
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

I can Explain

"And the winner is Hope," I said once Hope defeated Abel. Abel had managed to defeat Collin, but Hope was a step above Abel. the 3 guys were all unwilling to accept their defeat, which was understandable. I ignored them and gave Hope the phone, Lucy was too to unwilling make her the new owner.

"Do you want to pick the same ability the former owner held, or get new abilities along with 3 other anime worlds?" Lucy said with a pout, Hope looked towards me and nodded. I gave her the 3 abilities to pick.

"The first ability is... The Goal Of All Life Is Death." She said calmly, I had told her the 2 abilities to get. This first one boosts all instant death abilities, allowing them to bypass immunities, resistance, and defense. pretty much, it makes sure one next-instant death attack sure to kill. but it had the drawback of needing 100 hours to recharge, and 12 seconds to active, and within those 12 seconds, you can't use other abilities, spells, or technique 

"Your second?" Lucy said coldly, to which Hope thought for a moment. She had to pick her ability this time.

"Ultra Instinct." She said, causing Lucy's eyebrow to raise. she checked to see if this ability was available, 

"You can get it, but you are not strong enough to use it. it would kill you if you used it." She said, to which she looked towards Alex for answers. but Alex gave her the node to take it, so she took it.

"My Anime worlds will be... Bleach, High School DxD, and That Time I Got Reincated As A Slame." Hope said, saying the 3 anime Alex had told her to pick. with that, she was done although she was in debt with the system, thanks to David, she owed 10 billion SP. but since she was not the one who did it, she could take her time to pay it back.

"Alright. You all didn't think I would leave you with nothing." I said while looking at Abel, and the others, causing their eyes to brighten.

"I give you all my powers," I said, causing beams to shoot from my body, entering the foreheads of Hope, Rin, Abel, Collin, and Abdi. with this, the 5 let out moans as they felt their body going through a transformation which felt amazing. 

"What I gave you all are 5 of my abilities. The End, The All Mighty, My Eyes, Bloodline, and lastly, my energies." I said calmly, while the 5 looked at themselves, shock in their eyes. I went on to sit back while watching them explore their powers and abilities, but they quickly found out that their abilities didn't work on each other, and that some abilities were harder for them to use than others.

I had forcefully allowed them all to gain those 5 powers, others would struggle to just have 1 of them. Rin was most skilled in the usage of the AllMighty, Hope was Most Skilled with The End, Abel was most skilled in the usage of my eyes and energy, Collin was most skilled with my energy, and Abdi was able to bring the most power out of the physique. 

Of course, since Hope was capable of using The End without much of a burden on her, she easily mastered her abilities and became the best out of all of them. followed by Rin, Abel, Collin, and Abdi.

After an hour of fun, we returned to college. but Rin pulled me to the side to speak about something. 

"Should I go search for those who would best suit absorbing with your soul? Or should I pick the best talents for being a shinobi?" Rin asked, making me think slightly.

"Pick those best suited for bonding with my soul. so long as they could use The End to allow them to instantly master at least 80% is good." I said calmly, to which Rin nodded. RIn was only capable of instantly mastering anything to 90%, while Hope was at 92%.

this means, that they could instantly master anything to said percentage, but it also boosts their learning speed by a huge amount, allowing them to quickly master the ability to 100% within seconds. 

"Oh... if by chance they are not willing, don't force them," I said while giving her 3 orbs, which were just my souls. once she gave these to someone, they would also have my power. but unlike Hope and the others, they couldn't get all 5 of my powers and would have to hope that they gain a good ability that they could use to some level.

"You got it... can I get the shadow clone jutsu?" She asked softly, to which I just gave her the multi-shadow clone jutsu and the knowledge to teleport. and with that, Rin ran off.

I headed towards the dorm while heading there, my phone rang. seeing this, I picked up my phone and answered the call.

"... h-hey Alex." a deep middle-aged man said in a soft voice, causing me to raise an eyebrow. I looked at the number and quickly realized who was calling. this was Lisa's father. 

"Hey... is everything alright?" I asked, causing Lisa's father to take a deep breath. but after a moment a spoke.

"I found out about Lisa's actions... I'm sorry," he said to which I quickly shook my head, Lisa's father always treated me kindly. he was like a father to me. although he was against me dating Lisa. He was the type who would pull out a gun if he heard someone ask his daughter out.

"You need not apologize. It's in the past." I said, making Lisa's father let out a deep sigh, before speaking once more.

"Lisa... Lisa had tried to commit suicide. she is currently at the hospital." He said causing me to freeze. for some time now, Lisa has not shown up to college. I didn't expect this. I was shocked for words for a moment, but after some time I told him I was on my way.

Getting in my car, I drove off. the fact Lisa nearly killed herself made me feel complex, but I was more worried about what her parents were going through. Lisa's parents were pretty much my parents, yes it has been some time since I went to see them, but that was simply due to the matter with Lisa.

Pulling up to the hospital, I went up to Lisa's room. my senses were sharp and I could locate where Lisa's parents were at. I just passed by everyone, the fact I had on a blindfold caught no one attention. That was thanks to the fact this was a transformation jutsu. everyone didn't see the blindfold, but the transformation. 

"Alex!" A middle-aged woman cried while hugging me, she was in tears. how could she not be when her daughter nearly ended her life? I hugged her back while looking towards Lisa's father who seemed to have not slept for days. he gave me a letter, which I took

'I'm sorry. I cheated, and now I regret it. Life just isn't the same anymore, I can't close my eyes without reliving it all. I can't even taste the taste of food. the world looks black and white, I can't continue living like this. I can't live with myself.' Alex read the letter, but he couldn't read the rest of the letter as the handwriting got harder and harder to read.

"... I didn't mean for this to happen," I said softly, Lisa's father shook his head slightly, before asking me what happened. so I told her everything that happened last month, leaving Lisa's parents horrified hearing Lisa's action. 

"I should have handled this in a better way," I said while taking out a banknote, and went on to write down 10 million dollars. 

"This is a thanks for everything," I said while giving them the check, leaving Lisa's father horrified at the sight of the sight of the check.

"You need not worry. I saved the dollar of a billionaire. I'm now a billionaire... I will call my connection to make sure she is alright." I said stunning the two. they looked at me, not daring to believe my words.

"Call me if there is something I can do. I wish you the best." I said while nodding towards them before leaving. Lisa's father didn't say a thing, too stunned for words. but when he snapped back to reality and ran after me, he only saw me outside, in my BMW. I waved at him before driving off.

Meanwhile, Rin had called forth a meeting worldwide. In Rin's eyes, Alex was already the ruler of the earth. So, she went on to go ahead and demand everyone to meet up in Japan, where she teleported all of the high-ranking beings of Earth. but before the meeting, Rin had put one of the 3 souls Alex had given him into a crystal which she drew a rune on. 

"Alex Sensei wants me to put together a group of shinobi. I want you all to secretly search for talents, those who are willing, and could show a talent of at least 80% using this crystal would be worthy of following Master Alex." Rin said while placing a milky white crystal on the table 

"thats everything?" Someone else, causing Rin to look at the middle-aged Japanese man, before shaking her head.

"I also want to build a harem for Master Alex and help him build his clan. I'm sure I need not explain to everyone that Alex is the ruler of the earth. the only thing missing is the fate of the earth." RIn said making everyone's heart drop slightly, but they forced themselves to nod their head.

"Master Alex has given me a power that allows me to defeat everyone here without the need to lift a finger." She said while waving her head up, causing everyone to feel a huge pressure pressing down upon them. they tried to fight against it, but they quickly realized how pointless that was. they couldn't even twitch a finger, up until RIn allowed them to, leaving them shaking in fear.

"You understand... Sensei doesn't need to act. I alone am enough to slaughter you all. Sensei might not care for all of this, But I will make sure everything is ready for him when he is ready to take the throne." RIn said making everyone sweat buckets. they all had done their research on Alex and knew that he simply wanted to live the life of a college student with his friends. 

So, although Alex scared them. they were not that fearful of him, they knew so long as they avoided him, they were in good hands... but this Rin was completely different. Rin grew up within a powerful clan that knew everything needed about cultivation. Rin had a hunger for power, a hunger to rule and conquer the world. this was not Alex.

"How did Alex make you so powerful?" Riki who was the only one not affected by Rin's power asked with a confused look. Rin smiled slightly, a prideful look on her face.

"My master is like nothing you can simply comprehend. just 5 hours ago, I had the power to rival those at level 3. but he gave me a small bit of his power and looked at me. all of the shinobi shall be rewarded, and those who send them would be rewarded as well." RIn said making everyone's pupils shrink. how was that possible?

"Also, Shinobi are not the only people I was to find. warriors, archers, and martial arts. but not only fighters, we need talented scientists, engineers, researchers, and so on. those who score 80% will be welcome, and those backing them will be rewarded." Rin said with a smile,

"Lastly... those who become master Alex's wife shall also be rewarded with the best resources. even if you don't score 80%, so long as you meet my master's liking, then you shall be welcomed." RIn said making everyone quiet, she said nothing more and sent the crystal orb over to everyone, allowing everyone to test their talent.

But what Rin didn't know was that the End suited females far more than males, so those talented females were the only ones to get a score of 50%. 

"... 91%. Arthurian, are you willing to be my master concubine?" Rin asked while looking at the woman who held King Arthur's bloodline. One should know, that everyone who managed to reach level 3 body tempering realm was talented. this is because of how low the resources were.

"..." Arthurian body shook slightly, she remembered the scene of Alex slapping her nonstop, turning her face into a pig head. She had never felt so weak and hopeless in her life. could she marry Arthurian?

"You need not worry. my master isn't the type to hold onto simple matters of the past. to him, he forgot everything." RIn said making Arthurian bite her lips slightly. She was in deep thought, right now the best thing would be being Alex's first wife. this would open the door for her and her people to step beyond the others. If Alex could give her that power, who would she have to fear... but she was scared. but for her people, she would face her fears.

"Okay," Arthurian said while closing her eyes as if accepting death. Rin looked towards the other level 3 female body tempering realm cultivator. Many of them jumped at the chance and others were too fearful of Alex and refused.

Rin seeing them daring to refuse Alex was annoyed, but she snorted slightly and had Arthurian deal with everything while she went to report everything to Alex.

Within Mia's house, Alex sat on Mia's bed with Mai in his arms while they watched TV. which was an anime.

"what the fuck? why didn't she go to a doctor or something?" Mia said almost in tears seeing a blonde-haired girl falling dead in an ally. She had just finished this anime about a group of assassins, but seeing so many of them dying one by one, she had cried many times. this last episode was the final straw.

"I'm not watching anymore," Mia said while looking at me, her poor heart couldn't bear to see any more death.

"That was the last episode," I said softly, leaving Mia stunned for some time. She looked at me with a complex look before speaking.

"The MC is dead," She said, to which I sighed softly. 

"the anime is called Akame ga kill!... Akame is the main character, at least thats what I think." I said my mind elsewhere. Mia was stunned at my words, but seeing as my mind was elsewhere she sat next to me

"what's wrong?" She asked, leaving me to think for a moment about my next words before speaking.

"It's complex... so I will ask you one question. Do you believe in magic?" I asked softly, to which Mia gave me a weird look. at this, I waved my hand, causing a remote to fly over to me, but it stopped before Mia, who was frozen in shock.

"What?" She said that was the only thing she could say. She tried to find where the strings were, but the remote was stringless. She looked towards me, too stunned for words. sighing, I went on to tell her about cultivation, leaving her stunned greatly. This left Mia frozen in shock. in these past 2 weeks, I have given Mia many novels to read, so she knows about cultivation 

"... there seems to be more," Mia said forcing herself to calm down while looking at me, at her words, I nodded slightly.

"I went through memories from someone from the future, up to the point I was married," I said making Mia's eyes widen slightly.

"I wasn't married to you... he has no idea of your existence. just today, I came from the hospital where I found my ex-girlfriend trying to take her life. this got me thinking of you." I said while walking around her room, ignoring Mia who was shaken at my words.

I ignored her and went on to make a call, Rin picked up a moment later. before I went on to ask her to have her man do a background check on RIn, before hanging up.

"Babe, what are you saying? Are you saying i'm cheating on you or something?" Mia asked enraged, I looked at her for a moment, before sitting down, lost in thought.

"You were too easy... I never trusted you from the start. but I had just gone through a harsh breakup. you were my rebound." I said my eyes cold and emotionless, causing Mia to be stunned at my words. she wanted to say something, but at that moment my phone began to start ringing.

"She Mia khalifa. She is married to Adesh. for the past few years, she had been sending money back to India to support her mother, father, and husband." Rin said with a weird look, at her words, I nodded slightly.

"as expected... well, you're fired. good day." I said calmly. To me, this relationship would have never gotten far, I couldn't love someone who knew my wealth. But I will admit, I part of me was disappointed about all of this.

"No, wait. Please hear me out." Mia cried as she tried to hug me, but she found she couldn't reach me. 

"I... I will cut all contact with them. I love you, and you alone." Mia said to which I ignored my eyes before teleporting out of there. Mia held her head. She would admit she had been sending money back home to help her family, but if one paid attention, ever since dating Alex she had completely ignored her family. She had truly fallen in love with Alex,