

Blake is abilityless in a new and improved earth filled with so many abilities until by some miracle Blake receives a system and an ability; the Blue Power! The power to create anything, whether solid, liquid, gas, energy, elemental, arcane! Will Blake reach the highest heights of power not only on earth but in the cosmos or will he fail to ascend to power with the ability to create anything? Join Blake as he ascends to the top!

Mothempire99 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"What kind of ability is that? Is it domineering like Fire or cool like Technology or powerful like Space?" he asked. [It's far better than all those. The Blue Power is the power of creation itself!]

"What?? What does that mean? so I can create stuff now?" asked Blake. [Yes! with Blue power, you can create anything in this universe in any form, whether solid, liquid, gas, elemental, energy, arcane, anything! As long as you have ability energy and know exactly what you want to create. Thus, with blue power, you can even create your own elements. The only thing is that everything you create is going to be color blue that is why it is called Blue power] explained the voice. "What!?! this is awesome!" shouted Blake.

"So what exactly are you?" he asked. [I'm just a guide for this power to show the heir how to efficiently use it. Master, would you like to recieve your rewards now?] "Rewards? okay!" said Blake. [Mission completed: Accept blue power system. Reward: Twice the energy capacity of ability users, Random Elemental core recieved... level too low to absorb... will be unlocked at the Surpasser stage.] Blake's eyes went wide. "Twice the mana capacity of ability users? this is insane!" he exclaimed. Immediately, he decided to try out the new power. Focusing in his body, he searched it and found a blue core in his mind. [No need for that long process, master. Think of anything and it will come into existence,] said the voice helpfully. Blake closed his eyes and thought of a stick. Instantly, a blue stick appeared in his right hand exactly like he had depicted it! Simply wonderful! Blake swung the stick around the room in exhilaration and even switched it to a normal sword. Whenever he decided to turn it into a different thing, blue power gushed out of him and the thing morphed! "This is indeed the power of creation!" Blake couldn't help but exclaim. With the arrival of this ability, a myriad opportunities were opened to him now and the first step was to register this ability!

Whenever a person awoke an ability he or she had to go to the nearest Ability Association to register the ability and be given an ability rank ranging from S as the highest to F as the lowest. After the registration, the person was now officially recognized as an Ability User!

Even better was the fact that now Blake could attend Malen Academy's Ability school!

Previously, due to his abilityless state, he was made to attend only the part of the school meant for abilityless students but now, all this was going to change! Places which were previously inaccessible to Blake would now be accessible! Finally, he was not going to be ridiculed by his mates who had long advanced into the Ability school. Blake had long decided to pay a visit to the Ability Association today to register his ability!