
Chapter 2:Psychopath Boss

"Who are you? Do you want me to feel afraid too? I don't afraid of you. All of you!", she bravely approaches.

" No, I'm not. I'm the Butler er of Mr King Sy since the young master is a kid I already his butler", he smiled at her.

She just looks at him nervously.

"I'm sorry for what my master do to you. I'm Mr James Crawford. You can call me Mr James and anything you need just call my name.", he introduced himself.

She thinks that Mr James is kind and he can help her to run away to the mansion.

" Mr James, can you please help me to go out in here? Please, I'm not the woman who caused him trouble. I'm telling the truth, sir. Please let me go", she plea.

He comes to her and sits on the chair near her.

"I cant. Coz every side of this house is has a camera and its high definition of technology. Also around the mansion is lots of highly skilled bodyguards and the signals of the smartphone here also locked", he explained to her seriously.

" If I were you. I will go to the flow until you prove that he's wrong and you can go out here.", he replied to her seriously.

She speechless

She feels that her soul is slowly disappearing.

"What do I need to do? I don't know that person and he is misleading me that I'm the woman who did him a scandalous issue. My god!", and her tears are going to fall.

"Miss, ill going out because I need to do something. If you want anything just call me and I will order the maids to come to you", and he smiled then he walked out outside.

And the tears he holds back falls hardly to his face. She cried so loud because she can't take it anymore. In just a minute her life gets destroyed. Is she just an unfortunate woman at all.

She fell asleep that time.

The next day she woke up because someone knocking on the door so loud.

She stood up and open the door to looked who is knocking roughly.

When she opened it, it was King and it crossed his arm and his very arrogant face.

" You need to cooked food for me", he said to her sarcastically.

"What? What I need to do that thing", she said to him.

" Coz after you do to me pass four years. You need to pay me back", and he put his hand on his hip and looked at her and up to his eyebrow.

"What? Arrogant man. As I said, I am not the woman you always talking about. So please let me go. I'm a busy woman and I don't have time for this your psychopath!", she shouted.

And King gets angry. He grabbed the hands of Angel and lean on the wall and kiss on her lips tenderly.

Angel was shocked and she pushed him away to her.

" Your not just a psychopath, your also a maniac", she shouted and she runs outside.

"Help! I", she shouted.

" I need to get away here", she added.

"I need to call the police", and she gets her phone immediately.

But still, there's no signal at all.

She sat on a tree and cried.

How can she go out to that place? She was afraid at all. Every time she still lives in that place she felt that she will be killed and die.

" I want to go back to my apartment and live with my simple life", she cried.

She didn't know that King knows her every move because all over the mansion has cameras even outside. He just sits down, relaxes and watching everything that she's doing.

Angel sits under the tree and hiding. She's so hungry. She felt dizzy because since yesterday he has had no sensible food and even water didn't touch her stomach.

She felt she going to die because of hunger. She fainted.

She woke up. And she's in her bedroom again.

She looks around and there's food on the table near her bed.

She stands up and gets the food because she was so hungry. She did not think it the possibility that it has poison or anything to eat. She is just hungry.

All of the foods on the tray is eaten because of her hungriness.

"Still, I'm trembling and weak", and she sat on her bed.

Someone goes into his room.

" I think you're okay. You need to cook food for me and clean my room later", he said to her.

"Okay. But please after that you will be released", she seriously said.

" Huh? Still, you won't give up? Stop. Just obey me and all the things that I will command you and you are living here peacefully ", he smiled at her and crossed his hand and walk away.

She headed and walk outside as she can because she felt that her body is so weak.

She looked around the mansion and it's so big.

She searches the kitchen and she hardly to find it.

After a while, she finds a room but it has a different door in any room to the mansion. The door is slowly opened. She looked at it and she saw that Mr King has so many girls in bed and they're doing something that is so embarrassed.

She turns around quickly because of what she sees.

And she walks again. She can forget that moment. She shakes her head and searches again the kitchen.

Suddenly, she found it.

She prepares the ingredients and the utensils that she needs to cook. And she going to cook fried rice with egg and bacon. How her wish after she does all the things that bastard man wants, he will release her and never disturbed her again.

She fried the rice and add the egg and bacon after that she made lemon cucumber juice and also a black coffee for him.