

These scars here make me who I am. I've been thinking about it, but as I did the more I realize how important consequences are. We are who we are because of consequences. Living a life void of consequences, you'd be exactly the same when you die as you were when you were born. Exactly the same. You don't learn anything, therefore you don't change anything. I guess more importantly is learning from consequences, you'll make much more progress that way. However, you can't learn from them if they don't happen in the first place. The more mistakes you make, the better you are. Though, consequences are expensive, it could cost you your life or something much more valuable. Your life could change so much with just the impact of one consequence, for the better and for the worse. I assume that's why I miss my youth so much. You could make all the wrong choices in the world, and you'd be protected from each and every one of those consequences. Youth was the best time to learn, and adulthood is the best time to use what you've learnt.