
Chapter 4: The Dark Past

"Okay. No problem. I will be gentle to you because for now on you are my toy", she rudely says.

" I'm not your toy. And I don't want to be your mistress", she shouted and was angry.

"Do you think, you can say no to me?", he said arrogantly.

" I'm a powerful and big man. You can't do anything to me", and he laughed so loud.

"If I want you to die, I can do it by my own hands", he added sarcastically.

She trembling but she needs to be strong for this moment.

" Even you kill me here in your room, I don't care anymore. My life is useless now. So why don't you kill me right now.", she shouted.

"What do you think? I just kill you in just one snap? I don't want to do that. I want you to feel the misery.", widely opened his eyes like a tiger that he will already eat her.

She was scared at that moment but she needs to be still strong.

"I know you are a psychopath. And I understand that but please don't you dare touch me and I will going to kill you also", she said bravely.

And she turns around to walk out to that room to help the maids in transferring her things.

But suddenly King grabbed her again and put her to the bed.

" Ahhh, what are you doing?!", she cried loudly.

He's not speaking and he's just restraining her hands.

"Help! Please help me!", she cried out loud. Suddenly the maid came and she looked at her but the maid looks away and quickly run.

She closes her eyes and just let it happen. And her tears fell.

Suddenly, King stops what he wants to do to her.

" I will miss this day, Angel. But don't assume that you can survive another day to this mansion.", and he rudely smiled.

And still, Yuri was lying in bed

looking at nothingness and crying.

"And hey, I like your smell. I like the perfume yours", he laughs again and walks out to his room.

" That psychopath. How long did he resist his temptation for me? How can I handle this situation?", she asked herself while crying.

She stands and goes to the bathroom to clean herself while King is out.

"I need to survive to him. I need to fight back too. I don't want to look so weak.", she said to herself.

Suddenly, someone walks into the room. And she thinks it's King steps.

She trembling again. She thinks if he notices that she's taking a bath he will going to rape her.

She stands faster. Get the towel and search for her clothes.

But someone opened the curtain in the bathroom.

Its King.

" Don't go near me. I will shout out loud!", she cried

But still, he walks come to her.

Angel immediately put round the towel around her body.

But King fell into her.

He's so hot and she thinks he has a fever.

"Wait. Are you sick?", she looked at him and he looked pale.

" What happened?", and she helps him to lie down on the bed.

She calls Mr James for help because of the situation of King.

"What happened to the young master, ma'am Angel?", he asked to her.

"I don't know, he just fell to me then when I looked at him he's pale and weak. I don't know what happen to him?", she replied to him worrying.

" Again?", Mr James said.

"What, again? I don't understand?", she asks wondering.

"Every time he attacks of his anxiety it always happens", he replied while preparing the warm water.

" Why he has anxiety?", she wondering.

"When the young master was young her father always Sir Jacky Sy beat him up. Especially when it is mistaken in everything. Even to his grade. He has a 99.8 average on his card but he is still beaten because his father wants it 99.9", explained to her.

" He's so smart. It's impossible to get that kind of grade on the card. When I'm a student I'm happy when I got 85 to my average.", she silly replied.

"Yes. He's a genius but his father never appreciate that even he do all the things to make his father proud, still, it's not enough.", he added and you can see to his eyes the sadness while he wiping him with warm water and alcohol.

" You are the one who he's trusted?", she asked.

"I'm the one who raised him.", he said.

" When his father always beat him, he felt alone and cried always. I heal his wounds and the scars from his father's beating.", he adds.

"Every time the anxiety attack he pales and the temperature of his body rising like he has a fever", and he stands to bring the water outside.

" Can you please take care this time out young master? He needs your help", he pleads to her.

"A-ah. O-okay", and Mr James go out to the room.

She looked to the face of King who is deeply asleep.

She felt sorry for her because of what he had experienced in life. Even she's the victim. She's guilty.

She adjusted its place on the bed so that he can sleep very well until he feels well.

And after that, she sat beside him and suddenly she fell asleep too.

He woke up early in the morning and he saw Angel sleeping to his side.

He was shocked. He touches the strand of her hair on her face. She is so beautiful. It fits her name Angel because its kindness and charming.

Her beauty is different to other women he meets.

He lifted the Angel to the bed so that she can sleep well and he lay down here to sleep as well because it's too early.

After a while, she woke up and look at the window near the bed. It is already morning and need to get up to cook food for King. And she looks to her left side and she saw King sleeping by her side and even hugged him while asleep.

She was shocked and her eyes open widely.