
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


On the sea, Alex stood while crossing his middle finger over his pointer finger. In front of him, was another Alex before he went on to use Snatch to steal Alex's phone. Snatch was an ability that could bypass the Limitless: Wall Of Infinity. 

But when Alex used Snatch, it was as if Alex who stood just a few steps away from him was worlds apart. At this, the two Alex smiled in joy. He had finally created, the Universal: Wall of Infinity.

Universal meant 2 things. the first being that it affected everything. while the normal Limitless: Wall Of Infinity affected attacks and physical means. This new Universal: Wall Of Infinity affected everything, attacks, telekinesis, and so on

second was that the Universal: Wall Of Infinity heavily affected Alex's understanding of infinity. What did this mean you ask? once you reach a point when you can cross an endless same, would that truly be an infinite universe? Alex Universal: Wall of Infinity took Alex's idea of infinity and brought it into reality.

What was Infinity? let's look at numbers 1 and 2 for a moment. how big was the gap between those two numbers? it was a gap of 1 right? To human eyes, that was an extremely small gap. but if you zoom in, you will find an endless number of 1.1, 1.01, 1.001, 1.0001, and so on.

Infinity was everywhere, but some infinities were too small to be noticed, and others were boundless, unable to be comprehended... but how does a finite number reach infinity? how is it that 1.000...001 could someday reach 2? 

Infinity was a concept that Alex didn't believe to truly exist. it should be impossible to start from 1 to infinity. even so, it wasn't. the universe was infinite, yet one could overfill a universe. it should be impossible to count an infinite number of universes, but it could be easily done by those strong enough.

This Universal: Wall Of Infinity created what Alex saw infinity to be and brought it to existence. in other words, increased the gap between himself and a target by something Alex couldn't reach and fully understand.

This made Alex immune to all effects and range abilities were too small or couldn't get past the Universal: Wall of Infinity. He was almost untouchable, an untouchable existence. One should also know that simple means couldn't be used to break through Alex Universal: Wall of Infinity. 

In the anime, the user of the 6 Eyes found his wall of infinity broken through by a curse tool, leading to him almost dying. even if that curse tool came before Alex at this moment and tried to stab Alex, it wouldn't reach Alex. 

Universal: Wall Of Infinity wasn't a simple space technique. no, it was a space-time technique. unless the item could somehow truly nullify Alex's view of infinity, Alex would remain untouchable... of course, there was a small weakness to this.

The energy usage. The 6 eyes gave one perfect energy control down to the atomic level, but this technique's requirement was more. To use this technique without trouble, Alex would need energy control on the subatomic levels.

"Alright, let's see the other's training," I said while looking towards the sea. it's been 2 weeks since I went off training, in these two weeks I managed to create the Universal: Wall of Infinity, but he had left his clones to train with other things.

the clones and a few others, these were all shadow clones and not wood clones, so their minds were not linked to mine. but that didn't mean they couldn't sense my gaze.

"it's done, I shattered the Gate Of Babylon and recreated the Gate of Treasures." A clone said with a prideful smile, making my eyes brighten up.

"Now, the Gate of Babylon is not limited to this planet and humanity's treasure. instead, it's limitless." The Clone said with a bright smile. What was this clone talking about? I had shattered the Gate of Babylon and recreated it. the Gate Of Babylon had many limitations. for one, it only had human-made treasures and those limited to earth. Why would I want such a limitation?

So, I made it so that I could take hold of the fate of others, and be able to have the Gate Of Treasures recreate the treasures related to that fate. if I were to collect the fate of China, I would have all of the treasures related to China's fate. if I were to collect the fate of the earth, I would have all of the treasures on earth, human or non-human.

What Was the Gate Of Babylon? It is the "Golden Capital" and the "King's Treasury" of Gilgamesh, His main Noble Phantasm. Noble Phantasms are powerful armaments made using human imagination as their core, and are the weapons and/or abilities owned by Heroic Spirits. As humanity's illusions, they embody the ultimate Mysteries of a hero as symbols of their existence through historical facts and anecdotes.

The Gate Of Babylon is the storehouse that Gilgamesh built to store all the world's treasures he claimed in life, It connects the space of reality to the vault, opening an "invisible door" between dimensions that allows for the contents to pass through upon their owner's command.

Gilgamesh is renowned for having collected all the treasures in the world in his lifetime, amassing a perfect treasury that lacked nothing. As there was nothing he was unable to collect, Gilgamesh was a collector of treasures, whose favorite phrase, "I collected all the treasures of the earth", is not a metaphor. As anything can be found within the vault, the amount of wealth within exceeds even his knowledge; His inventory of treasure continues to increase with the birth of new creations of mankind, or earth.

Now, I simply needed to collect the faith of Earth to have everything from the past to now. of course, the weapons would be created using my energy and through unique means of fate. 

"I created a way to share my powers with others. I also made sure it was safe." a clone said calmly. Since I wanted to take over Earth, I wanted to make the humans of Earth overpowered. through this, the clone went on to learn how to take a piece of my soul and give it to others. through my soul, those who fuse with it would gain my powers but to a weaker degree. plus, all abilities the person fused with my power sees, I would instantly master. upon death, the piece of my soul will return to me, strengthening my soul

"I perfected the Perfect Body Jutsu to be able to use Senjutsu chakra, and we should be ready to perfect our eyes. we might even be able to improve the 6 eyes to be able to have better energy control." another clone said calmly.

One couldn't just simply use senjutsu chakra. before the clone could absorb natural energy and Narutal energy, I had used the end to master perfect chakra control, Ki control, and curse energy control, all without the need for the 6 eyes. this way, even when my 6 eyes are nullified, I would still have perfect energy control. Of course, doing this led to my 6 eyes boost to my energy control improving, but still not on the atomic level. That was a gap of heaven and earth, pretty much endless.

After all this was ended, I improved the Perfect Body Jutsu so that I could create a Qi Sea within my dantian. one should know, that natural energy was pretty much Qi. other than plans to do this, I planned to perfect the senjutsu, Uchiha, Hyuga, and Uzumaki bloodline. these 4 bloodlines. I needed 2 weeks to make sure I fully understood what these bloodlines did before I laid a hand on them.

Also, The Perfect Body would be my way of cultivation. it did everything cultivation did, just far faster than cultivation.

"I studied our mangekyou sharingan, and I can now be able to control the Manegkuou Sharingan abilities we want." the last clone said with a smile, when the system asked me to pick an ability for my Manegkuou Sharingan ability, I created my own two abilities. 

The left eye was called Uncopy. Pretty much, I made it so that no one could copy or mimic me. this means that I didn't have to worry about others who might have an ability similar to the End, copying my abilities. It also meant that one couldn't mimic my movement. the best part was that it had no drawback thanks to it being non-combat-based 

the right eye was called Genetics. It allowed me to understand the makeup of one DNA, and be able to control it. It sounded overpowered, but the more overpowered a bloodline was, the blinder I got using this eye on it.

But, I only wanted this eye to study my eyes, and understand how the Mangekuou Sharingan could give people different abilities. now with that knowledge in my hands,... well, I couldn't wait to see what I could do with all of this, on top of me about to perfect my bloodlines.

The Clones went on to use the newly improved Perfect Body On Me, which caused my current 5 bloodlines to go through many changes. my human bloodline, Senjutsu, Uchiha, Hygua, and Uzumaki. their power grew many times over, and their weakness was all removed, adding new things to improve them and help them work together. allowing them to slowly fuse to form a new bloodline. 

Qi gathered, but I only needed a small amount of it thanks to my perfect energy control. honestly, with my control, I could go through many levels without leaving behind a weak foundation. 

For a moment, my skin almost turned pure white, but the DNA that was responsible for that was removed, allowing me to keep my human form. for a moment, an eyeball almost opened on my forehead, and the DNA responsible for that disappeared, leading to the eye instead being fused with my other eyes. two eyes tried to grow on my palms, chest, and so on. but they all fused with my main two eyes, further bringing out their powers.

Without even meaning to, I had awakened the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. When one overuses the mangekyou sharingan too much, they would grow blind. they would need to take another mangekyou sharingan if they wish to see, thereby awakening the Eternal mangekyou sharingan, which would improve their strength even more. there was a way not to go through such trouble, and that was to have a pure Otsutsuki bloodline. 

If one took the Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Hyuga clan bloodlines and fused them. they would be recreating the Otsutsuki bloodline. this is how I could awaken the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. but it didn't stop there, as I didn't simply fuse them, I perfected them.

His led my eyes to evolve once more awakened the Rinnegan. but it didn't stop there, when a member of the Otsutsuki clan switched eyes with a member of the Hyuga clan, they would awaken a pair of eyes that could allow them to show power that could destroy the moon, The tenseigan.

"Power..." After all was done, I stood there, looking at my palm in shock and amazement. who knows one could be this powerful. although I knew it was an illusion, I felt like I could destroy the universe with a punch. I stood there, high on power. 

With a mad laugh, the sea below me exploded and reached down to the bottom of the sea. such massive chaos created huge waves that spread out, aiming to swallow all of the planet Earth in one huge massive wave.

I snapped my finger, causing time to stop. to create the Universal: Wall of Infinity, to comprehend how to use my energy like this was a requirement after all. with a wave, time flew backward. with another wave, it moved forward but in slow motion, seeing all of this, I laughed none stop. Returning the sea to its peaceful state, I shot into the sky, unable to stop laughing.

"What else can I be but god? I Am the Alpha and the Omega, The Almighty," Alex roared... but after a moment, he blinked his eyes, coming back to reality. Shaking his head, he shook such arrogance out of his head. that wasn't him, that was the power speaking.

"System, what eye ability do I have?" I asked calmly while feeling my eyes to feel my powers

"Well. with the evolution of your eyes to this new unknown eye, you unlocked a new and unique ability called Infinite Amp. Pretty much, You can Amp something up by Infinite... of course, your idea of Infinity. the fact you gained a High planetary level of power got you high, shows that you are far from being a galaxy buster." Nami said calmly, leaving me stunned while looking at myself. I was now a Planet Buster?

I forced on my eyes and used this new ability to AMp my strength, once more I almost went High on power. this power was just too high. far beyond my wildest understanding. 

"Don't get drunk on power again, you can only keep one thing Amp at a time for 5 minutes before you run out of energy. by the looks of this, this ability can affect everything from strength, speed, intelligence, charm, and your abilities. it can even work on energy, although it doesn't increase the amount of it." Nami said her eyes interested in this new ability 

At her words, I quickly left that AMP power stat, and to my shock, my energy did indeed drop. but then again, those eyes increased my power to a level that I saw as infinite and couldn't comprehend, of course, I couldn't keep up with my so-called perfect energy control... but what happen if I used it in [The End]? Would I master the ability to make it infinitely better than the original...........

"Alright, it's a tournament, with the winner getting this phone. are you ready?" Alex called out while looking at Abel, Collin, Abdi, and Hope. at first, Hope wasn't going to join, but to make the numbers even, she had joined. Also, to make sure they couldn't plan and know the other's tricks. they had all trained apart from each other

"Just start so I can beat their assed.. and why do you have a blindfold? you think you're Gojo or something?" Abdi said, to which I rolled my eyes. My eyes were blindfolded because My brain was slowly cooking itself, forcing me to do this. these new eyes were too powerful and couldn't be turned off. it took up the energy to turn them off, and to keep them that way. So, I sealed them away behind a blindfold

"Alright, Nami two random names please," I said causing Nami to fly up, a slot formed on the screen, which began to spin. soon, 2 names were picked.

"Abdi vs Hope. go on to the arena." I said causing the two to look towards the arena which was created out of my chakra fusing with the earth, allowing me to take control of it. the 2 got on and got ready for my word.

"get ready... and go!" I said causing Abdi and Hope to shoot at each other. the two used chakra to increase their speed, allowing them to quickly appear before each other. Abdi who used to fight on the streets should have had the upper hand, plus he also had the physique of a male on top of Hope... but it didn't go that way.

Hope dodged Abdi's fist while taking hold of the fist and spinning her body around, forcing Abdi to flip forward out of fear his arm would be broken. this led to Abdi slamming heavily on his back, with his arm still in Hope's hands.

"And Abdi is out," I said not too stunned at this, as I saw this coming. form the moment Hope ran forward, I saw she didn't rush forward at full speed. her chakra control was oddly perfect. Yes, I had used the Perfect Body On Hope, but it was not so overwhelming that she was superhuman, it simply did it to make her at the peak of health, not have the power to defeat someone. so that couldn't be used to measure her strength.

"How?" Abdi was unwilling to accept this. Abdi was the type who didn't accept defeat easily, but even I was amazed at how Hope's growth was so quick.

"She talented. Hope is capable of learning many of these with ease, she is a jack of all trades." Rin who was watching by my side explained. at her words I nodded slightly, Hope was indeed a talent at learning stuff. She had many skills under her belt, she was the type who learned things for fun. and stuff she learned didn't simply disappear, it stuck with her.

"Hope also plans things ahead of time. while you 3 were busy wanting to learn the shadow clone jutsu or the fireball jutsu. she jumped right into training chakra control. In my eyes, she is the winner here." Rin said calmly, in her eyes even if everyone had spent the same amount of time training the same thing, Rin would have surpassed them. She was a genius, but sadly her genius couldn't be seen in the past.

Alex envied Hope's ability in the past to have everything planned out. everything she did was something she thought ahead of time too. She hated things that happened that she didn't plan for. adding how she skipped classes and a lot thanks to working many jobs, yet still having good grades should have been a sign that she was a genius.

Now, she managed to show how much of a genius she was once she got her hands on chakra. by Alex's guess, she should be able to walk on trees with her current level of control, and that was indeed impressive as she just got her hands on chakra 2 weeks ago.

"Abdi, you lost this one," I said with a shake of my head, making Abdi unwillingly step off the stage. The next match was Abel and Collin. RIn who didn't care much for this match went on to ask me a question

"So, do you plan to build a harem?" She asked out of the blue, causing me to freeze slightly. I looked at her for a moment, before shaking my head and making Rin blankly look at me.

"Look me in the eyes, and tell me you don't have the thoughts to such things." She said, making me avoid eye contact slightly. which was all Rin needed to see.

"In the future, those in power will have more than one wife. male and female alike, strength is power." Rin said softly, in history, there have been stories of males who had many wives, and females who had many wives. some had a mixed harem.

"what are you saying?" I asked with a weird look, to which RIn looked at me seriously.

"You need a harem, it's a sign of power. but it's just not to show off, the more offspring you have the greater your fate. the more fate is connected to you, the more things you could do... for example, Genghis Khan. there should be millions of people carrying his bloodline. back then he had thousands of children. if he had planned something, then he could come back to life shortly, maybe he is already alive... pretty much, the possibilities are endless." She said, to which I still shook my head, making her speechless.

"Okay... what if you marry one person and the others be wife in name? something like a concubine?" She asked, leaving me speechless. so in the future, it was because of her I had a harem?

"Before you ask why, it's simple. I don't want you to rely on your phone much. I want you to have other forms of power. Marry talented people, and give birth to talented children. In other words, build a powerful clan. clans that would live through the ages, they would not only be a second life for you if you were to die. but they could help you collect more fate... a king shouldn't do everything, or else what is the point of having subordinates?" She asked making me hesitate for a moment as she had a point there. plus, I wasn't against having a harem. who would?

"Fine... If the moments come, if not then no." I said calmly, RIn nodded with a bright smile. 

"well, i'm already a part of the harem seeing the future. leave me to find your harem." She said, making me slightly weirded out. why was she headstrong about this? As if hearing my thoughts she answered.

"Because you're my master, and you crossed the list of all the Main character stuff. sad background, betrayed, gained a special gift, and so on. Fate has already connected us, I realized this when you showed me the future." She said with a smile,

"What If I made it all up?" I asked, to which she shook her head at my words.

"you're too prideful, and have your cold to live by." She said, leaving me confused... how was I prideful? honestly, I believe I was down to earth. I was so powerful, yet I was living the normal life of a college student, taking the slow route to rule the world.

But in Rin's eyes, Alex was too arrogant. When Alex was poor, he had many chances to ask for help from Collin or Abdi. but he refused such things, unable to lower himself. even stuff she didn't know about Alex like how he refused to follow in the footsteps of others. if that was not arrogant, then what was? Alex had a unique pride, which could be missed by others who are not paying attention.