
My Cards Originate From The Primordial Era

This is an era belonging to card makers. In this world, wild monsters roam, ancient realms revive everywhere, and ordinary people live in fear. Only card makers can protect themselves and others. Xu Wang transmigrated and became a high school student. During his awakening in the Card Source World, he successfully awakened the Primordial Mythology World. By simultaneously using the artifact cards [Tai Chi Diagram] + [Pangu Banner] + [Chaos Bell], with matching card attributes, he obtained the ultimate divine weapon, the Heaven-Opening Axe. By simultaneously using the character cards [Yunxiao] + [Qiongxiao] + [Bixiao], he activated the card bond [Three Fairy Maidens], and the Nine-Bend Yellow River witnessed the extinction of immortals and mortals. By simultaneously using the character cards [Bull Demon King] + [Dragon Demon King] + ... + [Yu Rong King] + [Monkey King], he activated the card bond [Seven Great Kings], granting the characters in this series the [Great King] status enhancement, causing chaos... From then on, slaying ancient gods and annihilating demons became a piece of cake.

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Chapter 14: No Electricity_1

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

Xu Wang was still a little surprised that the Third Prince's highest quality could reach purple. However, after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be reasonable.

Xu Wang didn't think too much about it. His consciousness returned to his body and he put away the Third Prince Card. He opened his eyes and looked around.

At this time, other than the area where the three groups were, the entire Card Designing Lab was filled with clear water. It was not difficult to imagine what the situation outside was like.

"Wow! The little girl lying on the sword had a chubby face and was very cute!" Qian Er'er's surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Xu Wang's gaze followed the sound. It was Chu Jingyi who had finished designing the card. Qian Er'er was standing at the side, praising her.

Just as he said,

on the card, a little girl was holding a big gourd in her arms and lying on an ice-blue longsword. She looked very cute.

Chu Jingyi didn't say anything and silently kept the card.

However, Xu Wang was standing behind her, and he could see that Chu Jingyi's ears had turned red.

To her, it was shameful to be discovered that she had designed cute cards.

Xu Wang shook his head and smiled.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

At this moment, the glass cover was knocked, instantly attracting the attention of the three people.

It was Ye Yanci. He was talking. Although there was glass and water, his voice still came through.

"Wangzai, give the card-designing table to Qian Er'er and let him continue to make this kind of glass cover. The water pressure is too..."


Before Ye Yanci could finish his words, a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the glass cover. Then, with a boom, it completely shattered.

It was obvious that the glass cover could not withstand the water pressure and cracked. In an instant, glass shards flew in, and the water rushed in.

Encountering this scene, Qian Er'er was stunned on the spot.

However, Xu Wang was different. He quickly analyzed the situation in his mind and took off his school uniform jacket at the first possible moment before throwing it on Chu Jingyi's head.

Then, he pulled off Qian Er'er's fat school uniform and raised it above his and Qian Er'er's head.

If it wasn't for the fact that Qian Er'er was fat enough, it would be a problem if the school uniform could cover their heads.

However, Xu Wang did not have the time to think about this. His consciousness reached into his pocket and he chose to use the Low Tier Waterproof Bead Card.

The next moment, the card disappeared.

A bead appeared in his pocket.

At the same time, the water that had rushed in with the glass shards quickly retreated as if it had encountered its nemesis.

The broken glass pieces fell to the ground and shattered into even more glass fragments.

However, everything was fine. Xu Wang and the other two were protected by their school uniforms, so the damage to their heads was minimal.

Ye Yanci and the others, who were originally wandering in the water, fell to the floor one after another because of the Waterproof Bead.

Ye Yanci gritted his teeth and got up. He looked around and cursed in confusion, "F**k! What's going on?"

Beside him, Wang Lingchan stood up and walked around twice, "It feels good to be back on the ground!"

Xu Wang shook off the glass shards on his school uniform before putting it down. He secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Wang Zai! You'll be my big brother in the future!" Qian Erer touched the top of his head, feeling lucky.

"This glass cover's water-proof method is too unreliable. What kind of brain do you have to think of designing this thing?"

Xu Wang rebuked without any politeness.

Beside the two of them, Chu Jingyi slowly put down Xu Wang's school uniform and nodded slightly to express her gratitude.

At this moment, Ye Yanci ran over. He roughly understood the situation around him, "Wangzai, are you guys okay?"

The three of them shook their heads.

"It's good that you're fine. Qian Er'er, I want to kick you."

Ye Yanci cursed and looked around curiously,

"But what's the situation now? It's such a big space, but the water doesn't seem to be able to enter."

Xu Wang smiled, reached into his pocket, and took out the Waterproof Bead.

"It's because of this bead. The effect is not bad, but it can only last for twelve hours."

Ye Yanci took the Waterproof Bead and examined it carefully.

"Is this the card you designed just now? Not bad, not bad! With this bead, I can design cards in peace!"

"Ye Yanci, did you realize that as the bead moves, this space moves as well? Doesn't that mean that we can move freely underwater with the bead?" Wang Lingchan also observed and said.

"Probably so."

"It seems like Xu Wang didn't lose out by wasting a Green Pattern Energy Card in exchange for this bead."

According to Wang Lingchan's analysis, she believed that Xu Wang had used the Green Pattern Energy Card to design the Waterproof Bead.

"That's right. As long as you're within a three-meter radius of the Waterproof Bead, you can breathe freely," Xu Wang nodded and explained the effects of the Waterproof Bead, but he did not explain the usage of the Energy Card.

When Ye Yanci heard this, he understood the value of the Waterproof Bead and immediately put it back into Xu Wang's hand.

"Did everyone hear that? In the following period, do not be more than three meters away from Xu Wang!"


Everyone in the group responded.

Qian Er'er stood at the side and looked at Xu Wang as he scratched his head.

Didn't Xu Wang design a horned youth with his Green Pattern Energy Card? How did it become a bead?

He did not understand.

On the other side,

other groups were all in the same Card Designing Lab. Although there was water separating them, it didn't prevent the other groups from noticing the change.

Some people were worried.

Someone was gloating.

Sun Zhuge and Xiong Buhui stood guard beside Li Chongsi, pointing at Xu Wang and the others as they discussed in disdain,

"Young Master Li is still the best. The Underwater Survival Cards he designed are much better than their groups!"

"Of course. Look at Young Master Li's background. There's no way to compare the two."

"Zhuge, look at Young Master Li's card. This old turtle seems to be coming back to life."

Sun Zhuge lowered his head and looked at the table.

"Young Master Li is about to succeed. The time for us to dominate this underwater world has finally arrived!"

When Xiong Buhui heard this, he said longingly, "Hehe! When that time comes, I want Ye Yanci and Xu Wang to kneel at my feet and sing the song of conquest, hahahaha!"

"Are these all you let them do?" Sun Zhuge looked at him in disdain.


As time passed, Li Chongsi's group, Ding Hongtao's group, and even Ye Yancishi turned their Green Pattern Energy Cards into cards.

The three groups stood in three different directions of the Card Designing Lab, watching each other quietly as if it would continue to be so quiet.

Or perhaps a storm was coming.

"Will we be saved?"

In the deep water environment, some people's fear gradually increased as they waited.

"There is no food, no water, and no one to save us. Perhaps all of us will die here in the end!"

"I thought that after awakening the Card Energy World, I would become famous. I didn't expect such an outcome. I'm so unwilling!"


"Why did the Card Designing Lab have such an anti-human design? The door can only be opened by the upper floors, all the windows are fake, and even the construction materials can only be broken by purple-quality Combat Strength Cards!"

"There's a high chance that we'll be trapped here and slowly sink into this space!"

"Damn it! Since we're all going to die, I'll * this woman in front of you today..."

The evil in some people's hearts gradually expanded in the shroud of death.

However, the demonic claws had yet to reach out when they heard a sizzling sound coming from the water, and then the entire Card Designing Lab was completely shrouded in darkness.

It was obvious that the circuit had been corroded by water over time and was damaged.

Xu Wang raised his head.

Occasionally, electric arcs could be seen flashing in the water above his head. It was obvious that it had become a dangerous object that could not be touched casually.

"It looks like the high-grade independent power supply in the Card Designing Lab isn't that waterproof. We can complain... Hahaha!"

Ye Yanci laughed and diverted everyone's attention.

But no one found it funny.

"That's not right. There's no electricity. The strong electromagnetic Energy Pattern lock on the door of the Card Designing Lab has failed. We... We should be able to open the door now!"

In the darkness, a sentence suddenly rang out.