
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf Alpha

Shanaya has to return to her father's hometown because she has to attend her grandfather's funeral. He planned to stay because he was avoiding someone in the city where he lived. That man is Shaka, Shanaya's lover who was caught killing her own best friend. In the village, he met a young man named Erland. Since getting to know Erland, Shanaya has been helped a lot in taking care of her grandfather's farm. Shanaya looks at the neighbor's scarecrow which looks horrifying. Something stuck in his heart when he saw that terrible thing. That night the terror began. He always heard a knock on the door at exactly 1:00 in the morning. At first, he thought that it was a disturbance from the village youths, but it turned out that something else was always coming to his house every night. Not to mention, the strangeness in Erland, which Shanaya slowly felt. Erland made him shiver with fear, as Shanaya watched the young man turn into a werewolf.

Mrs_Sukrisna · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Endra and Marta's closeness became even more intense. Slowly Marta learns that Endra is a werewolf. But that doesn't necessarily make him back down and leave Endra. They already love each other. Even Marta is willing to become a werewolf-like Endra. It's just that Endra has not passed Marta's wish because of many considerations. Their marriage was imminent, and in no time Marta had two bodies. They still live in the village. Finally, Erland was born into the world. Endra and Marta are very happy to have a son. Especially Endra who was worried at first, afraid that his son would look like him. But it turns out that Erland is just like Marta. Erland's growth is very good, he is also a smart and healthy child. Until entering the third year of their marriage, Marta returned with two bodies. But at the same time, Erland undergoes a strange change that makes his body begin to show signs that he is a descendant of a werewolf. Fine hairs grow all over his body, his eyeballs sometimes change color and pattern. Fingernails and toenails begin to grow long quickly. The latter's fangs began to look pointed. This makes Endra confused. Finally, they decided to build a house near the forest so that the changes in Erland's body would not be detected by other residents. But fortunately, Erland only changed at night. And that night, the night of the full moon came.

Erland began to feel thirst and hunger like a werewolf in general. He began to need a human heart to consume. "Honey, what happened? Erland why?" Marta panicked when she saw her son rolling on the floor with his hands and feet tied. Even Erland's mouth was gagged, so his screams wouldn't be heard in the village. As a mother, Marta certainly couldn't bear to have her child treated like that by her husband. Whereas what Endra did was the best for now. Marta's stomach was also getting bigger, making it difficult for her to move. Moreover, the fetus in her stomach continues to move very actively beyond her first pregnancy. Endra suddenly turned towards the slightly open window of the house. At the same time, someone just peeked into his house, then ran because he was caught. His instincts as a werewolf are certainly able to detect any threats around him. Endra went to peek outside. He also took a deep breath of the surrounding air. "Thomas," he said, who already knew the scent of every resident in the village

"What? Thomas? Is he here? Then what about us then? Erland! Surely Thomas will tell all the citizens what he saw earlier!" Marta panicked, she then looked at Erland who was still struggling trying to break free from the bonds made by his father. Meanwhile, Endra could only remain silent. "This is what I'm worried about. We'd better get ready to leave here. Soon people will come here, and it will be very dangerous for us," concluded Endra, looking at his wife with pity. Apparently what he had been afraid of all along had happened as well. His existence, which only stopped in the village, became a disaster for him because he married a resident. After all, the carcass closed somehow will smell too. The only way Endra could do that was to leave as soon as possible from that place. They didn't bring much stuff, but while preparing to leave, Marta screamed in pain. Blood came out between his legs accompanied by a clear liquid. Marta looked down and then began to be unable to bear the pain that suddenly came. He was also squeezing his stomach with a pitiful expression. Endra immediately helped his wife. And it turns out that the birth of their baby is in sight. Endra was even more confused because he was in a very difficult situation. Either help with the birth of their second baby or leave immediately before the villagers arrive to chase them away. But seeing Marta who was in so much pain, Endra finally decided to help with the birth of the baby first. He no longer thought about the villagers who could come at any time and might immediately burn their houses down.

Endra held Marta. Meanwhile, Marta started to push. Seeing Marta's condition, which seemed chaotic, made Endra start to panic. He cried because he could not bear to see his wife in pain. Marta's second pregnancy was very different from her first pregnancy. Blood began to flow profusely between his crotch. Marta's face began to turn pale because she had lost a lot of blood. The scream that was still loud in Endra's ears was now starting to weaken. Until slowly Marta's voice was no longer heard. "Marta? Marta? Honey? Hey, wake up! Don't sleep yet! You have to give birth to our baby first! Marta! Marta!" Endra shook his wife's body which was still in his lap. But Marta was not sleeping, but died. "Marta? Martha?" called Endra again who began to realize that his wife's pulse was no longer felt. But strangely Erland returned to calm. His condition, which had turned into a wolf, began to return to being a normal human. Even though it was still dark outside, which meant it was still night. Endra's mind was divided. He was at a loss as to what to do at this point. But seeing his wife die certainly made him sad. His body began to limp, and now he could only hug Marta tightly while crying and hugging his wife. Erland, who at that moment began to realize, tried to release the bonds that bound him. He also looked at Marta and Endra. Erland was young at that time, he did not understand what had happened to his parents. Just seeing the blood pooling around his mother scared Erland. Although still small, Erland knew that the blood that came out of his mother's body indicated that the middle-aged woman's condition was not fine. Erland called Marta also his father. Unfortunately, Endra did not respond to Erland's calls and even explained what had happened to his mother

But suddenly a loud noise outside made Endra's attention divided. Now he resigned himself to what was about to happen. Even Endra is ready to die with his family. He just stared blankly at Erland. Endra approached and untied Erland. He then hugged his son tightly, while covering Erland's ears so as not to hear the screams from the residents outside their house. Endra hugged Erland, he was ready to die, without even trying to attack or run away from that place. Losing Marta dealt a huge blow to her heart. Moreover, the baby that was about to be born by Marta also died. Now only he and Erland were left. The little boy didn't know what had happened, he just stared at his father, who continued to hug him tightly while crying.