
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


A week passed, and many things happened within this 1 month. Clean World, the company created by Alex, and the other names spread. As Alex guessed, many people were more than happy to give them a call and have them drive over to clean their calls. Sure, they had to carry tanks of water and many other cleaning supplies, but they were able to bring the car wash to people's steps. with winter around the color, people's cars would start getting dirty from the snow and rain. 

Clean house did more than simply clean your car, it would even help you check your car for troubles if needed. But they would not help you fix it to avoid trouble.

Clean World also cleaned the house, from the rooftop to even the basement. they would even organize your room for you. Clean world within just 7 days blew up. This was mainly thanks to the ads we made around the city, allowing the world to quickly know our name, 

We also had many builds fixed up, and we were already having people moving in. Alex even bought a neighborhood that he was cleaning up, adding parks, and making the houses far better but also cheap enough for people to move in.

Shops were opened, and the shop owned by Alex's former job ran out of business, allowing Alex to buy it at a cheap price. he had it picked up and was currently having it be a Clean World shop, where people could walk in.

This was going smoothly, Smooth Sea restaurant was opening a branch restaurant... However, Alex had to get a restraining order placed on Mia as she kept trying to meet him. This was a bad image for the restaurant, but the food was so good that people kept coming. this restaurant was Alex's main source of income, and he was already expanding it. It was bringing Alex hundreds of thousands of dollars daily... how was that possible you may ask?

Simple, those who were eating there found their health improving, and them growing stronger. this led to them coming back over and over, but of course, the price of the meals grew. be it the rich, or common people. many wanted to eat there.

As for Alex's power. Collin, Abel, and Abdi split apart to work on different types of business. Abel wanted to make the next Samsung. for this, Rin gave him the best and brightest minds amount the world. Off the bat, Alex wanted to hit the market with a phone that would shake the world. he wanted the first phone that could use QI. 

Abdi wanted to have a monopoly on the world reinstatement. pretty much, he wanted to own all land on earth to the point that even the United would be paying rent to him.

Collin wanted to take over Smooth Sea restaurant, he would be reasonable for gaining a monopoly over food. Of course not simple food, but food that had a unique effect. such as boosting one health, senses, and so on

As for Alex? He was making sure that they were powerful. Just now, he stood before Warriors, Shinobi, Spies, Thieves, and so on. All of them were given the end, of course, all of them were females. Alex needed not to worry about betrayers, as the longer they bonded with his soul, the more loyal they would be towards him. Alex was unwilling to allow anyone to have the chance to betray him.

Lastly, the most important piece to everything was Hope. She took all 5 of these and managed them all...

"Found you." Standing on a rooftop, Rin held an orb that showed a crytial pointed towards a young beautiful woman. She was truly beautiful for a mortal, she had this goddess air about her. She was like a cold beauty. She was only a mortal, so why on earth would RIn be looking for this young American woman?

"The Pure Yang Physique." Rin said softly. a physique. such a physique was the amount the new physique to appear, this was a sign that Qi was returning. this woman... she had to become Alex's wife. she had to make sure of it. 

There are unique Physiques one could be born with. even before cultivation returned, the earth had humans with unique bodies. some capable of carrying crystals, others capable of withstanding extreme cold, and so on. Think of unique physiques as bodies that bring forth an ability

The Pure Yin physique was a physique that could only be found in females. Their bodies can perfectly synthesize with Heaven Earth Yuan Qi, and they are usually rare cultivation geniuses. Pure Yin bodies also have different grades. The purer the body is, the higher the cultivation talent. but their physique did have a drawback, and a major one at that.

Some say that heaven is jealous of their talent, because of which they would be sick, given a low lifespan. but once they could get around this drawback, they could skyrocket to level 3 body tempering within an hour.

"since she is born, that means there is a pure yang physique somewhere... but this thing can only find females," Rin said while looking at the orb. this orb was a talent-searching orb she searched using Alex's soul... well, she didn't create it, but some genius helped her in creating this orb.

Pretty much, combined Alex's observation of Haki and the Almighty, adding this orb which was used to measure talents. they were able to create something that could scan a large range, scanning all of their talent without the need for anyone to step forward.

Rin created a clone and had it teleport to Alex's side. Currently, Alex was with Arthurian, sitting back and just doing their things. Arthurian was playing a video game, while Alex was going through his phone. Sighing, Alex got up and went upstairs.

"What is it?" Alex asked without having to look up, at his side, Rin appeared on one knee behind him, before taking a deep breath.

"I have been thinking... are you one of those mc who wouldn't go against their gods when they have a female who they would sleep with to help to greatly improve their cultivation?" Rin asked, making Alex freeze slightly before looking back at her with a weird look. seeing her serious look, I went speechless, seriously going over her words. 

"It depends. If she is an enemy, why would I show her mercy? if we're cool, then yes." I said while causing Rin to look deeply at me. While reading those cultivation novels, I always get annoyed when the MC sees a beauty who could greatly improve their cultivation, but they are so righteous they don't even think of it. It annoyed me even more when the woman was a female 

"Okay... what if she is an extreme talent that surpasses even Arthurian? would you even avoid making her your wife and making sure she stays at your side?" She said, causing me to narrow my eyes. she found an extreme talent...

"Again, it depends. if I could sit down with her and get to know her like I did Arthurian, and we bond then yeah. I have no interest in marrying someone who I care little for." I said making Rin node slightly. 

"Okay. so, if you had a way to some heart. even before knowing them, would you take it?" Rin asked to which I just nodded helplessly. I was still a man at the end of the day.

"God, give me one second," Rin said while disappearing, turning into a poof of smoke. I rubbed my pupils slightly, before having my clone keep track of her actions. 

Rose Willaims. A young weak girl from the Williams family, a family with a net worth of around 120 million Rose was weak, and couldn't even walk on her own. because of this, one could see her being pushed around by her bodyguards. Rose was a cheerful kind girl, everyone loved her and she was pure. She used her money to help her community and support those in need.

She had many friends, among them being the guy she liked. David. sadly, David had disappeared more than a month ago. She had tried her best to find her dear friend, but it was of no use. This seemed to have only made her sicker, she couldn't even muster the strength to walk. yes, she needed a wheelchair, but in the past, she could have at least taken a few steps on her own. but she couldn't even do that now.

Currently, She is at a park, while reading a book on an Amazon Kindle. Rose tried to flip a page on her Kindle but saw that the Kindle was frozen. stunned, she looked up for a moment and found that the world was frozen.

"..." She was slightly scared, she looked around her eyes quickly landing on a beautiful Japanese woman walking towards her from afar. 

"What is this..." She said fearfully seeing how the world was frozen. Rin quickly appeared before her, looking at her with a gentle smile.

"I'm I died?" Rosa asked the fear in her eyes disappearing and replaced with acceptance, but to her shock, Rin shook her head at her.

"No, I just spend up your time and mine. time didn't slow down, we're just moving extremely fast." Rin said while sitting a a bench next to Rose. Rose was stunned by everything, she wanted to say that was impossible, but after looking around... what else could this be?

"I came to give you an opportunity. Do you know why you are sick?" Rin asked with a gentle smile, making Rose's eyebrow raise slightly.

"yes, I was born with a rare illness which has no cruelty... are you saying it's not an illness?" Rose asked her imagination nodded slightly. Rose nodded slightly before going on to explain what her physique was, leaving Rose stunned for some time.

"I came to give you the opportunity. My master can save you, but due to special reasons, you have to marry him. You need not worry, he isn't the type to force himself upon you." Rin said leaving Rose stunned slightly.

"... why does he want to marry me?" Rosa asked, she wanted to at least know the reason before she could say anything to this.

"Simple, you have the pure yin physique. Although My master isn't the type, one day he might need to take your virginity for power. if a powerful being he can't match just yet, I rather you be around for him to sleep with for a huge power gain, than nothing... of course, you will not be a tool. you can travel the world and do as you wish as a married woman. He is the true ruler of the earth, with a snap from him, your parents would become billions, and have resources to cultivate as well." Rin said making Rosa bite her lips slightly, not knowing what to say about all of this.

She didn't want to die, and she was growing weaker by the day. sooner or later, she would be too weak to even read... plus, her heart belonged to David. but he might be long gone, but even if David was here, she knew what she would pick. for her family, and to see this new world opened before her, she was willing.

"Alright, I will have you and Alex meet soon. as your parents go to New York City," Rin said while giving Rose a necklace before disappearing, stunning Rosa who looked around trying to find her, only to find that time was flowing normally.

For a moment, she thought it was all a dream, but seeing the necklace in her hands, she knew it wasn't a dream. she looked towards her guard and told them to take her home. upon returning home, she went on to take a phone where she went on to go call her parents, and asked them to go to Smooth Sea restaurant in New York, to which they agreed right away. for their baby girl, they would do anything.

2 days later, Rose was taken out of her Rolls-Royce, and into a Wheelchair. She looked at the restaurant before her, before looking towards her father who was pushing her wheelchair with a hopeful look for the future awaiting her.

Her father pushed her towards the restaurant, and while Rin looked forward, her eyes landed on a beautiful black-haired Japanese woman, which made her heart skip a beat. She was stunned for a moment, before having her father push her towards her.

"You know her?" RIn's father asked with a confused look, she looked towards Rin and was stunned at such a beauty. her mother was also confused, and seeing RIn walking over, they were even more stunned.

"You finally came. come, my master awaits." RIn said, after getting Rose's father and the mother. but she didn't care for them, her eyes mostly on Rose. She had them follow them, ignoring Rose's mother who was displeased with Rin's lack of respect. Rose was also displeased slightly by this, but they followed after Rin.

They headed to the elevated, heading towards the top floor where they stepped out, heading towards a V.I.P. room where Alex was currently going through his phone. seeing the 4 arrive, he stood up to greet Rose and her family.

"Greetings, I'm Alex, the owner of this restaurant," I said with a smile, stunning Rose's father who quickly took my head. how could he not be amazed, he was meeting a man who was making millions a month, it that was only increasing over time.

"Greetings sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." Rose's father said, amazed by how young Alex was, I nodded slightly at her before having them all sit-down. with Rin standing behind my back, her face emotionless. after we ordered our food, I went on to speak.

"So, Rose, what has Rin told you so far," I asked while looking at Rose, causing Rose's parent's eyebrows to raise, not expecting to hear this as Rose never told them.

"... is it okay to tell my parents?" Rose asked with an uneasy look, stunning her parents as Rose was never like that. but seeing me nod, she took a deep breath and told me everything Rin said.

"I was born with a unique physique which brought me great power, but at the side effect of a lower lifespan. I could cultivate at a higher speed, but since I don't have a cultivation art, I could never cultivate and therefore never showed my talent. but it had the side effect of allowing me to live longer. maybe to 25 years old." Rose said softly, making her parents' faces go weird.

"You want to marry me, at the cost of healing me and helping me show my full potential," Rose said, her face slightly red. Alex was handsome, how could she keep a straight face after seeing the most handsome person she had ever seen?

"Sir Alex... what is this?" Rose's father asked, trying his best to hold his rage back. at his words, I simply snapped my finger, causing him to float into the air. at this, Rose's father panicked, horrified by this.

"powers exist. I believe Rin has given you a reason for me wanting to marry you?" I asked to which Rose nodded with a complex look.

"If you take my virginity, you can greatly improve your cultivation within a short amount of time..." Rose said, slightly unleashed about this part of the deal. at her words, I sighed softly before nodding

"Yes... but don't think I would force you to live your life. Pretty much, you can be married to me in name. So long as your virginity is there, you can do anything you want. if the time comes when I do need it and I take it, I will not treat you any less. You would have my complete support." I said calmly, making Rose hesitate for a moment. but she didn't speak, and instead, her father spoke.

"How can we trust you?" Rose's father asked with an uneasy voice, this was his daughter, so he would be more than willing to fight Alex no matter the power.

"Please I could have forced her. I could have had her forcefully cultivated and sealed her away until the moment I needed her. I have no interest in forcing people to do things they are unwilling to do. I'm not that type of person, think of this as a partner skip. if feelings between myself and Rose grow, I will not mind to truly see her as my wife." I said calmly, leaving everyone quiet for a moment 

"I accept," Rose said before her father or mother could say anything else, leaving the two stunned for some time. they looked towards her daughter, not understanding why she would say such a thing.

"you have taken care of me all my life... this is the only way I could protect you," Rosa said with a smile that was full of unease, but Hope for the upcoming future. Her father was complex at her words, but at that moment a light caught their attention.

They looked towards me and saw a piece of my soul in my park, before I threw it towards Rose, scaring both her and her parents. but the soul was absorbed into her body, and after a moment, Rose felt a warmth swallow her. That was not simply my soul, but filled with my energy which used the Perfect Body jutsu on Hope, perfecting her physique and removing its flaws, while at the same time she gained all of my abilities.

"W-what did you do?" Rose's father said while standing up, worried for his daughter filling his eyes. But I simply told Alex to stand up, Rose was stunned by my words, but a part of her told her that she could stand. So, she stood up. to her parent's shock, she walked around feeling how healthy she felt.

"For now, I have to go. For now, enjoy your meals, and return home." I said while snapping my finger. at that, a flash appeared at my wide, leaving Rose and her parents stunned as they looked at a ninja.

"Number 1, 2, and 3. You will be under Rose's command and her bodyguard." I said softly, to which the shinobi nodded, before standing me. he walked towards Rose, while 2 other shinobis appeared, waiting for Rose's orders.

"I have work to do, for the time being. enjoy. Rose, when you're done with everything, return and begin your cultivation training. you have a lot of stuff to learn about the cultivation world," I said to which Rose nodded with a blank lost look, but I disappeared, not waiting for her second words.

"Well, since you would be my sister. should we get to know each other?" Rin asked with a smile, confusing both Rose and her parents with the meaning of my words.

"Alex has a harem. for now, I'm the second. although Alex is resistant to having a large harem." Rin said with an annoyed look. She couldn't understand why someone would limit their strength if the opportunity for power was before them.

"Harem?" Rose's mother's face twisted in disgust. what did she expect? it seemed like all males thought with a penis more than anything else. but Rin seeing this gave her a glare, which made Rose's mother's legs almost give her a heart attack

"In history, many leaders had harems. both males and females. it's not simply for pleasure but it's a way to gather fate." Rin said coldly, before sighing. these mortals... she hated explaining things to them.

'From David's memory... well, he had reasons to hate me. I should be careful not to leave behind enemies.' Alex thought while sitting with Arthurian, in deep thought about David's past. everything from the future seems to be playing out the same. although David didn't know everything behind Rose becoming my wife, I guess the same thing played out.

I was not into stealing other girls, that pain was something I wouldn't wish even upon the most hated enemy. Sure, I pity David. after all, to him I up and took Rose from him just when they were about to start dating. he was under the ideal I forced her to marry her.

"You look so cute when you're lost in thought," Arthurian said while suddenly pushing me and getting on top of me.

"You keep doing this, and soon I will not be able to control myself," I said calmly, making Arthurian freeze slightly, her face turning red in embarrassment. and seeing the tent in between my legs, she quickly sat away from me.

"I'm not ready." She said while avoiding eye contact with me, I rolled my eyes while getting up. Arthurian loved kissing me a bit too much, adding as she loved to dominate, she would push me down from time to time and madly kiss me. I wasn't a virgin, after all, I was dating Lisa and we were sleeping under the same roof.

"Well, i'm going to go take a bath," I said while walking over to Arthurian, and kissing her.