
My Cannon Is Three-Kilometer-Wide

“A qualified Artillery Master must have enough attack range! That is why it’s reasonable for me to have a 3-kilometer-wide cannon,” Kerr Cowell said as he watched the people around him react with dumbfounded reactions after his firework display. Tens of thousands of different races were thrown to another world and forced to wage wars against each other. That marked the start of a new world where survival was the sole focus.

A Medieval Rabbit · Sci-fi
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689 Chs

Chapter 188: It's really quite friendly for those with choice phobia..._2

Translator: 549690339

Just at this moment—

"The competition officially begins!"

The competition started!

At the moment when this prompt sounded, the emotionally excited man yelled again: "Now, fire!!!"

In an instant.

One rocket after another, with long trailing flames, shot toward the depths of the barrel.

Next second—


Before those few rockets exploded, a crimson light beam shot straight out from the barrel, melting the rockets, the stone walls, the wooden door, and covering the entire opposing team.

The crimson light beam persisted for twenty seconds.

By the time the crimson light beam stopped, the small town had completely changed its appearance.

Originally a 10-meter-wide, 100-meter-long town.

Now it has become a 10-meter-wide, 20-meter-long town.

The remaining 100 meters of the town... vanished into thin air, instantly melted, as if the small town had never existed in this world.

And when Kerr Cowell's turret was withdrawn.