
Chapter 3: Cry Out Loud

She prepared the food for him. She didn't know if she going to bring this to him because of the moments she saw last time.

She saw a maid and call it.

" Excuse me. Can I ask a favour? Can you please bring it to your master?", she asked a favour and the maid look at her wondering.

"Okay, Ma'am. ", and the maid took the food and carried it into the bedroom of Mr Sy.

But someone shouted so loudly and the maid runs quickly and crying. Angel run to the place where the loud voice came and she saw Mr Sy who is very angry again.

"Why that bastard maid brings my food here. I said to you that you will be my servant. So that all I need is you to provide and prepare for me, Bitch! ", he shouted her so loud like a lion that roaring to her ears.

She is just speechless because she can't understand the attitude of that psycho.

And King sat on his chair that his the only one who can sit on that. She sat like an arrogant boss and he calls Angel to come beside him.

" Come here, woman", he commands captivatingly.

Angel swallowed because she is very nervous.

King looked at her so arrogantly.

And she walks slowly to him. She needs to follow him because if she does not follow his orders she surely die or she never leaves his house forever.

"What's the problem? Are you afraid?", he said to her teasingly.

" I-I am not.", and she walks naturally as she can even she is trembling.

She stands by the side of King and she's not moving. She is just standing straight and looking somewhere coz avoiding looking him in the eye.

"Why are you avoiding me? I think you're afraid of me.", he teases her.

She just stands straight to the side of King and feels what it could do to her because of being a psychopath of this man.

King handed her the spoon.

She's wondering what he wants her to do.

"Feed me.", he ordered to her.

" What?", she asked wondering.

"Just over and over again? Are deaf? I told you, feed me!", he repeatedly says it again.

And she gets the spoon trembling and the food she made for him.

She scooped up to the plate of fried rice and he poured it out on him.

" Its taste good. You are always the one who will cook for my meals.", he said to her while he still chewing the fried rice that Angel poured to him.

She nodded.

After she feeds the young master. She gets the plates and walks out to the room.

Then the King called her.

"Where will you go?", asked of him sarcastically.

She breathes deeply. And face him again.

" I'm going to bring these dirty plates to the kitchen. And also Ill cleaned the utensils that I used to cook last time", she explained.

"Who told you that you will do that today. You're not going to go out to my room. You will sleep here", he scolded.

" What? I don't want to. I have my room, remember?", she defences.

"So, all of your things will transfer here in my room. And for now on, you are always sleeping here and it's also your room too.", and he turned away from her while he's crossed his arms.

"It's too much. Now you want me to go to your bed? Sleep with you? And what's next, you're going to rape me?", she scolded.

" If you want to. I'll do all the things that you are saying.", and she smiled arrogantly.

Angel widened her eyes and trembling.

"What? Your so mania! What do you think of me, prostitute!", she shouted at him very loudly.

" You're not?", he underestimating her.

She hurt so bad to the tone of his voice to that question.

"Your so rude!", she scolded him and her tears fell.

And she walks away to him. King scolded and stopping him but she does not restrain him.

She immediately goes to the bathroom and cried there.

" I can't hold it anymore. I just want to go home and run away to this hell", Angel cried.

Someone knocking on her door. She's not answering who is knocking.

Then, and the door opened.

"Miss, sorry for interrupting you. Master ordered us to transfer your things to his room", the maid said to her.

" I don't want! This is important. It's my papers to my work and I don't want to sleep with him", she scolded.

"But Ma'am, Master will go to kill us if we're not doing his order and her voice is trembled and wants to cry.

Angel is a soft-hearted woman. She felt guilty for the maid.

" If I will not go to his room. He will be going to punish all the maids he ordered and it's so difficult for them to accept that punishment, whatever is that", she said to himself.

"Okay. Don't cry. I will go with you. I will transfer to his room if he wants.", she replied weakly.

And the maids smiled at her and thank her.

Then she forces herself to smile back.

Then she walks going to the room of King.

She knocks on the door.

And suddenly opened.

" Welcome. Come here", King said to her sitting on his favourite chair in his room.

She walked slowly and with a sad face.

" I saw you looking at us last time", he said rudely.

"What?", she asked seriously, wondering.

" Yes. Remember before you bring here the food I ordered you to cook. You saw us with my mistresses.", he rudely saying to her.

"I don't care. And it's just an accident", she replied to him. And she blushed.

"I don't care, huh?", he's teasing her rudely.

" do you want to be my mistress too?", he asked her directly.

"What? I'm not a prostitute. Can you please don't be so rude to me", she cried.