

Blake is abilityless in a new and improved earth filled with so many abilities until by some miracle Blake receives a system and an ability; the Blue Power! The power to create anything, whether solid, liquid, gas, energy, elemental, arcane! Will Blake reach the highest heights of power not only on earth but in the cosmos or will he fail to ascend to power with the ability to create anything? Join Blake as he ascends to the top!

Mothempire99 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


After Blake had left the Ability Association, the black haired man sent a copy of the test results to his supervisor. "Hmm, an S rank ability has appeared again, and a strange one at that," she muttered, flipping through the results of the evaluation test. She smiled eerily and put the papers in a folder titled Classified.

Meanwhile, Blake was back home and was chatting with his system. "So how do I hone my new ability?" he asked. [Due to your level, you can only create solid objects for now, infuse your will in them or change solid to solid. When you move in to the next level, you can now replicate liquid and gaseous materials easily. The only way to hone your ability is to have a complete grasp of it by frequently using it. Remember, this ability is only limited by your imagination and it can be anything you want it to be. So, for now work on making the solids more realistic, changing it instantly and infusing your will in it so that you can have a connection with it no matter the distance and improving the texture of the objects created like enhancing sharpness, heaviness, smoothness, silkiness etc. Also, frequent exercise and martial arts would help,] replied the system. Blake wanted to quickly advance his level but he had to take things one step at a time. Luckily, he had about three months before school reopened and he was elevated to the ability school. The system prepared a training routine for him to follow so that he could efficiently hone his power.

The next morning Blake was found on the street jogging, fists pumping in determination as he went around the block. He then returned to his house to complete the other exercises and by the time he was done, he was sweating bullets and was out of breath. Had it not been for the fact that he had become an ability user, he would have collapsed from exhaustion. After resting for a few minutes, he began to play with his ability, creating a box, turning it into a toy car, turning it into a trophy, then into a sword and back again into a box. He kept making random solids till his ability energy or mana was exhausted before he rested.

As the days turned into weeks, his proficiency with his ability was increasing steadily. He could now make his trophy as heavy as 7 pounds of meat or as light as a feather. Due to his ability, he did not even need to visit a gym as his ability could make him form dumbbells, poles for pushup exercises and other solid exercise equipment. Now with his ability, he could form a stick, throw it and let it change into a spear in mid air and then into dagger as it neared the target. Infusing will was far harder though. It required him to make the created object an extension of his will through putting a bit of his consciousness in the object. He mastered it in a month and focused now on creating complex solids like clothing, shoes, beds and the like. He had even gathered a little money to buy a martial arts book (Or Ability Arts book) to practice. The art was called Transition and it allowed him to change the direction of his attacks in the last minute to deal damage to his opponents. Though it was simple and not wanted due to its irrelevance, it was a cheap art and the only one Blake could afford currently. Also, it was ideal for his ability and suited him most.

"Hiya!" cried Blake, punching the blue punching bag with force. The punch twisted like a snake and hit a different place from what it was originally aiming at. Blake unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks onto the bag, bringing it down with a heavy axe kick. He punched it again, pushing it a few meters back. Forming a knife out of blue power, he threw it at the bag. While in mid air, the blue dagger split into three then six, embedding themselves deep into the sides of the punching bag. "My control has really improved," muttered Blake, looking at the damage caused by his attacks. If it were a person who recieved that attack, the person would have been bleeding from six different vital spots in the body. Like that, the second .month quickly passed by, turning into the third and last month of vacation. During the first week, Blake was sitting cross legged in his room meditating. Suddenly, he felt the ability inside him was glowing brighter than before. It even broke out of his body and soon he was shrouded in a soothing blue light. The light continued to expand and Blake was feeling a sense of calmness and wellbeing as energy rose from deep inside his body and exploded in a flash of blue. Breakthrough! Blake had now advanced from the awakened level to the Evolver level! "Haaa," Blake sighed in contentment as he felt his strength soar again and his energy expand and overflow. [Congratulations master, on your successful advancement! Liquid and Gaseous features of Blue power unlocked. Reward for advancement: Blue space unlocked, three random body cores recieved,] came the voice of the system. Blake stood up and stretched his body. He felt much lighter and stronger now. "What's a body core?" he asked the system. [A body core when taken can improve an aspect of your body whether speed, strength, toughness, stamina, sharpness, reaction speed etc. There are categories though. They are low, medium, and high grade cores. Do you want to recieve them?] said the system. "Yes," replied Blake. [Opening rewards... +1 High grade speed core

+1 medium grade reaction speed core

+1 medium grade stamina core

Does host want to absorb?] came the voice of the system. "Yes!" replied Blake. Instantly, three blue cores appeared in front of him and entered his body. A warm feeling spread throughout his body and he felt lighter than before. His eyesight which had already been improved because of the breakthrough improved again. He saw everything far clearly now and his body felt taut like a spring, relaxed but ready to spring into action! Blake went to check himself in a mirror. His blond hair now shone with a beautiful lustre now and his irises were rimmed a pure blue. His face was now far handsome and his body had increased in height. He was now lean and muscular with a heaven defying appearance! Now most people would not even recognize him. Even though he was just 15, he looked older and far more handsome. Blake had indeed changed!