
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

An Angel

It was February 14th, 2019. In other words, it was Valentine's Day. the day of love, and the day many virgins around the world curse at. this day was a mockery to many people worldwide... but this year, something special happened. something that would go down in history. 

In Africa, an angel had appeared. the once unstable continent was swallowed in the blood that day, and those greedy leaders covered the streets in blood. Their blood was used as a power source to create cities, and food for those hungry. those sick and ill found themselves recovering completely.

In the center of Africa, a golden temple formed, where this angel sat down. the holy glow he gave off disappearing and allowing the people of Africa to look at him. there, a black man revealed himself. he was quite handsome, he seemed like an angel from heaven.

"Rise," he said in an unknown language, even so, everyone understood what he meant and stood to their feet. looking at this man with a look of expectation. 

"Africa is now mine, this is my kingdom and you are all my people. return home, eat, and party. a new era has come to Africa." He said, his words carrying a unique power that moved the hearts of those who heard him., all over Africa, everyone could somehow see this person no matter where. the fact food was overflowing, to the point many were scared they couldn't eat it all moved them even more

That day, Africa partied. be it the young or the old, it was a celebration never seen before, those who were old on the blink of death found themselves standing up and parting as if they were teens. those ill found themselves feeling like Superman, that day was an event that didn't just stun Africa, but the rest of the world, among them being Alex.

Sitting before a TV, Alex watched the screen of Angel. the angle was miles long, and had an army of angles with him to help carry out his mission of slaughter. Alex wasn't alone as Rin, Abel, Collin, Abdi, Hope, and even Rose were watching this scene

"this person isn't simple, he is using the fate of those in Africa to create a barrier that we can't get through," Rin said lowering her head in shame, there were over a billion people in Africa, such a huge number all having faith in this person, and him controlling the faith could allow him to even leave Rin hopeless


"Such a huge amount of faith, even if it's so weak, the amount is enough for him to do anything, even rewriting the rules of the universe. he created a barrier that has the rule of the outside world not getting in unless he allows it." She said making me rub my chin slightly.

"Could he be a phone user?" Abel asked, to which everyone looked towards Alex for answers. yet Alex had no answers to give. 

"I don't know, he hid himself well. even my Haki is being blocked off... I could destroy that rule he created, but I would be the bad guy." I said softly, with so many people united. even ants could take down dragons if there were enough... sure you would need a whole sea, but it could be done.

this was over 1 billion people uniting, their faith placed in one thing, and this one thing used that faith to rewrite reality. if I wanted to take over Africa, it would not be so simple now, the fact the level 3 body tempering realm cultivators in Africa were killed... well, I should have used them to start gaining control in Africa

"This is my fault. If one person can come back from the future, then so can others. I should have begun cleaning up Africa and collecting fate there... everyone is to be on high alert. at the same time, speed up our plans to slowly gain a monopoly of everything." I said while getting up

"Where are you going?" Abdi asked with a raised eyebrow,

"To see this so-called angel. if I could see him, then I would be able to know if he was an enemy in the future or not." I said calmly, 

"Absolutely not!" RIn said seriously, making everyone look towards her in shock. Rin took a deep breath before she went on to speak.

"You are the king, since when do kings go to do such things? you would be lowering yourself, and even putting yourself in harm's way. I will go... while making sure our abilities remain hidden." Rin said seriously, making me frown slightly, but she was right.

"I will be back as soon as I can," Rin said while teleporting away, appearing in the sky above Africa. She had on shinobi clothing. Below was the angel who looked up towards the sky at her, meeting her gaze. through the barrier, Rin couldn't see this person's appearance, causing her to narrow her eyes dangerously

"My lord wishes to speak with you. please come out and speak." RIn said calmly, to which the black young man floated up, 

"And who might this master of yours be?" The young man asked while Rin's frown deepened. how couldn't she when this young man managed to create a clone using the power of faith? a nearly perfect copy of the original... no, it was stronger as it was fueled by the power faith in how powerful their angel was. This angel was how the people of Africa pictured him. meaning it was not even his true appearance 

"The true ruler of this world. he wants to know who you are." RIn said calmly, to which the young black man sneered slightly. 

"True ruler? Let's for a moment say that was true, how come he has done nothing to end the suffering worldwide?" He asked with crossed arms, to which Rin's eyes narrowed. She looked around, and after a moment realized this moment was being shown worldwide.

"My master just took the throne. your actions of trying to spread this worldwide to impact his name show one thing... you know him, you're going out of your way to target him. stop hiding and show your true self." Rin said coldly, making the young man shake his head slightly. 

"your so-called Illuminati has claimed this earth for many years, controlling those who sit upon the throne power, and removing those who step out of line or get too near to the truth. so yes, I am targeting your master. I will free my people, but this time I will not be working those someone like when I worked through Moses... I have personally come down to free my people." he said righteously, making RIn's face go blank, unable to understand what he was talking about for a moment. but she quickly understood sensing the reaction of people worldwide.

'he is playing the rule of savor and is marking me as the Illuminati? how do I turn this around, rejecting this now would be pointless. he has used my words against me.' Rin thought panicking about what she should do.

"I have no interest in your games. Answer the question, are you a friend or not? why are you running around playing angel and showing this to the world?" Rin asked

"Why do I play angel? are you asking me why am I saving people? I have everything planned out, have him come see me and we can talk." He said his face turning cold, leaving Rin at a loss for words. but she said nothing more,

"I understand. As you went on a roundabout way to attack my master, I will take it we are enemies. " She said while turning around, the young black man wanted to speak, but his body exploded.

worldwide, everyone has seen this sight. Their phones or TV were showing the events of RIn and that young black male. many got to their knees, believing this was the second coming of god, while others were on guard, paying close attention to the words that women had to say. Online blew up, with many theories of what was going on. 


many guess that the black young man wasn't truly a god and was instead doing something for personal gains, while the shinobi was displeased that someone had up and revealed the supernatural world to the rest of the world.

Some thought this was all fake, some thought this was for an upcoming movie, while others thought this was a single for the end of the world. pretty much, everyone was uneasy and fearful at this moment about what was happening. 

So, they looked towards the government, thinking they were hiding something. at this, the government shockingly stepped forward, releasing a video that was forcefully played on everyone's TV, phone, and laptop, this went as far as affecting every device worldwide. 

What shocked everyone was that the shinobi who met with the black-haired young man was the one who appeared. what was weird was that the language she spoke changed depending on who was listening.

"Do angels exist? they do, as well as demons, dragons, and other such things. but they had all died out years ago. those things you know as dinosaurs are the descendants of dragons. every religion exists, including the bible, greek, Hindu, and so on. They were all real, just that the power of the gods was stretched." She said calmly, 

"Zeus and many other gods did also exist. but they were not gods, but cultivators, mortals who absorbed heaven and earth energy to gain god-like powers. for countless years, this energy had disappeared. It's only 19 years ago that it has returned. at this moment, Qi is weak and in a low amount. so many powerful families have kept it a secret from the world... and thats how it should have been until next year." She said stunning the world.

"This so-called angel, he is nothing more than a cultivator. one who shouldn't have shown this to the world until the time was right. but now we have no choice, but to tell you all so you can't be fooled... and to warn you about the things to come. so be ready, you all knowing about the supernatural world would lead to that energy returning to this world faster. many of you will start dropping dead, unable to adapt to this energy." at her words, the world froze in horror.

"for the past few months, the new ruler of this world had been spreading his business, restaurants that sold food that would empower you. For now, it is expensive, but the price shall drop as he needs to spread this food to the rest of the world as soon as he can to help you all adapt. It's called Smooth Sea Restaurant. this was his way of saving this world and ending world hunger. I wish you all good luck. you will all need it as things to come will not be pretty. it would send humans back to the era of only the strong surviving, my master would have liked to have more of you survive. but as things are, millions might die." She finished before the screens went dark.

"That bitch." within the United state, a black-skinned teen sent a fist flying through his tv in rage

"Rin... you fucking bitch, I will fucking kill you." he roared before he forcefully calmed himself down. RIn move was perfect. instead of covering this up, she went on to use his actions to tell the world against him. She even made Alex take the role of a good guy,

"Alex..." he said his heart burning with rage at the thought of Alex, that arrogant bastard. even after being reborn into his young self, Alex was still so arrogant, not even bother coming to see him face to face.

"Calm down host, Alex would fall with your knowledge from the future. so what if he got out of this one." the young man's phone said while floating up, revealing the beautiful anime girl within, 

"You're right Aqua... I wonder what happened to the other guy. I wanted to take his phone... so be it." He said while sitting back, thinking about the next move he should make. 

"Just why do you hate Alex again?" Aqua asked unable to get her head about his hatred for Alex.

"He stole my woman and turned her against me. what is there not to get? my own woman ran a sword through my chest." He said his rage growing at the thought of Alex's actions. before that, he and Alex were not enemies. Alex was too arrogant to see him, and he was uneasy with Alex's power. so he kept away from Alex.

but when those from another world came, he fell in love with their princess, and after some time, he and her fell in love... only for Alex to pop up taking her away. every time he thinks about how she could coldly leave him to join Alex, his rage boils to no end.

But he didn't simply hate Alex. Someone rivaled his hatred towards him. RIn. Who was there to take his lover? it was Rin. Who knows what poison that woman fed his woman? She just popped out of nowhere, speaking a few things into his woman's ear and she suddenly ended everything with him. She even cursed him as if he had done something wrong. To make things worse, the next time they met, Rin told her to kill him to show her loyalty to Alex. 

He had only ever loved one person in his life, yet she just up and killed him, leaving him for another man. how could he not hold hatred?

"I can use your action against her..." He said his eyes turning bright as he thought of a plan. but before he could put it to work, Aqua suddenly showed him the news. showing Alex who was standing before a bunch of people who were trying to interview him. 

"Sir, are you able to confirm what that ninja said to the world?" Alex who was wearing a suit was being followed by a bunch of people, while he headed to his car. He tried to ignore them all, but in the end, stopped and turned to look at them.

"Yes, everything she said is true. all but the part of me being the ruler of the world. I haven't sat upon that seat just yet. As for my food, they would indeed help you adapt to the incoming Qi." I said calmly, stunning the people who quickly began asking for more information

"if you want to know about the cultivation world, pick up a few novels. China has been creating these novels for many years. pick up and novel, it would help you understand what's to come. there are many fandoms online that also have a lot of information to give you about this subject. I'm not the best person, just a few months ago I was a normal human. but this was the role I was given. so I am also learning," Alex calmly, before entering his BMW, they wanted to come up and ask more questions, but they couldn't near Alex. Alex up and drove off, leaving them all stunned. 

the news networks quickly broadcast this to the world, but not even 10 minutes later, news came from Africa. The Angel went on to lash out at Alex, explaining how he had everything planned out, explaining how he told Alex to come see him so he could tell him his plan. He had a way of preventing humans from dying from the return of Qi, but with his actions of telling the world everything, his technique would be left useless due to how much Qi shall start returning to this world.

"You just want money, instead of trying to save people. you want to make a profit out of this." these were his final words, and the world turned against Alex, mainly those who believed that cultivation was real

"thats foolish. I don't have an endless amount of money, all of the income I'm getting is being thrown into Smooth Sea restaurant. plus, didn't my bodyguard ask him if we were friends or not? he dodged answering those questions, adding his ruthlessness, should I have gone to see him?" Alex who was being interviewed on The Daily Show by Trevor Noah, said with a shake of his head. 

"So. where did you the money to do the stuff you have been doing the past few months? you went from a broke man to a billionaire just like that. how was that possible?" Trevor asked, truly curious to know the answer

"It was given to me. around the world, many powerful clans go back to the era of cultivation millions of years ago. take it as them investing in me. but they don't give me their full support. So, Smooth Sea restaurant was something I plan to spread worldwide. yes, it will cost money, but 90% of the profit I'm making is being sent back out there." I said while I looked behind the crowd where an image of the screen behind me appeared, 

"This is my fish farm, you may all ask how is it that my fish can help you all adapt to Qi... well, look at them," I said as a huge beautiful fish appeared behind me,

"These fish were created by me, there is a reason I'm the ruler of the world. I have the power to turn a simple fish into something that could rule the sea. Of course, I can't create such things like it's nothing, moving them around also costs a good penny. I can't just allow anyone to know where I keep it or else it would be robbed. at the same time, I need money to pay them, along with the cooks, and staff... pretty much, A billion dollars is nothing with how fast I'm spending the money. so yeah, I do need to have the fish cost something." I said to which Trevor nodded his head slightly.

"I heard that those fish and crabs could be sold for millions of dollars. I mean they were able to heal those with cancer. yet the cheapest meal using them is only 30 dollars. So, i'm on board with the train you not in it for the money. thats even more so seeing how kind you are with your pay. $21 an hour and up to $30 an hour. I have also seen how you have been building good houses, while they remain cheap. I also heard that you building a school." Trevor said to which I nodded slightly

"In the cultivation world, that school is going to be called a sect. pretty much, it's where those who want to train in martial arts can go. but this school is to teach you and everyone else the basics. the real sects will start appearing when it's time for the world to cultivate. I also believe homelessness should end before the cultivation world fully returns, as well as world hunger." I said to which Trevor nodded slightly, before going on to ask more questions. In the end, I told the world all my plans for the upcoming future, leaving them all moved

"So, when do you plan to become the world ruler? And what does that title even mean?" Trevor asked, 

"When the cultivation world returns, I will become the world ruler. As for what that title means? it means I'm the most loved by the heavens. the most fit to lead. the strongest, and most capable." I said softly, 

"Okay... one last question, about this angel guy. What do you plan to do with him?" Trevor asked, to which I went quiet for some time.

"Well, it's clear he is here to challenge me for the title of world ruler. I accept the challenge, after all... a ruler needs something to step on to prove himself." I said cooly, causing Trevor and the crowd to be stunned slightly.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you," Trevor said with a smile while getting up to shake my hand, to which I did the same. 

"No, the pleasure is all mine. thanks for having me." I said with a nod, before waving at the crowd. after which, I stepped forward, disappearing from their sight, leaving everyone stunned at this scene.