
Love at first sight

I hate the phrase, "Love at first sight," and those who quote it. I absolutely detest it. Love shouldn't be solely about appearances, no? It's more about liking a person's character and personality rather than their looks. A person could be the ugliest in the world but have the heaviest heart of gold, but will never be given the chance of being loved just because people are disgusted by laying their eyes on them. Vice versa, someone could have the most rotten and evil heart imaginable but are still idolized by those who only see the exterior of their appearance. I just hate those who give people a chance to be loved just because their good-looking. Sure, they could also have a heart of gold, but what about the others that have been ignored just because they are unnoticeable? And yes, you could genuinely start to love someone for their character after spending a lot of time with them after you've fallen in love with their appearance, but man, that's just superficial.