
My Boyfriend is a Werewolf Alpha

Shanaya has to return to her father's hometown because she has to attend her grandfather's funeral. He planned to stay because he was avoiding someone in the city where he lived. That man is Shaka, Shanaya's lover who was caught killing her own best friend. In the village, he met a young man named Erland. Since getting to know Erland, Shanaya has been helped a lot in taking care of her grandfather's farm. Shanaya looks at the neighbor's scarecrow which looks horrifying. Something stuck in his heart when he saw that terrible thing. That night the terror began. He always heard a knock on the door at exactly 1:00 in the morning. At first, he thought that it was a disturbance from the village youths, but it turned out that something else was always coming to his house every night. Not to mention, the strangeness in Erland, which Shanaya slowly felt. Erland made him shiver with fear, as Shanaya watched the young man turn into a werewolf.

Mrs_Sukrisna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Suddenly the voice outside became silent. Endra, who had been hugging Erland and preparing to meet their deaths, was curious. He opened his eyes, then looked around to make sure that what he felt was happening. He felt silence all around, even though the air seemed to have stopped spinning. Even though his house is surrounded by dense forest, it is very easy to feel the wind coming, especially at night like now.

 "Endra!" call someone from outside. But the voice was not from one of the villagers. Endra knows very well the character of the voice of every citizen in the village. 

"Abror?" he muttered as he got up from his seat. He told Erland to wait, while Endra checked the conditions outside.

When Endra peeked out his window, he looked shocked at what had happened. In his yard lined up a lot of people who look like statues. Their bodies froze. But when he realized the existence of Abror, one of his colleagues while in Eclipse, Endra also understood. He then opened the door wide. The wind that he felt had stopped moving, had stopped moving. The humans that Endra knew as villagers, stood in their respective places. Their facial expressions vary. But most of them showed annoyed faces. Moreover, coupled with the sharp weapons in their hands, it shows that what Endra thinks will indeed happen. He was sure that the villagers would soon attack his home and family, even though Endra was ready to die. But all that did not come true because of the arrival of Abror. 

Abror is not alone. He and his followers came to Endra's house. With just a glance, they seemed to understand what they were talking about. Until finally Erland followed his father out of the house. Abror saw Endra's son and then just looked at him with a cold expression. "Erland, why come out? Come in first, okay. Wait for dad inside. Soon dad will come in."

Erland just shook his head while clinging to his father's hand. He looked at Abror with a cold gaze. Even though Erland is now hiding behind his father's body, the boy doesn't show a fearful reaction. Abror walked over. He kept looking at Erland and Endra alternately. All his men were silent around. Waiting for further instructions from Abror. 

Abror is a member of the Eclipse Pack. He is Endra's partner who is in charge of being a Pack. Endra's long absence made him come to his best friend on purpose. Abror did not think that Endra already had a son. Endra, who saw his friend approaching, was about to reach Erland, then pulled the little boy's body so that he could hide deeper behind his body. Seeing this, Abror looked at Endra. Not long ago, Endra let Abror approach his son.

 Each werewolf has different abilities. Still, all werewolves are dangerous. Abror can stop time. Apart from being a complete werewolf. And this is what Abror is doing now. He needed time to talk to Endra and understand what was going on with his best friend. 

"So this is what kept you from returning to the Pack?" asked Abror while looking at Erland who was still staring at him, standing behind his father's body.

 "Well, I know, if I'm wrong. But... This is the path I chose." 

"You are aware of all the risks that will occur when you choose a human to be your lover?" 

"I am fully aware. I will also accept all the risks." 

"Then why did you call me?" Endra was silent. What Abror said was true. Because Endra purposely summoned Abror through the inner eye which all werewolves could do to communicate.

 "I just want you to be able to take care of my son. He's not at fault in this. It doesn't feel fair if he has to endure all this because of me." 

"So you? What are you going to do?" asked Abror, looking at Endra sharply.


Endra was silent. His eyes were still wet from the wound in his heart over the departure of Marta and their youngest child. Endra wants to catch up with Marta by giving up her life for the residents. But he was still thinking about Erland's fate. Endra was worried.

 "I think your son needs his father more than anyone else. If he for any reason, it will make him sad. You can't be selfish, Endra! He didn't ask to be born into this world! want to leave this child? He doesn't know anything! He doesn't even understand what happened! Don't be selfish!" Abror looked very angry at Endra's statement. 

"Ever since you left Pack, I've been trying to manage all the affairs in Pack. I do everything alone! Because I believe that you will live happily! So don't make me regret helping you!" 

"Marta ... And our child. Died." 

"Then? Does that mean you have the right to die and abandon your son?" asked Abror. Endra looked at Erland and smiled as he stroked the little boy's head. "Then, what should I do?" 

"You must survive for the sake of your child! Use your abilities! I have done my duty!" Abror looked at all the villagers who were still standing. 

See the results of his work earlier. Abror can stop time, and only the werewolves will not be affected by it.

"Okay. I'll do it." Endra looked at everyone around him with a heavy heart. Now his right hand was stretched out, his eyes were closed. And this was the first time after hundreds of years ago, Endra repeated his hidden ability. A few seconds later Endra's body emitted yellow light. The light then seemed to come out of his body and glow. 

In a short time, the humans who were still frozen were hit by the yellow light. They all fell unconscious. Time is back. Now it's the turn of Abror's men to return the humans to their respective homes. The werewolf's immense strength certainly very easily moved everyone back to the village. The atmosphere in Endra's yard is now getting quiet. There were only Abror, Endra, and Erland.

 "You must use your powers if you intend to mingle with them, humans. Of course, you don't want them to know who you are. Remember, we are immortals!" 

Endra was silent, staring at his son who was still confused by everything he had just seen. "So you came because I called?" asked Endra. 

"Yes, of course. And I was sent by Alpha to check your condition. He also told me to take you back. There will be a big fight between our people and the vampires." Endra was silent for a moment. Remembering his past when he was with his Pack members. 

"Sorry, I can't seem to come with you back, Abror. My wife and our second child just died. And it's just me and Erland. As you said, I have to take care of my family. I... Can't go home." 

Abror looked deeply at Erland. He then smiled. "Okay. I won't force you. I hope you live well."

 "Definitely. Thanks for your help."