wang held the Waterproof Bead and stood in the center of the crowd. Seeing that Chu Jingyi had already used the card, he put Ao Bing's card away.

What he was thinking was that the Third Prince would be left to guard. If this little girl couldn't deal with these underwater soldiers, it wouldn't be too late for him to use Ao Bing.

Hearing Chu Jingyi's words, the little girl pouted.

"Yes, Master."

Then, she turned around angrily and blocked the crowd with her small body, facing the swarming Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs.

The little girl wrinkled her nose when she saw the situation. She spread out her small hands and threw out the sword in her arms.

"The sword is like a rainbow, slaying all evil spirits!"

With a shout, countless swords rippled from the tip of the long sword and flew rapidly into the water.

Ripples appeared in the water, and the soldiers at the front were all killed in the blink of an eye.

"Why are these Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs so weak?" Someone exclaimed.

The little girl could kill a Soldier Shrimp with one sword, and a General Crab with two swords.

As for Leader Fish, he only had a few flashes of Sword.

Compared to the soldiers and generals who knew about the Secret Area of the Middle Ages, these Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs in front of him seemed too weak.

One had to know that Chu Jingyi's card was only green quality.

"What are you mumbling about? It's obvious that Fairy Chu's card is too powerful. These soldiers are not weak!" Someone defended.

However, Chu Jingyi shook her head, "These Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs are indeed much weaker than those monsters in the Revival Secret Area!"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Could it be...The monster is not used to the environment."

"Your words are a little ridiculous. It's more convincing that they are not being accustomed to the environment that attributes restrain!"

"So, what is the reason?"

"I'm not sure."

During the discussion, it didn't take long before the attacking army was almost completely wiped out.

However, some people frowned.

"After killing so many monsters, why didn't they drop any Soul Beads, Soul Stones, or Energy Materials? Didn't they say that Secret Area's creatures have the highest drop rate?"

Someone asked.

"That's right. I estimated that we killed over 600 of them, but nothing dropped. It's strange."

"Could it be that the monster is too weak to drop?"


At the same time,

behind a certain wall, Li Chongsi and the others hid and watched the entire one-sided massacre.

They also frowned.

"These Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs are too weak. How could they all be defeated by a green card?"

"That's right. I feel like I can deal with a few of them barehanded without using any cards..."

"Throughout the entire process, the strongest ones were only those few Lead Fishes, but they were also ridiculously weak."

Li Chongsi looked at Gui Laodeng. At this moment, there was a turtle beside him. It was said that it was the Staff Officer Tortoise. At present, all the soldiers in the entire school were under its jurisdiction.

Gui Laodeng had found it. That was why so many Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs attacked Xu Wang and the others together.

"Gui Laodeng, can Staff Officer Tortoise deal with that little girl?" Li Chongsi asked.

"Weak water restrains hardness, naturally we can deal with it," Gui Laodeng answered.

"Then let him deal with them. When they are in despair, you go and save them. At that time, I will appear behind you!"

"Yes, Master! Are you trying to act like a hero saving a damsel in distress?"Gui Laodeng smiled wretchedly.

"Right, after it deals with the little girl, remember to let it teach that big burly guy a lesson. It's best to cripple him!"

"And the one in the middle, don't let him have it easy!"

"Yes, I know."

Gui Laodeng nodded and quickly explained the important points to Staff Officer Tortoise, who was beside him and sent him out.


Xu Wang and the others.

While everyone was still speculating, they saw a sea turtle leading a few General Crabs in the distance and facing the little girl.

At this moment, the longsword in front of the little girl was still trembling, emitting sword into the water.

The sea turtle opened its mouth and spat out a ball of clear and transparent liquid that flew toward her.

Not only did the liquid ignore the sword, but it also ignored the Xu Wang Waterproof Bead.

In an instant, the liquid rushed into the effective range of the Waterproof Bead and wrapped the little girl in place.

Then, the sea turtle waved one of its claws, and the General Crabs beside it immediately rushed down toward the group.

"F**k, I take back what I said just now. The strength of these demon beasts is still quite abnormal. Help!"

"I told you, it was because the little girl restrained those underwater soldiers. Now, it's all over."

"Make way, let me deal with these beasts!" Ye Yanci shouted loudly and quickly walked to the front of the crowd.

At this time, Ye Yanci felt a little regretful. He was afraid that everyone would starve, so he specially made his Green Pattern Energy Card into a Chef Card.

That Chef Card with no combat power might not even be as good as his own.

However, he did not cower. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to face the approaching General Crabs with his bare hands.

Xu Wang was in the center of the crowd because he was holding the Waterproof Bead. He frowned when he saw Ye Yanci roll up his sleeves and rush forward.

Although it was easy for the little girl to deal with these Soldier Shrimps and General Crabs, a Card Designer who had yet to enter the sect had the same physical strength as a mortal. How could he fight against these creatures with strange strength?

"I can only use the Third Prince!"

Xu Wang sighed and put his hand into his pocket. He took out Ao Bing's card and threw it at the General Crabs.

At the same time, he focused on the card and chose to use it.


Accompanied by a resounding dragon's roar, the back of a white-robed, blue-haired youth slowly stood in front of everyone.

He held the halberd in one hand and pointed it forward.

When the General Crabs saw him, they knelt on the spot, their bodies trembling as if they had encountered the most terrifying creature.

At this moment, the sea turtle in the distance also crawled in front of the blue-haired youth without any regard for its life. It shook its head vigorously as if it was begging for mercy.

Not only that, but Gui Laodeng, who was arranged in the dark and was ready to attack at any time, also widened his eyes at this time. He instantly knelt on the ground and knocked his head on the ground.

At this moment, the entire underwater world fell silent.

Other than Xu Wang, everyone else was at a loss. They had no idea what was going on.

Of course, the people at the scene were not the only ones who were at a loss.

The group of old men was also at a loss.

These old men were either high officials of Xue City or high-ranking officials of the education department of Xue City. The video they were watching was a live broadcast of Xu Wang's class.

In fact, the Secret Area, the Dragon Palace Drill Ground, had not been revived at all. Everything that Xu Wang and the others had experienced was a Domain created through cards.

This domain was used by the higher-ups of the education department of Xue City.

The goal was to select the most outstanding people and give them a special enrollment quota for Daxia's 1st Card Academy.

But at this moment, the entire imaging room was silent.

After a long time, someone finally broke the silence.

"Hiss. Am I getting old and blind? This is a card of our Eastern Dragon Family. Moreover, it's from the young man who said that he awakened the Waste Card Energy World?"

"How... How was that possible? Wasn't the card of the Eastern Dragon Family something that could only be designed by Card Designers of 7th grade and above? How did he, an uncertified Card Designer apprentice, design it?"

"This is the Eastern Dragon Family. I think there must be something wrong with this image. Otherwise, it's impossible!"


After the silence, there was an endless discussion.

Beside him, Ren Tianqi, the principal of Xue City First High School, was also in disbelief. He immediately asked the form teacher of Class One, Wang Wuji.

"Mr. Wang, you're not mistaken, are you? Did you say that the child awakened a Waste Card Energy World corresponding to the ancient god Pangu?"

"This... This... I wasn't too sure back then. I only came to this conclusion after that student admitted it personally.

The Energy Card designed by him is still with me. You are all people with extraordinary means, so you might as well check it out."

Wang Wuji took out Xu Wang's card and placed it on the table. He looked at the higher-ups expectantly.