
My Beautiful Love

[COMPLETED] [EDITING ONGOING] After being separated from him for three years, Wan Jia had only one goal: to take back her daughter from him. Yet, she would never have expected that things would unfold so differently from her expectations. "I will not let you have custody of our daughter." He had said in all seriousness. "But if you become my wife, you will have every right to be with her and we will be a complete family, just like we should be." Wan Jia looked up at him in shock. "Don't you hate me?" Looking into her eyes, he enunciated word for word. "Wanwan, I do hate you. But my love for you is much stronger than the hatred." ___ Wan Jia; A young fashion designer. Thanks to a huge twist in her life, she gets to meet the love of her life. Lu Aotian; Not your every day CEO. Despite every difficulty they faced in the past, his love for Wan Jia and their daughter, Lu Meili, never wavers. ___________ ~Avalorian: ***The cover photo does not belong to me. All credits to owner. This is a romance novel with a bit of crime, twists and mysteries.I hope you enjoy reading it. Please feel free to leave comments and reviews. ___ Join my discord channel: tinyurl.com/Avalorian

Avalorian_ · Urban
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657 Chs

Contract of a century

Completely oblivious to the storm brewing on Yun Xuan's side, Wan Jia was currently nestled in Lu Aotian's arms in the living room. She teased him by planting tiny pecks on his chin and neck.

Lu Aotian glanced at the trouble making girl wriggling on his lap. "Back to the starting point, huh? I told only Elite Fashion World is suitable for you."

Wan Jia rolled her eyes so hard that they almost fell onto his chest. "Those dumba**es purposefully came up with the so called test to get rid of me. There was definitely someone behind this."

"That was expected. How many companies want to hire you? No matter where you go, a more powerful company will try to poach you by all means.

Of course, the exception is Elite Fashion World. Since you'll have the support of big shot (me), no one will dare try to snatch you."

"The point is, I'm not qualified to breathe the same air as those big shot designers from EFW okay?" She said. This was in fact her biggest worry. She was just a rookie. How could she go to a world full of masters and grandmasters? What if she could not catch up and made a fool out of herself?

"How can you say that? My beautiful wife is very talented and hardworking. Surely those small fry you can handle yourself." He expressed his confidence in her abilities. "Do you want to try out?"

If she was willing to try, he was ready to draft a contract for her. He sneakily decided that the contract would be unterminable and would last up to a hundred years after her death. The little woman obviously knew none of this and was seriously considering it.

"I don't know for now...let me gain some knowledge from my mentor first then I'll think about it." She said.

Talking of her mentor, Elder Qian had been giving her some tips for the past approximately three weeks. Just within this short period pf time, her insights were begining to change and she could feel her skill improving already.

"Mmh." He suddenly pushed her down with him on top of her and kissed her deeply. This troublemaking girl only knew how to start flames and not extinguish them.

"Mommy, Daddy!" An incredibly cute baby voice interrupted, followed by a fluffy little bundle of pink rushing up to them.

Wan Jia pushed Lu Aotian away and glared at him. How could he do such child unfriendly things in the living room? Did he not know that they had a little child? Luckily, the little girl probably did not understand what they were doing and ran to them.

She pounced onto her mother and kissed her cheek before pouncing into her father too.

She presented a lollipop from who knows where and looked up at him shyly.

Lu Aotian found her extremely adorable and laughed. "What is it?"

"Daddy, can Little Jia play with Tangtang?" She blinked at him cutely.

"Who the hell is Tangtang?" Wan Jia asked.

Lu Aotian replied, "Shaoting's godson."

Wan Jia frowned at Lu Aotian's answer and almost spewed blood. What kind of answer was that?

"Baby, who is Tangtang?" She asked Little Jia sweetly.

The little girl sucked on the lollipop she had intended to gift to her father as Wan Jiawaited for ages before she said, "I don't know, Second uncle brought him to play."

"..." What's the difference?


At the same time, in Jing Ye's apartment.

Tyler looked at the details he had uncovered from the bank account and was filled with rage.

A certain someone sure went all out to make his daughter remain in the Lu family, eh?

"I...I didn't really believe this." Yun Xuan mumbled. "What do we do now?"

"Don't be too worked up, take a deep breath..." Tyler tried to calm her down. "Since we already know who did this, all that's left is for you to get a real divorce."

He looked at Jing Ye. "This gentleman will help us, right? You already have the signed divorce papers after all."

He nodded vigorously. "I still have them, I kept them safe just in case." then he rushed to his study room and came up with them. They were still valid and in good shape.

"We have you to thank Mr. Jing." he said. His tone had changed. Even Yun Xuan was finding it quite scary. Is it because all this drama was indeed caused by her father?"

"Don't mention it, It's thanks to your girlfriend that my daugher was saved."

He looked at him indifferently. "Mmh, I'll take this to a more credible clerk. As for you..." he took his phone and said "come in."

Two police officers suddenly appeared.

Jing Ye was puzzled. "This...didn't you promise not to hand me..."

Tyler interrupted me. "My fiancée promised not to hand you over to the authorities, but did I say anything of that sort?" He turned to the officers. "I've sent a recording of him confessing to your phone. Enjoy."

Yun Xuan held his arm emotionally as they took him away. "Tyler, this is totally unfair. How could you

play such a trick on him? Did he not help us solve everything? Quick, stop them!"

"He plotted against you. He must pay for it."

"But I promised him just now..."

"You made that promise, I didn't."


Two days later, Yun Xuan read read the headlines on her phone.

[Man found dead in police custody.]