
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf Alpha

Shanaya has to return to her father's hometown because she has to attend her grandfather's funeral. He planned to stay because he was avoiding someone in the city where he lived. That man is Shaka, Shanaya's lover who was caught killing her own best friend. In the village, he met a young man named Erland. Since getting to know Erland, Shanaya has been helped a lot in taking care of her grandfather's farm. Shanaya looks at the neighbor's scarecrow which looks horrifying. Something stuck in his heart when he saw that terrible thing. That night the terror began. He always heard a knock on the door at exactly 1:00 in the morning. At first, he thought that it was a disturbance from the village youths, but it turned out that something else was always coming to his house every night. Not to mention, the strangeness in Erland, which Shanaya slowly felt. Erland made him shiver with fear, as Shanaya watched the young man turn into a werewolf.

Mrs_Sukrisna · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Erland arrived at his house in the afternoon. His body was covered in sweat and his clothes were dirty. His breath hitched, as he gulped down the mineral water that was on the dining table. Endra looked at his son, shaking his head. He, who had just finished harvesting corn in the garden, also took the glass and grabbed the jug of water his son was holding.

"Why is your face so messed up? It's like you've been plowing the fields alone," Endra sneered and took a sip of the mineral water in his hand.

"It is true."

"Huh? Seriously? Whose fields are you working on? What's the big payoff? To the point where you let your father work alone?" asked Endra with a sarcastic question.

Erland glanced at his father. He didn't try to defend himself because he was absent from his duty to take care of their fields.

"Father, we haven't killed all of the Caraka family, have we?"

" Why are you asking that?" asked Endra, still taking a sip of drinking water that did feel fresh in her throat. The werewolves would not be satisfied just drinking mineral water, so no matter how many liters they drank, it wouldn't have much effect.

"Scare! The crowd is alive again," said Erland as he headed for the bathroom which was near the kitchen. "Pppffff!" Endra choked while enjoying the drink in his hand.

"What did you say? Hey! Erland! Answer!" said Endra as he continued to follow his son. Erland reached for the towel that was draped in the capstok. He turned to his father lazily.

"The Scarecrow is alive again, Father!" Indra was silent for a moment. He looked deeply into Erland's eyes

. "Ah, it must be just citizen gossip. They usually see strange things, which they accuse of," said Endra trying to look relaxed.

"Who said it was just an accusation? I saw it for myself, Father. Last night! He's moving. Approaching Abirama's house! Looks like he's going after Shanaya now!"

"So Shanaya is...."

"Abirama's grandson! So the rumors are true, right? If the creature comes back to life. Maybe it's true that he killed the Abirama family all this time!" Endra was silent again. He was trying to digest his son's words. "Then we must investigate. Tonight!" said Endra with a sharp look.


Flashback!! The settlement at Blackmore in the 16th century was as crowded as it is today. Agricultural and plantation life started in this era. Not only the hubbub of the villagers with a variety of trades. But also all the myths that are developing are being hotly discussed. Like the myth of the appearance of some strange creatures, one of which is a werewolf, commonly called a werewolf. The werewolf is a mythological animal from many stories around the world. According to some legends, he was the one who turned into a fierce and powerful wolf. Others are a mutant combination of humans and wolves. But all of them are bloodthirsty beasts who can't control their lust to kill humans and animals.

It's unclear exactly when and where the werewolf legend came from. But the beginning of this story exists, precisely from a tale of Greek mythology with the Legend of Lycaon. According to Legend, Lycaon, a son of Pelasgus, angered the god Zeus when he served a meal made from the remains of a sacrificed boy. As punishment, an angry Zeus turned Lycaon and his son into wolves. There are several types of werewolves. From the purest types, namely natural wolves, then Lycanoid, Manwolf, hound, bloodhounds, berserker, Lycan, and Therians.

The werewolves will form their respective groups which are usually called packs. One pack consists of Alpha, the leader, and Beta, which can be called the representative Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Luna, or Omega. It's just that Erland and Endra only live alone. And never mention that they are a specific pack. Since their family members had died, they were left alone. This is where the story of Endra's family begins. Endra is an immigrant who lives in the village. Rumors about werewolves that often appear during the full moon make residents start to worry, but the arrival of Endra who works as a Rouge is known as a werewolf slayer.

Rogue is a werewolf who is not tied to a Pack. Which means they're wild wolves who like to destroy little packs. They are very dangerous. They live in caves or the forests. Usually, they also become scout wolves when someone asks for it. Rogue is a werewolf who is not tied to a Pack. Which means they're wild wolves who like to destroy little packs. They are very dangerous. They live in caves or the forests. Usually, they also become scout wolves when someone asks for it.

The humans know Endra as a werewolf exterminator because his first arrival to the village coincided with the death of one of the werewolves who almost killed the village head. Endra killed the werewolf easily, and alone. No one knows if Endra is also a werewolf of the Lycan type. Lycans are werewolves who live in packs and have a strict hierarchy with a leader who commands them. While changing they retain their minds, but are unable to speak, and have great strength, and healing abilities; they bear a heavy grudge against vampires but usually refrain from attacking humans unless they wish to have more pack members or are the result of an attack. The presence of women in the pack is still not known because men are seen more often.

Endra belongs to the highest hierarchy in werewolf life. If humans have a president or head of state who is respected and governs the country, werewolves have this hierarchy to regulate their population and distribution. Humans and werewolves must be able to coexist, and if anyone violates this, the government will send an aide to destroy the pack. The hierarchy that houses Endra is called Pack Eclipse. They have Alpha, Beta, Gama, Delta, Luna, and Omega. The power of this hierarchy is very great, they are the chosen people who were sent to regulate the lives and welfare of werewolves. They are also the ones who suppress the werewolf population so that it is not too much. If there is a population gap between humans and werewolves, then the werewolf's survival will be shaken. Because all this time they eat human hearts. After killing one of the werewolves, Endra begins to settle in the village, as the pack of werewolves he killed is still roaming around seeking revenge. Endra also stayed and mingled with the villagers to protect them as well as catch the rest of the other pack members who were openly defecting to Eclipse. At that moment, Endra met the figure of a woman who was able to thrill his heart. The woman's name was Marta. Since then, Endra started marking Marta as his Mate.