
Chapter 5: The Selfish Childish

She shouted because of that moment.

"Ah. Tsk. why your noise?", he demands and still sleepy.

" W-why I'm here? A-and why you are b-beside me?", she asked stunned.

"I don't know. I just wake up now that I'm with you", rudely teasing him.

And the eyes of Angel widely open.

And King laughs so hard.

" Do you love, huh? Why you are on my side if you don't?", he teasing her again.

And Angel stands quickly. Her face is blushing.

"I'm going to cook your breakfast", and she runs faster.

" Okay. Make it tastier for me!", he shouted.

And King laughs so hard because of the facial expression of Angel.

In the kitchen, Angel pancake and chocolate milk for the breakfast of King. She brings it to his bedroom.

King sitting down in his favourite chair.

"Heres your breakfast, young master", she said to him but she's not looking at him.

" What's that? I don't eat food that only kids ear.", he sarcastic saying.

"Just eat that first and taste it before you say you don't want that", she's so pissed at him start morning and now.

" Don't be so picky, tsk", she added.

"Okay. Okay. Whatever.", and she and he took a little to taste it.

" Wow! the taste is so good!", he said amazingly.

And he eats all the pancakes that she prepared.

"You need to cook me pancakes again", he said to her.

" What?Your still not full?", she asked amazingly.

"Yes. Just cook me 10 layers of pancakes. Okay! Faster and I'll wait for you", he ordered her rudely.

And she walks out to the room, wondering how he eats all the pancakes in just seconds.

She immediately preparing again the utensils she uses last time and cooks another batch of pancakes.

After a few minutes later, she finishes cooking the bunch of pancakes. She brings it to young master King.

And like the first one, all of the pancakes are gone because he eats it all.

" A-are y-you f-full? Or I-I'm g-going t-to cook another batch of pancakes?", she asking amazingly.

"It's enough. I'm full now", and he walks to come to her.

" Your pancakes are so tasty. The question is, your tastier than your cooks", he rudely teasing her while smelling her hair and neck.

And her hair stood up on her skin.

"I need to go, bye", and she runs quickly.

And he smiled. He thinks she's cute when she's scared. And he thinks that he fell in love with her.

" That man. He is so rude. Psycho! Tsk.", she said to herself while resting because of running away for King.

He sat on the chair in the kitchen and eat her breakfast.

After she eats her breakfast. She goes to their room to take a bath and cleaning her papers on her work.

Luckily, King is outside so she can fix herself and her things peacefully.

First, she searches for the dress she going to wear that day. After that, she goes to the bathroom.

She feels peaceful in the bathtub.

The war of the water on the bathtub is hugging her to relax.

After she takes her bath she wears her dress and combs her hair. She chooses the dress that she wants to wear to her feet. After that, she goes to the place was is her things were.

"Here they are!", and she sat down to the chair near to his papers.

She draws some comic strips so that when she can go away to that place she will submit them to her boss.

She draws ten papers when someone calls his name.

" Angel! Angel! Where are you? ", the voice is in the bedroom.

She quickly goes to their room.

She saw King standing and his hand is on his hips again, she thinks he is mad again.

" What do you want young master?", she asked him very generously.

"Cook me food", he said to her.

" What? Food again?", she asked wondering.

"I'm hungry. Just cook me something to eat", he scolds.

" Okay. Okay. I think he is full. He still hungry? ", she scratching her head and she wondering.

She cooks again, she cooks noodles with kimchi and lemonade for him.

" What's this?", someone voice coming from her back.

Its King.

" Don't talk like that next time. You made me scared", she said.

And he arrogantly smiled.

"Make it fast. I'm so hungry.", he arrogantly saying and he sat down at the table waiting for Angel to finish cooking.

He was getting bored while waiting for her.

Suddenly, Angel comes here to prepare the food she cooks. She prepared to the bowl the noodles she made and kimchi to the saucer and the lemonade.

" Hmm. Its look delicious.", he said to himself.

He tastes and like he said it's yummy. He eats faster again and in five minutes all of the food is finished.

"Give me again another bowl of noodles and kimchi.", he arrogantly requested.

She looks at him amazingly and can't believe to what the way he eats.

"Your so greed for food. Why are your so fast to eat, its bad for you and you want another bowl of noodles? Is the noodle I gave to you is not enough?", she asked him wondering.

"Yes. I'm still hungry. Just give me a bowl of noodles. Faster!", he arrogantly ordered to her.

" Tsk. He's so greedy and selfish. What kind of stomach is that? The stomach of a dragon? tsk.", she murmured.

And she got another bowl of noodles and kimchi for him. She made it two big bowls.

"I'm amazed if this bowl of noodles is still lack for him", she murmured to herself.

And she brings it to the table.

King look at her while walking and he looks so excited like a kid.

" Childish", she said to herself.

"Here are your bowls of noodles and kimchi. Ill made two bowls so that to suffice it in your stomach.", she said to him seriously and still amazed at how greed and hungry he is.