

Blake is abilityless in a new and improved earth filled with so many abilities until by some miracle Blake receives a system and an ability; the Blue Power! The power to create anything, whether solid, liquid, gas, energy, elemental, arcane! Will Blake reach the highest heights of power not only on earth but in the cosmos or will he fail to ascend to power with the ability to create anything? Join Blake as he ascends to the top!

Mothempire99 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The sun was high in the sky when Blake arrived at the entrance of the massive Ability Association building. The Ability Association was one of the superpowers of the world and it was headed by Thomas Walker, an Ancient level powerhouse who had an S rank ability! The association dealt with all matters related to abilities. They sold ability books, registered and ranked abilities, created variants of abilities and did tremendous research on abilities! Because of how important their work was, they had many branches everywhere and had employed thousands of ability users to work for them!

The door opened voluntarily and closed behind Blake when he entered. There were many desks inside which people sat behind in professional wear. Each of the desks had a specialization and Blake walked straight to desk number 14 which had Ability registration written boldly on it. Behind it was a red haired woman with freckles and glasses. She smiled at Blake and asked him politely, "Welcome to the Ability Association, young man. What brings you here? Have you come to register an ability?" she asked. Blake nodded nervously in answer. The woman smiled and started asking questions on how Blake recieved his ability and how his ability worked. Blake told her everything but left out the existence of the system. "Splendid! That is an interesting ability," the woman commented. She stood up from her desk with a bunch of papers and beckoned Blake to follow her. Blake followed her as she led him to an elevator which instantly teleported them to floor 28. Floor 28 was huge, about the size of two football stadiums combined. Many people in Ability Association clothing were moving stuff around or sitting behind Omnicomputers which were analysing data rapidly. In the centre of the large room was a glass enclosed area which was lighted and had many sophisticated devices inside. The woman walked up to one if the workers behind the Omnicomputers and exchanged words with him. The dark haired man's eyebrows rose as he took a look at Blake while the woman kept speaking. The man smiled and took the papers, putting them into a machine like a scanner beside his computer. He then beckoned Blake forward. "What's your name, kid?" he asked. Blake responded and the man nodded, sizing up Blake. "So Blake, you want to take the Ability test and register your ability, eh?" asked the man. Blake nodded in agreement. The black haired man called two other men who were part of those moving stuff in and out of the room. "Jamie, Edd, set up some test droids for me. This kid wants to take an Ability test and register his ability," said the dark haired man. "Sure thing," replied Edd, looking at Blake scrutinizingly. The duo moved to accomplish the task and soon it was done. Blake was made to enter the glass enclosure where four droids were waiting for him. Jamie entered in with him and gave him instructions. " Listen champ, all you have to do is condense your ability power and inject it into those droids," he instructed. Blake nodded and went to the first droid. He condensed blue energy the size of a tennis ball and put it in the droid. "Evaluating power... Evaluation failed. Power above maximum level."This was displayed on the black haired man's Omnicomputer and it caused him to sit up in shock. Jamie, Edd and the red haired woman had their mouth agape. Naturally the droid could evaluate an A+ ability but when it failed like this, it meant only one thing; the ability was S rank! S rank abilities were very rare and those with it were held in high esteem. An S rank ability could not compare with that of an A+ ability. In fact, an S rank ability user could defeat an A+ or A rank above his level!

The four watched in shock as one by one Blake condensed blue balls of energy in the remaining droids with each giving a response similar to the first! The black haired man and his companions were stunned. He typed in a command into his computer for the final evaluation

"Proposed name of ability: Blue Power


Usefulness: 1000%

Rank: S "

"Whoo," the man exhaled. Blake came out of the test room and was surprised at how intensely the four of them looked at him. The black haired man smiled and shook his hand. "Congratulations son, it's an S rank ability!" the man said. Blake's eyes went wide in surprise. "What! it's S rank too!" he exclaimed inwardly.