
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


"To rule the world, you need to collect the fate of the world," RIn said while looking at Alex who was half-assly listening to all of this, which made Rin pout slightly. 

"I'm sorry, go on and tell me how I can gather the fate of the people," I said to which Rin sighed softly. I of course wanted to rule the world, it's just that... this part was boring. I was not really into the concept of having a harem of people I don't know, I honestly was planning to turn the whole thing down. 

"To collect the fate of the world, you need to get the world people to acknowledge you as its ruler. you can do this by force or by righteous means." RIn said to which I nodded slightly, that made sense

"Cultivators of the past knew how to use this fate to cultivate but that knowledge has been lost in time. along with how to use this fate for power." RIn said softly, making me think of the Gate of treasures

"I have a way, through the Gate of Babylon," I said softly, stunning slightly. but she nodded her head and made a note to look into whatever anime this was. 

"Next is to do with your wives. with you marrying all of them, it would be like every kingdom marrying to be under you. all that fate would be entangled with you, think of it as you absorbing part of their fate. after all, they are marrying into your clan." Rin said making me think for some time... that made sense.

"Sigh put the Harem stuff to the side," I said with a sigh, making Rin frown slightly. but she nodded while going through other stuff.

"for now, you start building your company and gain a monopoly on everything. You should have a complete hold of the world economy." Rin said, to which I nodded slightly. RIn had me follow her to a room where a bunch of female shinobi were standing. I already knew that females best bonded with The End, this most likely was because The End's ability belonged to a woman. 

"These are all of the shinobi which were under my control. they can all bond with the End with an 80% or more." RIn said while I looked at the shinobi. they had shinobi clothing, dark blue which covered their whole body, revealing only their eyes to the world. 

They all got on one knee respectfully. at this, I just nodded at them before giving them a piece of my soul. On that note, I gave Rin 20 pieces of my soul. Rin took them, all while nodding slightly. 

"Okay... give this to Arthurian. She is willing to be your concubine, and she had a score of 91%," Rin said making me frown slightly. would I turn down such a beauty? but On second thought I just shook my head, leaving Rin stunned.

"I don't even know her. this is the first time I even learned her name." I said calmly while walking off. She couldn't understand this. but she teleported away and went on to tell this information to everyone.

In the arena, Abel, Collin, Abdi, and Hope were all sparing against each other. it was a few for all, but Hope had the upper head, shockingly able to fight the 3 of them on her own.

"the fuck." Abdi said while shaking his hands which were numb from Hope's fist, Hope smirked slightly seeing that reaction before explaining. 

"It's simple. Energy control alone could allow one destructive power to be hundreds of times greater. simply controlling it to enhance your power isn't everything." Hope said calmly, making Abdi frown as he tried to understand what she was trying to say.

"what she is doing is releasing her chakra into your body upon impact, while at the same time having her chakra vibrate. this leads to the effect of her bypassing your defense." Alex said stunning everyone as they didn't sense his arrival.

"oh..." Collin, Abdi, and Abel were stunned at my words. it sounded simple, but the fact they didn't think of it showed that this was complex. but since they thought of it, it would only take them 2 or three tries to do that ability. The End was that broken

But that was not everything to Hope, the first was her storing energy in her fist. upon contact, with in-point timing, she releases that energy. all while doing this her energy is vibrating, getting through her target defense. in truth, she could have killed Abdi with that blow but held back.

"Rin, let's fight. me and you." I said interested in Hope's capability. Hope nodded slightly, while I stepped forward. Abel, Collin, and Abdi stepped aside to watch the show. Hope was the first one to make the move, rushing towards Alex.

'he has the limitless...' She thought while running forward, in a heartbeat, she appeared before me. before throwing a punch towards me, but it couldn't reach me. Hope didn't panic and threw a few punches, and on her 8th punch, I suddenly turned my head to the side, dodging Hope's attack.

'How?' I thought in shock, quickly stepping backward, dodging Hope's attacks. studying her closely, I realized what happened. Hope was vibrating her energy to cross the effect of infinity,

'the world is made out of an extremely small string that vibrates. All I need to do is train my eyes to be able to read those bigger vibrations and counter them with my chakra vibration. with this, I could even counter one existence, erasing them out of reality.' Hope thought, her fist shooting towards Alex.

'how...' She thought before the space suddenly shattered like glass Hoep frowned slightly, as this was not what she wanted to do. this ability she created was based on many theories, and among them was that she could use vibration to bypass space, allowing her attack to land on Alex instantly, but she ended up hitting space instead 

She jumped back and closely looked at me. I looked at her with a smile slightly, I was truly shocked by her... that was impressive.

"Is that everything?" I asked to which Hope sighed softly while having her hands in the air in defeat.

"I still have a lot of training to do," I said to which I just nodded. She just gained the End yesterday, and she was already showing off her might. 

"Well. I came to tell you all about plans for the stuff we're building. let's go on and start..." So, we went through some talks. I would now be using Rin connections to speed things up. although at first, I wanted to take things slow. I changed my mind after seeing the future.

So, the next day, our business took the first step. We began taking orders, it would of course be slow at the start, but as we spread our names things should improve. Collin looked after this, while Abel and Abdi joined the workers we hired to ensure everything was working perfectly.

Meanwhile, Hope overlooked everything while making sure everything was going smoothly for the upcoming future. Hope was also Alex's voice, for foresight for the future made her the most important person Alex had, she was even looking after Smooth Sea restaurant for Alex

As for Emma, she will take over the business of cleaning business once everything is stable. As for Alex, that day he was with Arthurian. the two were currently sitting at a restaurant, the two quiet for some time.

"I have no interest in forcing you to marry me. I also have no interest in marrying for the sake of benefits. I'm not so cheap." Alex said calmly, leaving Arthurian stunned slightly. She was sure that Alex would jump at the chance to marry her, why wouldn't he? Among the many cultivators, she was among the top beauties and many were willing to say she was the most beautiful.

Having King Arthur's bloodline, and a pure amount of it. she was of course extremely beautiful, so when Alex turned down the marriage she was sure he would jump at... she was offended.

"May I ask why you have summoned me?" Arthurian asked careful with her words, to which I ruled my eyes.

"I didn't summon you, I simply asked to meet you on a date... what is Rin going around talking about? Anyways, a date is where two parties can see if they bond or not. Beauty alone isn't everything." I said making Arthurian speechless for some time.

"Oh..." that was the only thing Arthurian said, I thought for some time. the room went quiet for some time before I spoke seeing as Arthurian wasn't going to say anything.

"... you watch movies?" I asked calmly, to which Arthurian shook her head slightly. growing up she was busy learning about cultivation. and when cultivation returned to this world, she was busy cultivating. She knew of TV and other stuff, but she could never truly enjoy such things. 

"Then, should I introduce you to Marvel?" I asked with a smile, to which Arthurian nodded her head. So, we went to watch the first Iron Man movie at my mansion. I had bought more mansions in the past few days, I needed my personal space. the one I went to had a movie theater within, where we went on to watch the movie while eating popcorn, 

"You think with cultivation this is possible?" I asked while looking at the scene of Iron suiting up. Arthurian had a slight sneer, but it quickly disappeared fearing I would take it wrongly.

"Yes, and more. thanks to the disappearance of Qi, humans have improved our technology, and we have already worked on fusing the two. In the past, it would have been hard and nearly impossible. but today we should be able to do so by fusing the two concepts. we are already trying to do so." Arthurian said softly,

"So... you like the movie?" I asked, to which Arthurian went quiet for a second before nodding slightly.

"I like this new world humans had dreamed of. this is human creativity shown to the fullest, and just what humans could one day do without Qi. thousands of years ago, cultivators could do things these phones do, they couldn't care for information so easily... Yes, it is harder for the phone to show their capability when QI fills this world, but with how phones are improving, this would be overlooked soon." Arthurian said while lost in the movie. I didn't say anything and simply watched the movie...

"is that all?" Arthurian asked to which I shook my head slightly, and explained how there are countless other movies like this. Arthurian nodded, wishing to watch them all. so we spent the whole night watching Marvel movies. 

We watched The Incredible Hulk, which Arthurian had a hard time liking thanks to the CGI, but other than that she enjoyed the movie. we watched all of the movies in order up to Marvel's The First Avengers, where we called it a night seeing it was the middle of the night. 

"So, what do you think?" I asked while looking through my phone to see just how many more movies we had left. 

"It was my first date, so I don't have anything to compare it... but it was lovely. how many more movies are there?" Arthurian asked softly, 

"14." I siad making Arthurian eyes brighten slightly. She nodded, She opened her mouth in hesitation for a moment, before speaking.

"Can we watch it again?" She asked softly, to which I nodded slightly, before shaking my head slightly. 

"We can't just watch Marvel movies on dates. We have to explore other things to see what else you missed out on." I said making Arthurian think for a moment before she nodded slightly, but the next moment she shook her head slightly.

"I can't... I have to cultivate, I can't have worldly desires." Arthurian said softly, to which I rolled my eyes slightly.

"Send your Qi into my body to check my cultivation," I said calmly, to which Arthurian did with a weird look. form what she knew, Arthurian never cultivated. but when she sent her QI into Alex's palm and checked his body, she was stunned

"You're at the Qi refinement?" She asked, sweat covering her forehead. She was talented and all, but even she knew that she couldn't live long enough for when Qi reached its peak. she would at most die at the peak of the body refinement realm, and even then she might be an old woman

"Yeah, I found a better way to cultivate. What is the point of cultivation if you can't enjoy life?" I asked making Arthurian be at least for what to think or say. she nodded slightly as she had to agree with my words. all her life was cultivation and learning. this was the first time she could have been said to have lived. But Cultivation brought one power and was a path to immortality.

"You have a point," Arthurian said while looking outside, it was extremely dark right now. She sighed while pulling out her phone to call her people,

"You can stay over if you want... I don't mean to have sex," I said softly, leaving Arthurian stunned for a second. She hesitated, not knowing what to say. but she nodded slightly at my words. she didn't want to return home just to be bugged by the elders of her clans.

"So... what else is there to do?" She asked while looking towards me, as a cultivator, she could go a few days without sleep and not suffer at all.

"Well, I can order pizza while we watch something else... what do you think of horror movies?" I asked catching Arthurian's interest. She had heard of pizza as beautiful, but her parents always said it was filled with too many impurities for her to eat... she wanted to try it. she also wanted to know this thing about horror movies.

So, we sat on my sofa and watched a horror movie on the huge TV screen before us. Arthurian was young, she also didn't have much experience in life as a cultivator. so she was scared by the movie, leading her to take my head a few times without knowing it. when the pizza was here, we spent the whole night either watching movies or playing video games. ..

"It's already morning. don't you have school?" Arthurian said while looking at the time on the TV, at her words, I shrugged slightly. 

"I have a clone doing the world... so, what did you think?" I asked, to which Arthurian looked around my room. she looked at the trash all over the place for a moment, before speaking 

"This was the first time I ever had fun..." Arthurian said softly, at her words, I smiled pridefully before kissing her a kiss on the cheek.

"then that would make that your first kiss," I said with a smile, causing Arthurian to freeze for a second. but with a split of hesitation, she kissed my lips.

"thats a real kiss," Arthurian said causing me to freeze slightly, stunned by her straightforwardness. But this was the type of woman I liked, not the fearful type.

"Is that a real kiss?" I asked while pulling Arthurian into my arms and giving her a deep kiss, causing Arthurian eyes to widen as she felt my touch in her mouth. her heart was racing, and although she had kissed my lips, she was secretly panicking about it. but this wasn't any simple kiss, and it left her stunned for a moment. But her hands wrapped around my shoulders, kissing me back

"... that was my first French Kiss," Arthurian said with a blush, to which I laughed slightly, seeing this, Arthurian shut me up with another kiss. Right now, she wasn't a level 3 body cultivator, she was a young girl in her early towards. while others were at level 3 body tempering realm cultivators were middle-aged men, she was in her early 20s.

She was still young, plus Alex was so her type. Ignoring that moment when Alex attacked her as that was all her fault. I mean she and the others were planning on killing and taking the spear from Alex, he had to show his strength if he hoped for everyone to leave him alone.

Alex was also living her dream, the life of being the strongest, yet still enjoying life... although she had a question. why was Alex trying to conquer the world, this was going against his plan.

"I have a question..." Arthurian said while breaking the kiss, confused I looked at her, waiting for the question

"Why do you want to conquer Earth? I thought you wanted to live a normal life as a college student." She said, to which I thought for a moment, gathering my thoughts. 

"I'm not foolish enough to try and sit back and not look for ways to grow strong. I need the resources of the earth, it would be best... it would be best if I could avoid conquering earth. but due to many reasons, I need to." I said softly while secretly aiming by observation beyond earth, and looking for an asteroid worth trillions of dollars. 

"I see..." Arthurian said softly, slightly disappointed I didn't trust her enough to tell me why. but she understood that I couldn't just trust her just like that...

outside earth, on the moon. Alex's clone appeared with the limitless forming a barrier around which helped protect him from the Vacuum of space, while also keeping air within.

"Nami, which one is worth the most," I said while looking at the asteroid belt that was millions of miles away. with my sharp eyes, and with the use of energy to boost my eyesight, I could see that far away with great difficulty 

"... just how the fuck am I supposed to know from hundreds of millions of miles away? Look for one called Davida." She said, before going through Earth's internet to find the location of where it should be. after which, I teleported towards it. but I quickly found I had a limit to how far I could teleport, 

100,000 miles was the limit I could teleport, this left me speechless for a moment before I sighed. well, I had to improve the limitless, so far I only improved the wall of infinity, now it's time for me to improve the other techniques. 

It took me thousands of jumps to reach where Nami said I should go, and after spreading out my Haki, I quickly found Davida and went on to have the Nami convert this huge thing into SP... how much did I get from this? this asteroid was worth quintillions of dollars, sadly the value of so many things dropped within Nami's eyes being sold just like that. so, I got 1 Quadrillion SP.

Even so, that was more than enough for me to buy many things. I went on to find a few other asteroids to store, before returning to earth to give to Hope to sell and have her boy a few abilities...