
My Beautiful Love

[COMPLETED] [EDITING ONGOING] After being separated from him for three years, Wan Jia had only one goal: to take back her daughter from him. Yet, she would never have expected that things would unfold so differently from her expectations. "I will not let you have custody of our daughter." He had said in all seriousness. "But if you become my wife, you will have every right to be with her and we will be a complete family, just like we should be." Wan Jia looked up at him in shock. "Don't you hate me?" Looking into her eyes, he enunciated word for word. "Wanwan, I do hate you. But my love for you is much stronger than the hatred." ___ Wan Jia; A young fashion designer. Thanks to a huge twist in her life, she gets to meet the love of her life. Lu Aotian; Not your every day CEO. Despite every difficulty they faced in the past, his love for Wan Jia and their daughter, Lu Meili, never wavers. ___________ ~Avalorian: ***The cover photo does not belong to me. All credits to owner. This is a romance novel with a bit of crime, twists and mysteries.I hope you enjoy reading it. Please feel free to leave comments and reviews. ___ Join my discord channel: tinyurl.com/Avalorian

Avalorian_ · Urban
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657 Chs

Blue vs black

Wan Jia was stunned for a short while before returning the kiss, his lips were just as sweet as she had imagined. She hugged his neck and let him deepen the kiss while his hands started wandering over her body...towards her thigh which had been slightly exposed due to his sudden movement. He rubbed the soft skin on her thigh and looked into her eyes, as if seeking her permission. At this point her eyes were shut, but he could see from her face that she was not against this move. He mustered his courage and slowly lifted the hem of her nightdress. Yet in the next second...

" What the hell are you doing?!" Lu Aotian stopped in his tracks. Kissing you, of course. Weren't you okay just now?

"How dare you simply take advantage of me? Don't you have any shame?!"

Lu Aotian was rendered speechless by the sudden outburst.

Previously when she told him she was not ready, he had a thought that she was trying to hide something but chose not to think too much. But now that he was very sure she really loved him and also wanted him, but she had still rejected him, he was certain she really was hiding something...Well, hiding something should not really be considered as lying,should it? After all, everyone had secrets.

Even if it's a matter of not being ready, the reaction shouldn't be that extreme, right? As if she had not been extreme enough, she glared at him angrily and stomped into the bathroom closing the door with a bang.

Lu Aotian "...."

This was.....strange? Anyway, he decided to give her some time to settle her emotional roller coaster first. Although he knew she loved him too, maybe she thought it was too soon to be having such feelings since they had only known each other for a short while but when she was sure about it she would be fine, or so he thought.

Ten minutes passed...

Thirty minutes...

One hour...

What on earth was going on in the bathroom? Was she alright? Lu Aotian was just about to rush in to check on her when she came out. She was totally fine, except her freshly washed face which none could detect anything from, but Lu Aotian knew instantly that she had been crying.

He had made her cry? Lu Aotian felt so guilty his heart was suffocating. Just as he was about to offer his apology, Wan Jia's expression turned worse.

"What on earth are you still doing in my room?!"

"Xuanxuan, I'm sorry I...."

"Get out."


"GET OUT!!!!" She suddenly threw a pillow at him. Lu Aotian did not want to make her more unhappy and quickly left. He heard her bellowing to a servant to change her beddings shortly after he left and sighed. Then he suddenly recalled. 'Yun Xuan' usually had contact lenses on, or at least that's what her brother Yun Jifeng had mentioned... However, why did she suddenly put them on late at night? According to Yun Jifeng, her eyes are originally blue but she loves black eyes but according to this situation, why does it seem to be the other way round?


The next morning, Lu Aotian specifically prepared breakfast himself to apologize to his beauty for crossing the line. Wan Jia on the other hand deliberately woke up late since Lu Aotian usually went to work early, so she would not bump into him. She didn't have to go to Yun Xuan's studio today anyway.

Unfortunately for her, she saw him busying about in the kitchen just as she reached downstairs. She would have run right back to her room had he not turned just at the wrong time and looked at her, even smiling at her.

Wan Jia's heart was instantly filled with immense guilt and regret. She had intentionally been mean to this man last night to make him give up on her but now he was smiling at her? She seemed to have underestimated his feelings....but did he love her or Yun Xuan? That was one hard question and besides, during this short while she had experienced nothing but kindness and love in his presence yet she was lying to him...

If she told him the truth now before it's too late, would he forgive her?

"Morning, breakfast will be ready in a short while," he announced. So he was cooking for her? Indeed, it was all her favourites upon closer inspection.

They sat opposite each other and ate in silence for a while...

"Xuanxuan, about last night, I...."

"I'm full." she stopped eating as stood to leave.

Just then, Lu Aotian caught a glimpse of something and held her wrist.

"What's the color of your eyes?"

"Huh?" Why the sudden change of topic?

"What's the color of your eyes?" he repeated calmly.

"Oh!My eyes...they're bla...they're blue." Wan Jia was just as nervous as she sounded and her heart was beating so fast she almost fainted. Why was he suddenly asking?She had almost blurted out "black" before she caught her tongue just in time.

"Mmh. So you like the black colour so much that you use contact lenses?"

"Yes. " Phew! Nice one.

"Ahuh, so when going out you leave them aside and only have them on at night?"

Huh? Wan Jia was about to say something stupid when she recalled. She! had! forgotten! those! damn! things!

"Haha... Lu Aotian, you're joking,right? Who would do that" she forced a smile.

"Okay, if that's the case then why don't you take them off now?" Lu Aotian sounded serious this time.

Dead! Dead! Dead!

"Eer...Lu Aotian, you seem to misunderstand.I meant my eyes are black but I use blue contacts." As expected, his expression worsened. Why would she lie about such a thing as her eyes? That lie on its own doesn't make sense but if you put it together with her weird rejection, the look in her eyes when she promised not to lie and her dream last night,not to forget how nervous she was....it was all so strange. Lu Aotian thought of a possibility but quickly pushed it at the back of his mind. It's not like things like those were even possible. What was he thinking?

Under Wanjia's nervous gaze, he finally spoke. "Your original eyes look better." he said honestly. Just before she replied, he asked. "Who is Wanwan?"

To avoid confusion, Yun Xuan's eyes are originally blue while Wanjia's are black. So to look like Yun Xuan, she always puts on the blue contacts while going out but she lied that the blue ones are her original eyes, so according to Lu Aotian, it seemed like she was putting on her black lenses at odd times when that was her natural eyes.

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