
My Boyfriend Is Half Robot

Lia is a beautiful and intelligent girl who has a unique interest in the eyes of her friends: aspiring to become a robotics engineer. Lia often gets bullied at school because of her interest, but she remains steadfast in her dreams and passion. Lia has a strong determination to pursue her dream and takes pride in her fascination with robots. She is also skilled in playing video games with a robot theme, which gives her a lot of knowledge about robotic technology. On the other hand, Jake is the heir of a conglomerate who was born with a super strong robotic hand. However, he keeps his robotic hand's abilities a secret and finds it challenging to maintain that secrecy amidst his curious friends. Jake tends to be shy and not very confident in front of a crowd, but he has a kind personality and always helps others when needed. Lia and Jake meet at school and become close friends due to their shared interest in robots. However, their different backgrounds and characteristics become obstacles in their friendship. When Jake starts falling in love with Lia, conflicts and obstacles arise because Lia feels unable to accept Jake with his robotic hand. However, over time, Lia begins to open up and understand that Jake's robotic hand is not important if it doesn't change his good personality and character. Lia eventually falls in love with Jake, and they start a complicated romantic relationship due to their differing backgrounds and characteristics. They learn to embrace each other's differences and strive to understand each other's perspectives and desires. Despite facing many difficulties and conflicts in their relationship, Lia and Jake ultimately decide to stay together and fight for their relationship. The love story between Lia and Jake serves as evidence that true love knows no boundaries and differences, but only requires trust, understanding, and a willingness to fight for each other.

Ariefwiguna · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Billy is Our Friend

After Max returned to being human and accepted his condition, Jake, his father, and Lia helped him readjust to everyday life. Max began learning to control his powers and find the right path in life.

Some time after the incident, Lia felt happy because she now had two loyal robot friends who could help her in various things, especially in games. Jake and Max often assisted her with their incredible speed and accuracy.

At that moment, Lia, Jake, and Max were playing games together at Jake's house. They celebrated their victories with snacks and their favorite drinks.

"Thank you, Max, for controlling your powers and not causing any more damage to the city," Lia said with a smile on her face.

"You're welcome, Lia. I'm also glad to be friends with you and Jake," Max replied sincerely.

"Thanks, Dad. Both of us are happy to have a father who is an expert in robotics like you," Jake said with pride.

Lia felt extremely happy because Jake had expressed his feelings. She felt like she was floating on cloud nine. She reciprocated Jake's love, and they became a happy couple.

The two of them were delighted to be together and share their happiness. They also often played their favorite robot games.

"I'm happy to have you by my side, Jake," Lia said with a smile.

"I'm happy too, Lia. I'm lucky to have a companion like you," Jake replied, holding Lia's hand.

At school, Lia felt safer now that Jake was always by her side, ready to protect her from any threats. She knew that Jake loved her deeply and would always be there for her, through both happy and sad times.

Meanwhile, Max was also happy because he had successfully controlled his robot powers and found the right path. He regretted being tempted by the robot's power, but he was grateful that Jake and his father had helped him control it.

Max had now become a good friend to both Jake and Lia. He assisted them in various matters and was always ready to provide help when needed.

One day, while Lia was sitting at her study desk, her male friend Billy approached her, deliberately teasing her. "Hey, Lia. How are you?" Billy said in a bothersome tone.

Lia felt uncomfortable, but she still replied politely, "Hi Billy, I'm fine. How can I help you?"

Billy looked towards Jake, who was standing near the classroom door. "Ah, you're lucky, Lia. Having a handsome boyfriend like Jake. But I still doubt that he's human; maybe he's a robot," Billy said, laughing.

Lia felt offended by Billy's words. "What do you mean? Jake is a human just like all of us. He may have different abilities, but that doesn't make him a robot," Lia replied firmly.

Billy dismissed it as a joke, thinking that Lia's fantasy of being a robot made her consider Jake her boyfriend as if he were a robot and continued teasing her. However, Jake approached them and firmly stopped Billy. "That's enough, Billy. Neither you nor I are any better than Ariel, the quiet one," Jake said, pointing to Ariel, a quiet student who always focused calmly on his studies.

Billy was surprised and embarrassed. "Sorry, Jake. I didn't mean to bother you," Billy said as he walked away.

Lia felt grateful that Jake stood up for her. "Thank you, Jake. I know you'll always protect me," Lia said with a smile.

Jake smiled back and held Lia's hand. "You know I'll always protect you, Lia. No matter what," Jake said lovingly.

They both smiled and looked at each other, and Lia felt incredibly happy to have Jake as her boyfriend.

Billy was still thinking about Jake's words in class, feeling offended by how he was treated in front of his crush, Lia. He intended to confront Jake without Lia's knowledge. He saw his opportunity when Jake was walking alone in the school corridor.

Billy: "Jake," pushing Jake's body.

Jake: "Hey, what's up, Billy? Why did you push me so hard?" Jake asked.

Billy: "Earlier, I respected you because we were in front of Lia, my crush. But now, I can do whatever I want," Billy said.

Jake: "What do you mean?" Jake was confused.

Without further ado, Billy lifted Jake's body and took him to the basketball court.

Billy: "Let's prove who deserves Lia!" Billy challenged Jake with a loud tone.

Jake remained silent because he was afraid of hurting Billy with just one move. The situation became more chaotic as Billy's loud voice echoed through the area.

Shortly after, Lia came running with a worried expression on her face. "Stop it, Billy!" Lia pleaded.

"You have no idea who you're messing with. Don't make yourself regret it!" Lia warned Billy, slightly worried that Jake might lose control and unleash his powers.

Billy: "Do you think I'm a pushover? Look at Jake's physique. Small and skinny, how can he defeat me?" Billy said confidently.

Unexpectedly, Billy launched an attack towards Jake. No one had time to see what happened because Billy's speed was extraordinary. However, Jake was a half-robot, and he effortlessly observed Billy's movements as if they were in slow motion. Jake shifted his body slightly to the side, and his hand instantly transformed into a robot, striking Billy's stomach.

Billy fell and groaned in pain. Due to Jake's swift movement, no one saw what Jake did. All they saw was Billy failing to punch Jake's face and slipping and falling to the ground. However, they were confused as to why Billy's cry was so loud, as if he had been hit with a hard object.

Lia, feeling shocked and unable to believe what she saw, approached Jake with an amazed look. "Jake, what happened? How could you do that?"

Jake smiled slightly and answered, "I'm a half-robot, Lia. I have abilities beyond an ordinary human."

Their friends, who were previously looking puzzled, began to wonder and feel curious about the truth of what happened. One of their friends, Tom, finally said, "You're joking, Jake. What did you really do to Billy?"

However, Jake didn't want to showcase his abilities again. He simply shook his head and said, "Let it go. The important thing is that Billy won't bother Lia anymore."

Lia looked at Jake with admiration and thanked him. She felt safe and protected by Jake, even though they had a secret they needed to hide from their friends.

Meanwhile, Billy, in pain, was immediately taken to the hospital. Lia and Jake felt saddened by the incident. Although Jake didn't have ill intentions towards Billy, it ended up causing him harm. They both decided to visit Billy at the hospital to apologize.

When they arrived at Billy's room, Lia approached Billy and said, "Forgive us, Billy. We didn't mean to hurt you. It was all an accident."

Billy looked at Lia and Jake with sharp eyes. "I can't forgive both of you. You've been hiding the truth about Jake. Did you think you could fool everyone? I know that Jake is a half-robot."

Lia and Jake were shocked to hear Billy's words. They didn't know how Billy could know their secret.

"Well, now there's no need to hide, Billy," Jake said gently. "I am a

half-robot, and I want to be your friend. There's no need to be afraid or worried about me."

Billy fell silent for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, Jake. I'll try to accept you as a true friend."

Lia: "But one thing, don't reveal this secret. I don't want Jake to become a target of irresponsible people who want to experiment on him. And... was what I said completely wrong?"

Billy: "About what, Lia?"

Lia: "When I said I wanted to be a robot, you mocked me and said it was childish. Well, Jake is a half-robot!"

Billy: "Yes, Lia, I'm sorry. Although I still find it hard to believe, I admit you were right."

Lia and Jake felt relieved hearing Billy's response. They hoped that Billy would accept Jake's condition and no longer bother him.